Century Man Back In Jail On Charges Related To Bad Checks In 1997

June 30, 2009

A Century man is back in the county jail on charges stemming from three bad checks he wrote back in 1997.

daweddielee.jpgEddie Lee Daw, 42, of Century has been arrested and charged with violating probation in 1998 for the worthless instruments.

Daw was first arrested August 13, 1997, on the bad check charges. In September, 1997, he was referred to the check diversion program and given the opportunity to make good on the checks. He was to return to court on Christmas Eve, 1997, but was absent, according to court records.

In February 1998, he was found guilty and sentenced to a six month suspended sentence in the county jail. He was also ordered to pay $268.50 in fines and costs and sentenced to 20 hours community service. He was back in court in April 1998 and placed on six months probation. By late June 1998, a warrant was issued for Daw after he violated the terms of his probation. He was arrested on that warrant in July, 1998, and later found guilty of violating his probation. He was sentenced to 30 days in the county jail, with credit for time served.

Daw was due back in court in early December, 1998, but failed to appear once again, according to court records. Another warrant was issued for Daw’s arrest on December 9, 1998.

He was arrested Friday on the 1998 warrant. Monday, bond was set at $3,000 total on three counts of violation of probation. Daw remained in the Escambia County Jail early Tuesday morning.


8 Responses to “Century Man Back In Jail On Charges Related To Bad Checks In 1997”

  1. leggrizer on July 3rd, 2009 6:45 am

    It seems that the statues of limitations would have ran out ,12 years come on !!!!!!!!!!

  2. Concerned parent on July 1st, 2009 10:23 pm

    I have to agree with the majority of you. I can understand falling on hard times, but twelve years of hard times is a little much. He could have paid the checks and fines. He could have gone to court. He could have acted like a responsible citizen the way the rest of us would have. If we had been expected in court, we would have been there. If we had accidentally bounced a check, we would have paid it immediately. We wouldn’t have had to be given all these chances to correct the mistake and we wouldn’t have been hunted for this long.


    We are very proud of the news coverage you provide. Keep doing the fantastic job you have been.

  3. Jay on July 1st, 2009 5:40 am

    You don’t have to read the story, just skip over it and get on with your life because what you deem as new worthy may not be by someone else’s standard. You can always start your own website and then report what you consider news.

    By the way, thanks William for reporting “all” the news from our area and not being selective or biased when it comes to reporting.

  4. MADD on June 30th, 2009 1:58 pm

    No, not a realative!! Just a concerned citizen who could care less about him writing a bad check. If he had written one for 1000.00’s of dollars, yea I could see it, BUT like I said before, why report this crap when you could use the room to voice about abused children, child molestors, drug dealers, molino moms drama, and so on.

  5. Granny on June 30th, 2009 1:43 pm

    Everyone should be glad when someone who writes bad checks gets punished in some way. Everyone is charged more at places of business when a business gets stiffed by bounced checks. Too bad he wasn’t caught for twelve years – but twelve years is PLENTY of time to pay a few dollars a month until it’s all paid off even if you’re having a rough economic time….

  6. Molino Mom on June 30th, 2009 9:33 am

    Oh come on. The guy had 12 years to get right on the bad check charges. I think it was a good story to report. It’s interesting because it shows his stupidity. But more than that, it shows how screwed up our court system is. How did the guy walk about for 12 years with a warrant? what about when he bought a tag, got a driver’s license or got a job? Nobody noticed that warrant?

    If they had ran a story just about a man being arrested for just three bad checks i would not like it either. But 12 years later? I think it was worth reading about. Madd is probably a relative.

  7. MADD on June 30th, 2009 9:27 am

    More time served for this man than a CHILD MOLESTOR…….OR a DRUNK DRIVER that kills someone….and also more media/reporting from reporters. WHAT A SHAME!!!! This story should have not been reported. Im loosing lots of respect for NORTHESCAMBIA.

  8. noh8rs on June 30th, 2009 9:20 am

    Why is this story newsworthy? Sometimes I think reporting stuff like this is just getting into personal lives, that none of us have any business knowing. It sometimes borders on nothing but pure “backwoods gossip”.