Captured Art: Purchase Art From Behind Bars

June 11, 2009


The Escambia County Jail is selling inmate art at the first annual Blueberry Festival this Saturday in Molino.

All drawings and paintings for sale are original pieces of art created by inmates in the Captured Art program at the Escambia County Jail. Drawings and paintings will be available for reasonable prices and all proceeds will go to sustaining the Captured Art program.

The Captured Art Program features two volunteer art instructors who oversee the 10 male participants in the program. Since implementation in 2007, the Captured Art Program has gained popularity among the inmates and there is currently a waiting list for the program.

The Escambia County Blueberry Jamboree will be held Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Barrineau Park Community Center at 6055 Barrineau Park School Road in Molino.

For more information concerning the Captured Art Program, contact Sharon Gossett at 436-9823.

Pictured above and below: Some of the Captured Art program paintings that will be available Saturday at the Blueberry Jamboree in Molino. Submitted photos for click to enlarge.



6 Responses to “Captured Art: Purchase Art From Behind Bars”

  1. Herbert E Boykin on September 15th, 2013 7:09 pm

    I am a former inmate who participated in the program . It unlocked a talent I didn’t realize could earn me so much money the things I learned I learned in a period of six months through films books and magazines not to mention other inmate artist. The average art class can’t give you round the clock experience in art this program did .my knowledge and skill now far exceeds that of a graduating art student from the college level .in reality , had I paid for this education, I would have been out 3 or 4 thousand dollars . Life and situations are what we make it sincerely Herbert E Boykin

  2. judy on June 12th, 2009 11:53 pm

    come on now kevin….jail isnt suppose to be a day at the country club….my son spent several months in jail…and, true, it wasnt fun for him…he lost some weight, had surgical care delayed for weeks, had some very cold “seclusion” time…and not everyone in authority was pleasant….but, as i told him, “if you obey the law, if you dont do illegal things, YOU WONT GET ARRESTED AND END UP IN JAIL!!”….seems pretty simple to me…they call it “negative reinforcement”….along that same note, i really like the techniques that sheriff Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County (arizona) incorporates at his jail….he allows his inmates to strip down to their government issued PINK UNDERWEAR in the sweltering 120-130 degree weather! i guess escambia county jail inmates dont have it as bad as it could be, huh?

  3. Taxed to death on June 12th, 2009 9:12 am

    Inmate maybe below?

  4. kevin on June 11th, 2009 9:08 pm

    that should be illegal and these inmates should have a cut of hte money for that. the jail has no right to make the money off of these inmates when they ont even feed them right or treat them right

  5. judy on June 11th, 2009 4:32 pm

    this is the first ive heard of this…i think that its a great idea!…..its too bad that there is only room for 10 participants though….i can see how it would give the creative inmates a sense of productivity, self-esteem and the feeling of “giving back” to society, in a certain way……ive recieved several wonderful drawings from prison and jail inmates, in the past……there is ALOT of talent behind the bars in florida….if they are allowed to sell their art at the blueberry festival, they should be able (w/the assistance of the volunteers) to sell their items on ebay and maybe make some money to help pay for some of the cost of their incarceration, which in turn, would alieviate some of the tax payers burden…..

  6. Thinker on June 11th, 2009 10:06 am

    That’s a good program. It’s good to escape into your own creative thinking rather than elsewhere. Everyone is a captive in their own lifestyle and via having to work a steady job. We ALL should do some art work instead of watching TV and being addicted consumers. The act of creating art work is a personal growth thing and meditative. Go on buy.