Cantonment Child Porn Suspect Released On $12,000 Bond

June 6, 2009

A Cantonment man was arrested Wednesday on charges of possessing and promoting child pornography — including images with children as young as two — was released on just just $12,000 bond.

Michael James Whaley of Trailwood Drive in Cantonment was taken into custody by law enforcement officers with the Attorney General’s CyberCrime Unit and the U.S. Marshall Service’s Fugitive Task Force on Wednesday.

Circuit Court Judge Joel Boles set Whaley’s bond at $10,000 on one count of promoting the sexual performance of a child, a second-degree felony, and $2,000 on two counts of possession of child pornography, a third-degree felony. Whaley is scheduled to be back in court for an arraignment hearing later this month.

A tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s Cyber TipLine indicated Whaley, 34, had placed images of child pornography on a photo-sharing website. Investigators executed a search warrant at Whaley’s home in May and seized four computers as well as over 200 CDs and DVDs. Whaley admitted to possessing and uploading the images found on the photo-sharing site, some of which were of children no older than two years of age, according to the AG’s office. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office assisted with the execution of the search warrant.


12 Responses to “Cantonment Child Porn Suspect Released On $12,000 Bond”

  1. Rose on June 16th, 2009 5:35 pm

    “This man did nothing wrong at all and has charges that will ruin his life for no reason”?? Are you kidding, anon? Did he or did he not have and publish kiddie porn on the net? That’s two felonies… possession and publishing. Nothing wrong indeed! That’s a classic case of delusional denial if I ever heard one. Who are you, this guy’s mother or something? Even if you are his mother or some other relative, what this guy did was a crime… a crime against humanity. Shame on you for defending him like he’s as pure as the driven snow. Maybe that’s why he and people like him have an arrogant disregard for others, and an attitude of entitlement today. They think they can flout the law and get away with it. It matters not one iota that he justifies his actions in his own mind. It’s the public’s welfare that matters here. His actions are reprehensible. He published porn of a child no older than 2 years old. That makes me sick! I hope he pays for his crimes and has a long time to sit in prison and think about what he’s done.

  2. themasterofdisaster on June 9th, 2009 10:41 pm

    he admitted to uploading them, and no matter what context they were uploaded in – it still remains GROSSLY illegal. Morality has no place in child pornography, we don’t show how to rape a woman so people wont rape, and we don’t post pictures of child pornography to show what it is and what shouldn’t be done- you’re defeating the purpose straight off. its an excuse, and poor excuse for a sad, sick man.

    he should learn to know the difference between right a wrong, its actually a rather clear distinction. child pornography, no matter WHAT THE CONTEXT is ILLEGAL and ALL OUT WRONG to post, EVER. its not art, its not a statement, youre not a rebel or a revolutionary, youre a pervert whos finding excuses to look at children, and infect the computers of others with it if they unwittingly stumble upon it…hes playing a dangerous game with everyone involved, no excuses. its black and white, throw the book at him.

  3. concerned on June 8th, 2009 3:59 pm

    anon, the article says that he ADMITTED to possessing and uploading the images, isn’t that proof enough

  4. mom in molino on June 8th, 2009 3:57 pm

    Amen!, concerned

  5. concerned on June 8th, 2009 3:54 pm

    all the sickness, and they keep letting them out. this is one of those offenses that should be guilty until proven innocent. If they are in possesion of child porn they are already guilty. Maybe these judges and defense lawyers should be held responsible for what these people do while they are out on bail

  6. concerned on June 8th, 2009 12:45 pm

    just maybe some of these judges are perverts themselves. Too many times this perverts are let out on band.
    Here is my idea of a new law against children under the age of 17. A person who touches a child in any disgusting manner, should loose his rights, and automatically be put to death, Maybe, just maybe it might make this country a little bit safer for our children. This happens too much !!!! And these monsters are let out way to early to live in our neighborhoods just to repeat. We know there is NO cure for this. they interview perverts on TV and they themselves say they will ALWAYS have the urge.
    Maybe if my law goes into effect, these monsters might think twice about touching our loved one.
    Its just a thought. Its not that I like to see anyone die, but these creeps have NO business being around children ever again.

  7. anon on June 8th, 2009 11:46 am

    He was released because this article is defamatory and false and the info has been twisted to make you think the law did something important, when in reality they just want to make this headline. This man did nothing wrong at all and has charges that will ruin his life for no reason. The AD should be ashamed of himself for wasting the states time and money while real pedos are walking around.

  8. mom in molino on June 7th, 2009 6:28 pm

    I am the mom who provided the police with the photos, what good has it done?

  9. Doglover on June 7th, 2009 2:38 pm

    Mom in Molino,
    You should video that pervert and take it to the police!!

  10. mom in molino on June 7th, 2009 12:55 pm

    maybe he promised to not do it again, like the man in molino who likes to masturbate in front of me and my children and the post lady. I’m positive had these incidents happened to these judges families we wouldn’t have to worry about these people ever harming or harassing the public again!

  11. judy on June 7th, 2009 11:35 am

    i think that judge boles has some explaining to do to the public…not only does the bond seem rather low for this perverted “alledged” crime (innocent until proven guilty)..but, i see no information in this story regarding what measures the judge has set forth to protect the most innocent in our society (children)…..did he just let this man, who has alledgedly been engrossed in blatant pediphile-type activity, back out onto our streets without an order that he should have NO CONTACT W/CHILDREN or live in the same location as children?…i dont think that he should have been let loose w/out at least an ankle bracelet on!!…it seems quite apparent to me that the judges greater burden is to protect the public, rather than give this scum a slap on the hand w/a monitary penalty (until his trial).

  12. jim leath on June 6th, 2009 9:26 am

    This could kind of makes you wonder about the judge. Maybe this guy will move into the judges neighborhood.