Century Correctional Sergeant Arrested On Federal Child Porn Charges

June 19, 2009

A Century man who works as a sergeant at Century Correctional Facility has been arrested on federal child porn charges.

blackpauledward.jpgPaul Edward Black, 42, was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of the possession of child pornography, according to United States Attorney Thomas F. Kirwin, Northern District of Florida.

Black is a sergeant at the Century Correctional Institution. He made his initial appearance before United States Magistrate Judge Elizabeth Timothy today in federal court. A trial date has been set for August 3.

Black was arrested about noon Wednesday while he was at work at Century Correctional Institution. Florida Department of Corrections Spokesperson Gretl Plessinger said Black has been employed at CCI since March 22, 1991. She said he typically worked the day shift at the prison. He has not been fired, but the Department of Corrections is working toward his termination, Plessinger said.  DOC officials will not allow Black to return to work at CCI unless the charges are dropped, she said.

Black was indicted by a federal grand jury on Tuesday, and a warrant was issued for his arrest through the Jacksonville Field Office of the FBI.

Black is accused of using online file sharing software to download images and videos of child pornography. If convicted, Black faces a term of up to ten years imprisonment and a lifetime term of supervised release, according to  the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

This investigation was initiated by the Computer Crime Unit of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and supported by the Pensacola Police Department, the United States Marshals Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other members of the North Florida Child Pornography Task Force. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney David L. Goldberg.


73 Responses to “Century Correctional Sergeant Arrested On Federal Child Porn Charges”

  1. jus me on July 24th, 2009 7:01 pm

    i think he did it

  2. AHHN on June 26th, 2009 5:58 pm

    August 3rd right around the corner colton

  3. ASHTON on June 26th, 2009 12:20 pm


  4. AHHN on June 25th, 2009 5:19 pm

    Never say never Colton.What will you say if he is found guilty?You may think you know him but do you “really” know him.

  5. colton wilcoxon on June 23rd, 2009 1:43 pm

    i know he didn’t do that and i will take his side on this

  6. colton wilcoxon on June 23rd, 2009 1:39 pm

    paul black would never do such a thing as this i work at the fire station and he is a nice guy.

  7. Shocked on June 22nd, 2009 7:50 pm

    After all is said and done………..we shall know the truth……….someone already knows the exact truth……….and it’s just a matter of time until it be known!!!

  8. J J on June 22nd, 2009 5:55 pm

    CO’s do not walk around like they are above the law. You obviously don’t have a clue about what your talking about. They are people just like everyone else. They do a dangerous job to protect the public from these criminals that could harm your family. They don’t do it for the pay obviously. They do it because they want to. You have no idea what they go through everyday to keep nieve people like you safe. Not all of them are perfect just like not all people are perfect. People that do not understand what they do and could make negative comments about this job are very ungrateful. They deal with the worst kind of people. There is really something wrong with someone who would hope that someone ends up in a place like that when they haven’t even been convicted. You have already judged him and have not been fair about it. What if you got accused of something you didn’t do? How would you feel it people already made up there minds that you did it no matter what? Would you believe in the legal system then or just tell them to lock you up anyway? You need to think about that because it happens all the time. Don’t judge something or someone you know nothing about.

  9. jhg on June 22nd, 2009 1:51 pm

    First of all no one is above the law. Correctional Officers do not baby sit inmates.
    What about innocent until proven guilty. If he is guilty prosecute him to fullest. But if he is innocent leave him be.

  10. Doglover on June 22nd, 2009 1:39 pm

    You people need to stop posting on all of these cases like this.

  11. Brianna on June 22nd, 2009 11:07 am

    I am in no way taking up for Paul as Al made it seem repeating my comment I did not care for the way you twisted what I said.

  12. Ocala Blue on June 22nd, 2009 11:05 am

    First of all, he was employed at Century Correctional Institution… not Facility. CCI is state run… not a private camp.

    I hope the FDOC terminates him and he gets locked up along with all the inmates he’s been “in charge” of!!

    I’m so sick and tired of CO’s who walk around like they’re above the law only to read in the media that they too… are the EXACT same criminals that they babysit for!!

    Sorry but he deserves what he gets.


  13. J J on June 22nd, 2009 8:23 am

    Did it ever say how old the “child” was he was supposed to be looking at? Everyone assumes when you say “child” it’s a small child. A child is considered under the age of 18. It could have been someone who was 17 not TBall age. A lot of teens look a lot older than what they are or say they are. So we really don’t know what is on that computer. It’s real easy to automatically assume it’s a small child or say he’s already guilty. That’s why we have a justice system. Because if it was left to people like the ones who have already convicted him no one would have a chance. You would never understand how easy it is to get yourself in trouble and how hard it is to get yourself out of it. How would you feel if your 18 year old was looking at a 16 or 17 year old and got in the same trouble? The laws apply the same in both cases. You probably would think it’s rediculous or not fair since they are just a year or two apart but it happens all the time. That 18 year old would become a sexual predator. Now how would you feel it that was your kid being accused. I’m sure it’s not a good feeling for his mother or his children no matter how old he is. It never accused him of looking at toddlers like everyone is accusing him of.

  14. J J on June 22nd, 2009 12:14 am

    First of all no one said his mother did anything but thank for Exaggerating that thought. I know of another individual who this happened to and yes I can say that it is a possibility someone else was on that computer and this is not a gun. A gun should be placed in a locked case. Once again thanks for Exaggerating and twisting the issue. And by the way that person was not convicted because there was too many people who had access to his computer. It’s called reasonable doubt. And yes that is very real. Anyone can come in your home including your childrens friends and access your computer. If that happened to you would you just sit there and take the blame because it belonged to you? (now that is stupid) or would you fight for your freedom? Can you imagine all the self righteous people who never do anything wrong being on a jury. My goodness, everyone wouldn’t get a fair trial. By the way, you don’t know if he said he did or didn’t do it yet. His family isn’t saying he did it either. You heard it from his own children he would never hurt them or any other kids. They know better than anyone. Saying someone made a mistake doesn’t mean they did it. It could mean anything. Stop twisting their words. Usually when it goes to trial that means he plead not guilty or he would have already been sentenced. I pray that his family will get through this and doesn’t have to be persecuted by people who have already judged him and thinks they know everything. Good luck Paul. We will all be praying for you. Isn’t that what were supposed to do? And yes I do stand by my words. I’m not twisting this whole thing around making it look like he would hurt children. Check the cookies on your computers.

  15. BigDon on June 21st, 2009 11:00 pm

    Everyone seems to be forgeting that this is a Federal case, not a county case.
    That said if Paul gets him a smart lawyer he will have the case moved. After reading Mad Mama”s last statement I would be hard pressed to think he would be able to get a fair trial in this area. Also his lawyer would be smart to have ALL
    the statements on this blog concerning this used as evidence to have it moved. Including all the E-mail Addresses of all of us, as we all would be excluded.
    Just an observation. Also I think the nearest Federal District Court is in Mobile.
    However he was charged out of Jacksonville. They may try him there.

  16. Mad Mama on June 21st, 2009 10:36 pm

    To JDC: and any others concerned:
    people should be cautious about what they say as words are a powerful motivator. we are not the jury, yet, but the pool of jurors will be selected from the registered voters of this county. if you are not registered, you should do so. it would be an honor to serve on this jury, after all it is my civic right!

  17. Doglover on June 21st, 2009 9:37 pm

    I don’t know this man and I don’t know if he did it or not. But he does have daughters who are old enough to read these postings. They have feelings just like everyone else. It is not fair to them to bash their dad like this. How would you feel if this was your children involved in a case and everyone aired all the dirty laundry for the community to see? I have relatives involved in a case now and it is very tramuatizing to them. William, don’t you think enough is enough on this story? After so much bashing can’t you take it off? Give these kids some compassion. Someone needs to.

  18. Shocked on June 21st, 2009 9:14 pm

    You know,if I were his mother,whom he lives with,I’d take offense to
    the poster that suggested he was,”set up”…..it’d make me think they thought it might’ve been moma that set him up!!!!! Besides,get real!!!

  19. JDC on June 21st, 2009 6:16 pm

    first off only god can judge..half u ppl dont even know paul…and for u mad mama of course his kids have anger problems…look at all the ADULTS acting like they r…what do u think his kids r gonna have to go through…even if he is found not guilty…and all u need to get ur facts straight..u r not the judge or the jury…OR GOD…so quit acting like children and let him have his fair trial b/c noone on here has proof he done it u r not the law u dont know what evediece they have…

  20. marsha on June 21st, 2009 11:33 am

    JJ, you need to go back and read a few of the post from pauls family and friends.His own daughter says”he made a mistake”.His good friend and neighbor sylvia says” Paul, made a mistake, and he has not denied it the first time” and the best comes from his good friend Kathy “WE HAVE ALL DONE SOMETHING WRONG IN OUR LIFETIME AND THOSE OF WHO THINK YOU HAVE NOT,YOU NEED TO SEARCH YOUR LIVES!!!!!! YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME THE PARENTS ARE,THEY NEED 2 EITHER GET A HOLD OF GOD,OR THERE GIRLS; MAYBE BOTH!!!!! “So JJ, do you stand by your words of paul being set up? The only idiots i see are the ones that say he made a mistake,but would still trust their kids around him.

  21. Mad Mama on June 21st, 2009 8:41 am

    so under this latest logic if someone visits your home and takes a gun and uses it for a crime you are not responsible? isnt that the same as someone coming to your home and uses your computer to comit a crime. in both cases who is it traced back to? THE OWNER!!!

  22. J J on June 21st, 2009 4:25 am

    What’s wrong with you people. All of you who say comments about Paul being around children and coaching TBall are idiots. It did not say he did anything to a child. Why don’t you check your husband’s and boyfriends computers and see where they have been. I’ve known him for many years and don’t believe for a minute he would hurt anyone. I do believe he was set up. There’s no doubt about that. Those who don’t know him are so quick to judge and don’t have any idea of what your talking about. People that get accused of this are not always guilty. Anyone could have had access to that computer. Just think about how many people that visit your house and could have access to your computer and where they could go. You could get falsely accused also. Now how would you feel if someone else accessed your computer and you were accused of doing something you didn’t?

  23. Al on June 20th, 2009 10:20 pm

    wow. very committed friends who will say he has hurt no children by looking (I think that it was very wrong of Paul to look at child porn and that is very sick. I don’t really think that Paul would hurt a child). The images most likely were not computer generated, but actual photos / videos of children being sexually abused / raped, etc – therefore, children were hurt and if Mr. Black looked at the photos, he was just as responsible as the “photographer”

  24. bumpkin on June 20th, 2009 5:16 pm

    I find it VERY interesting that in this on line paper,we have a child battling for her life and needs 20,000 for a kidney transplant ..and has received not the first post of any type to encourage and promise to pray or donate money for the family ,while on another page we have a man arrested and charged with being in possesion of child pornagraphy and has post after post of defense,accusations, and/or promises of prayer.
    The big difference here?? Hayden did not,does not have a choice in the outcome of her life. She is dependent on the help and support of others just ti live.Yet no one is speaking up for her here. While Mr.Black does and did have choices in his life and everyone seems to be using a lot of energy either condeming or praising him.This just shows how perverted a society we have become.We hunger after the ugliness of someone else’s actions to make ourselves feel better about our own flaws while we idly sit by and watch a little girl die because we can’t reach into our pockets for money to help her. We PRAY for the big bad guy ,for mercy on his poor soul and want everyone to know it ,while we make no mention of even wanting to pray for a baby that is dying when we have within our grasp the ability to possibly save her life.Not to mention the difference we could make to this young family just by rallying around them. IF Mr.Black is indeed guilty then I hope that justice will be sure (not a guarantee in our system)and we will all rest easier.Hayden is NOT guilty of any crime,I think she deserves more of our time and effort than Mr.Black. He will have his day in court,meanwhile Hayden needs our prayers and donations just to stay alive. By pulling together,she may one day have her life back…

  25. informed on June 20th, 2009 4:43 pm

    its typical

  26. Brianna on June 20th, 2009 12:04 pm

    I have known paul for a long time now it just goes to show know matter how much u think u know someone you really don’t. I think that it was very wrong of Paul to look at child porn and that is very sick. I don’t really think that Paul would hurt a child but I hope he understands were people are coming from with there comments he has commited a very sick crime against children and as for the people who keep saying innocent until proven guilty he is already guilty they have found proof of what he has done. As for Kathy you should feel stupid for trying to blame the parents and children for this they didn’t make Paul look at those sites Paul choose to do that his self and he will have to live with that.

  27. Big Don on June 20th, 2009 11:12 am

    I do not condone in ANY WAY what Paul is “ACCUSED OF”. However it seems that he has already been found guilty. How about we as citizens wait, and see how the trial comes out. Think back about how many people in the last few years have been exonerated after it came to light that the prosecution violated so so many laws with their “win at any cost line of thinking”. How many of you are going to be willing to publicly admit that you were Guilty of prejudging him, if he is found innocent?? If he is guilty then put him away forever. But now even if he is found innocent he will have to bear the stigma of being a molester. How many of you will then be there to help him back up them??

  28. noh8rs on June 20th, 2009 10:12 am

    Isn’t it weird how so many people commented on the “donkey killer” that by him killing the donkey it will lead to him killing people, but then there are so many people willing to get on here and defend this man for what he is accused of? Don’t you all think that “looking” leads to “touching”? Or is that donkey’s life more important than your children’s?

    Well, the donkey died real quick. What do you think happens to children who have been molested, exploited, abused, etc. at the hands of an adult? It effects their whole entire life. They will never forget it. They will live with that in their heads and hearts for a lifetime. They will always question why. And they will question why their parents, grandparents, etc. were defending scum like that.

    And it is disgusting to me that some are saying that “he hasn’t denied it, he has asked God to forgive him, he messed up, he made a mistake………. What is wrong with people who will stand with such harsh JUDGEMENT against a young boy who killed a donkey, and then say that a 42 yr old man “messed up” downloading pictures and videos of child pornography?

    Anyone who would still take their children around this man and trust him, and use the word “good” when describing anything about him, needs to wake up. If he was looking at “kiddy porn” then he must be sexually interested in kids. There is no other explanation.

    I can’t believe that the DCF is allowing children to stay with him. I can’t believe the Mother of the children would allow him to be around them.

    Yes, I will be the first to say that if a Federal Grand Jury had enough evidence to indict him on these charges, then I do not care if some lawyer gets him off, I would still not trust him as far as I could spit.

  29. Tank on June 20th, 2009 9:10 am

    Right now we look at this and judge. Paul will have his day in court. But the first one with out sin can cast the first stone. I know alot of you out there have looked at pron or some other sick stuff your self. So let’s just pray for him Peace in the middle east. Paul was In Iraq for a year that could have messed his brain up.

  30. concerned on June 20th, 2009 3:44 am

    For those of you who “know” him as a “good man”, you need to seperate the act from the person. Anyone can be a good person and still committ horrible acts. Everyone is good they just make poor decisions. And as the old saying goes “where there is smoke there is fire”! Let’s just hope that his demented curiousity stops here.

  31. Mad Mama on June 20th, 2009 12:52 am

    it sounds like his kids have some anger issues. innoncent until proven guilty is the law of the land. lets all follow this case and see if the truth sets him free or locks him up. it is too early for folks to be passing judgement on this man. let him have his day in court and may justice be served.

  32. EMD on June 20th, 2009 12:49 am

    To the children of this man, I want to say this:

    Satan means this as a stumbling block. God means it for good. Mess up Satan’s plans by turning to God with your whole heart. Then, ask Him for the desire to read and apply what He has told us all to do. Redeem the time, for it is short, and the days are full of evil. It is written that Satan has come down in rage, knowing His time is short. Perhaps God is trying to get our attention. Start at the Cross, and then when really hard times come, and we tend to doubt that God is Love, we can look back to the cross and know that there is MUCH we do not understand, but looking at the Cross proves the depth of God’s Love, which is unsearchable. May blessings, grace and forgiveness rain on your family. Let God turn this to good, and let it start with you. That is THE best thing anyone can do. Find out who you really are in Christ. You will be amazed as you learn about this.

  33. EMD on June 20th, 2009 12:33 am

    Are we all doing Romans 12:1 and Luke 11. If not, then are we better than this man? Is not disobedience to God worse than disobedience to man? If we all were doing the above, would this man have felt the need to do what he did? It sounds like he looked but did not touch. Eve told the serpent that God said they were not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, or to touch it. But, God did not say don’t touch it. He said not to eat the fruit of it. Did this man look, but not eat (partake) of the fruit he looked at? Just a thought that went through my mind. I thought I’d share that. This is a very difficult situation for all involved. If I fall, may God judge me, and not people. You may wonder if I am angry about what he is accused of doing. Yes, I am. Very angry, just like I am angry about hearing the F word more and more, day in and day out. I have had to turn off the TV for the sake of my gates, the gates to the Kingdom(eyes/ears), for the Kingdom is within us. I cannot help what I feel, but I can help what I do about it, by telling God how I feel and asking Him to to help me overcome, and perhaps think of something that would be constructive in this situation. I understand the anger, but do we contribute to perversion by watching and listening to it day after day, and paying Hollywood to pump out more of it. The enemy of our souls is much stronger than we. That is why we need to do what our Maker has instructed us to do, even though it goes against our human nature. That is why we are told to “Put on the mind of Christ.” I have lived a long time, and I have learned that when we sit in judgement on others, we meet what we judge, one way or another. Just some thoughts that have come today as I read these comments. May God deliver this man and us. The main difference between this man and us is that we were not tempted in the same way he was. Flesh and blood is not the enemy. Ephesians 6:5. Satan needs to be the focal point of our anger. He is relentless.

  34. Wes Sims on June 20th, 2009 12:33 am

    First of all let me start off by saying that I’m amazed by the number of people that are so willing to prejudge an individual. Im, in no way trying to defend Paul. If he is guilty, I hope he feels the full force of the law. Paul is the only person that knows the extent of his guilt. If he is found guilty, I hope he gets the maximum penalty.

    With that being said let me continue. I have coached Tball with Paul for the past couple of years. My son, my daughter, and Paul’s daughter have all played on our teams. I’ve seen Paul in front of kids on many occasions and I’ve never once seen him do or heard him say anything that I would deem inappropriate.

    And by the way, you people that are so willing to be opinionated on here, you should put your name on your posts. That way everybody can see your true colors.

  35. Century Woman on June 19th, 2009 10:47 pm

    You can’t say that “even though Paul Black did this he is a good person”. A good person does not do things like this to children. You are right God does forgive but, for anyone to say that this is not his fault but that of the children or their parents is beyond foolish. No child should have to worry about the fact that things like this should happen. Parents should be able to leave their children with sitters without thinking things like this will happen. For anyone to think that it is O.K. to look at children in a sexual way is shameful. For anyone to feel that it is O.K. to touch children in a sexual way is shameful. There is no way for anyone to say that he just made a “mistake”. This was a man that was the Coach of a Little League Team, a Volunteer Firefighter, a Correctional Officer, and a Father. He knew better. Yes this man is perverted and should be so ashamed of himself.

  36. sick man on June 19th, 2009 10:32 pm

    what a sick man he is……i cant belive he was a tee ball coach…….he need to be put in jail and maybe he will meet big bubba in there that will get him good….i dont even see how he can have a girlfriend….i know him and her both i dont see why she would even be with him if she has kids…..i hope he gets good jail time…..

  37. jus me on June 19th, 2009 9:48 pm

    i have known paul for a very long time even though i dont care alot for paul for personal reasons right now i dont really see paul doing kiddie porn or hurtin a child puttin my personal feelings aside i dont wana see pauls life get totally ruined so good luck

  38. david leroy moorer on June 19th, 2009 9:21 pm

    stay strong black.

  39. sylvia Godwin on June 19th, 2009 9:21 pm

    Well, let me tell all you Judges something. I have known Paul black all his life, from the time he came into this world. Paul, made a mistake, and he has not denied it the first time, but Paul is no pervert like you people are making him out to be. I have granddaughters that I absolutely adore, and I would not for a minute be afraid for them to be around Paul. I know he would not touch a child. I don’t care what any of you say. Paul has been my neighbor all his life, and I have never know him to be in any kind of trouble. Paul is a good friend, and neighbor and the best dad I have ever seen. I am so sorry he messed up, but I pray that he will stay strong and hold his head up. I know he has asked God to forgive him, and that is all that really matters. Remember one thing what goes around comes around and you don’t know what your kids or grandkids may do. God have mercy on all of you that are filled with so much hate. If he was the first one to do this we could take him out and shoot him and be through with it, but he is not the first and he surely want be the last.

  40. Carri on June 19th, 2009 8:43 pm

    Candace, honey everyone in the world makes mistakes,, your daddy whether he is found guilty or not, made a mistake just as you and everyone else will in this lifetime, but none the less that is still your daddy, and if he is good to you and good to your sister then that is all you need to worry about, sometimes in this world grown ups have nothing better to do then throw stones, instead of praying for your family they will automatically make it worse for noone but you kids. That is 75% of adults nowdays, let me tell you this, I worked with your father in the fire dept. and I have small children and I do all I can to protect them, but your daddy was a great fireman, nothing can change that, he might have messed up, but YOU always remeber this: there is a story in the Bible where Jesus was the judge and he said, he who is without sin, throw the first stone, and do you know they all had to walk away, there is a reason that what has happened has happened, and all you need to remember is to love your daddy, support him and be there for him, cause he WILL make it through this. and in the end, IT IS NOT WHAT THEY CALL YOU OR HIM, IT IS WHAT YOU ANSWER TO…… live your life the best you can, dont let anyone stop you and for crying out loud, DO NOT READ THESE POST EVERYDAY, THESE PEOPLE THAT ARE CONDEMING AND JUDGING ARE SCARED, AND DONT KNOW HOW TO REACT TO ANYTHING WITHOUT ANGER…..they have no compassion for innocent children that are caught in the middle like you and your sisters, for some reason they think that venting thier anger or opinions is really gonna do any good, you can rise above this……..your in my prayers and I promise that you will over come this..hold your head up high…….

  41. christine on June 19th, 2009 7:56 pm

    i dont think you shoulod judge him when you are doing the same thing but havent gotten caught yet onli god can judge anybodi and he forgives and forgets

  42. candace black on June 19th, 2009 7:48 pm

    look this is pauls oldest daughter..idk y yall are all judging my dad ppl make mistkes..my dad made a mistake yall need to shut up about my dad he would never touch or harm a kid my dad has never hurt me or my sisters i have brought alot of my friends arond him my dad has had kids around him all of his life..if my dad is so sick then y do his kids still wanna live with him?even his baby daughter jenna still wants to live with him.his middle child my sister courtney says shes still staying with him no matter wat happens yall all need to shut up bout my dad and stop judging him….if hes such a perv then when we go swimming y does he tell us to put on more clothes please answer me this..if u have something to say about my dad please come say it to my face THANK U AND FOR THE RECORD SHUT UP BOUT MY DAD Y DONT U LEAE UR NAME AND LET ME KNOW WHO U ARE WHEN UR SAYING THINGS BOUT MY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. DUMBFOUNDED on June 19th, 2009 4:58 pm

    I have worked off and on with Paul for over 10 years at CCI. Although this does not seem like the Paul that I thought I knew, the feds took his computers-plural-and found enough evidence for a federal grand jury to charge him with possession. However, he is still innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Paul, all I can say is that I pray the Lord’s will is done in this matter.

  44. Shocked on June 19th, 2009 3:09 pm

    To Kathy: One question…….you stated that “God would never leave you,Paul”……where did Paul place God when he chose to look at God’s
    precious creatures in a very perverted manner? Or perhaps when he looked at
    those lil innocent children at schools,stores,next door,etc.,with perversive God given eyeballs? Think about it…..

  45. concerned on June 19th, 2009 12:14 pm

    I am so glad this man wasn’t coaching my children!

  46. William on June 19th, 2009 10:24 am

    Let’s stop the personal attacks on other posters, even if you strong disagree with what they say. — William, Admin

  47. noh8rs on June 19th, 2009 10:19 am

    A Federal Grand Jury did not indict him on flimsy evidence. Get a clue, there are people out there that do these things, and they are usually the ones that you least expect. They are very good at hiding what they do.

    Kathy, don’t type in all capital letters, (YELLING), it makes you look like a loon trying to protect a sicko.
    I feel sorry for your children, because if they have been subjected to this man’s sickness, they are going to be scared to tell because their own MOTHER is protecting the sicko.

    Maybe it is YOU who needs to get a hold of God, and stop blaming children for what adults do.

  48. T T T on June 19th, 2009 9:49 am

    the lady that cought with the drugs resinged she did not get fired so ge the facts right before you open your mouth and yes both of them deserve what the get

  49. Concerend Parent on June 19th, 2009 9:49 am

    apprently the Feds have some kinda proof, enough proof to arrest him. What is Paul going to say,” oh someone broke into my home and downloaded that stuff on my computer without me knowing” come on. I’m sure the Feds have plenty to do than going around taking personal belongings hoping to find something. It dosen’t matter if Paul fought for our country, I thank him for that, but he is still sick.

  50. Bobby on June 19th, 2009 9:21 am

    Why is he guilty???? Is it because he has been ACCUSED by the Feds. Pray that you are never accused of anything because people are more than happy to believe the worst in people. I can imagine some of you people with torches and pitch forks. Paul fought for your right to be whatever you are and say what you say. He also fought for ” innocent until proven guilty”. All of you would scream for that very right if you were in his place. I spent a year in Iraq with this man and there was never the slightest inkling of anything like what he is “accused” of. He is a good person and doesn’t deserve to be convicted out of court. Have the Feds not ever made a mistake? I don’t believe that Paul is capable of this and unless there is concrete, irrefutable evidence, then i won’t ever believe him capable.

  51. Tina on June 19th, 2009 9:11 am

    Well Kathy, I am now concerned that you may be just as sick as Paul. Its make me wonder if mabey your mind is just as EVIL as Paul’s mind is?????? To have such strong feelings about him, and what he does being OK??? The kids fault??? I think mabe your are Pauls partner, and if I were your inlaws I would have your kids brought in to the Escambia County Sh. department and have them questioned about this UNCLE PAUL!!!!

  52. Concerend Parent on June 19th, 2009 9:03 am

    OMG…….and this man was coaching at the Century Little League… Looks like if he knew he was guilty while the investigation was going on he would have withdrew himself from that ball field. That is one sick person. I feel sorry for the parents on the team he was coaching, I bet they feel uneasy about this. I do feel sorry for his children, they didn’t ask for a sick father. I’ll be praying for his children and hope they are not victims.

  53. noh8rs on June 19th, 2009 8:47 am

    You say you know the REAL Paul? Then are you saying that you already knew that he was doing this?
    And you allowed and will still allow him to be around your children? ARE YOU SICK? HAVE YOU ASKED YOUR CHILDREN ABOUT HIM? For all you know, he may have downloaded and sent out pictures of YOUR kids.

    You are saying that Paul is not to blame. You are saying that the Parents of the children are to blame? And how do you know it is little girls he is looking at and not little boys?

    You sound like you are just as twisted as he is. Anyone who would blame a child for something “preverted” that is done by an adult, Is just as sick as the person who did it. Maybe the Computer Crime Unit needs to check out YOUR computer, since you seem to think this is ok, and that it is the children’s and parent’s fault.

  54. FYI on June 19th, 2009 8:05 am

    By the way, he is not in jail without bond. He is home on house arrest!!!!

  55. 1American4Justice on June 19th, 2009 7:49 am

    A few bad Correctional Officers make all of them look bad, but the majority aren’t. Remember that the former Secretary of DOC, Crosby is in Federal Prison. It’s time that they cleaned house and I think they are doing a good job of it. He is no better than the Inmates he supervised. If he is guilty then he deserves whatever he gets. He will go to Federal Prison, too bad they don’t put him in the State Prison System.

  56. marsha on June 19th, 2009 7:31 am

    Kathy, you are a mother and you are defending this sick perverted man. You are just as disgusting as he is How in the hell do you not blame him and put the blame on the parents or the innocent girls.Instead of defending this monster, you should be asking your kids a few questions about “uncle paul” and make sure they are not victims.If they are, i guess you are to blame.How good do you know the real paul??????????????Did you know he likes looking at little kids naked?????????????Did you know he is a sick disgusting perverted man?????????????Tell us kathy, how well do you know him????????? TO say you would still trust him around your kids you are JUST PLAIN STUPID

  57. Concerend Citizen 2 on June 19th, 2009 6:37 am

    Kathy how is Paul not to blame ? The children that he violated did not make him do what he did ! He is just SICK !! And for those of you that thinks your kids or safe because he is in jail without bond ….Well think again !!! He is home !!!!!!!

  58. DMW on June 19th, 2009 4:46 am

    Yea, well I don’t know if you know what child porn is but its related to a Child !! and if you are in search of videos or pictures of a Child for some type of pleasure that’s wrong,sick,and dangerous and sounds like the last thing your friend needs is someone around telling him its everyone else’s fault. Hopefully god will watch over the children that parents fail to protect from adults with a agenda.

  59. Jane Doe on June 19th, 2009 1:10 am

    “wowee” u are so correct when you made the statement about the female officer who was involved in the drug raid a few weeks ago was fired immediately, but DOC is working towards his termination. So you mean to tell me that having under 20g of weed and small amounts of cocaine in your home is worse than possessing child porn???? What is this world coming to?????? Lets get it together FLDOC!!!!!!!!! I say she needs to get a lawyer!!!!!

  60. kathy on June 19th, 2009 12:38 am


  61. Thomas on June 19th, 2009 12:07 am

    sad to hear this has happen twice now in one month to century officers either way he has lost so much to his own self very sad again for C.C.I

  62. forgiven on June 18th, 2009 10:53 pm

    Innocent until proven guilty–that’s how it works in the USA. Does this guy not get that provision??
    Washed by the Blood, set free, forgiven–that’s how it works in Heaven. Is this guy worthy of that?? Probably not. But none of us are worthy! God forgives us anyway, right??

  63. BGA on June 18th, 2009 10:51 pm

    maybe Well one day these sick men will learn

  64. Mother of three girls on June 18th, 2009 10:43 pm

    That is one sick man. You have daughters of your own, Paul. Your girlfriend has girls. Maybe somebody needs to make sure that he didn’t do anything to them. Remember Paul that is somebody baby on that website. How would you feel if some sick man was looking at your daughter(s)? God help your kids because they are the ones that are going to be hurt by this. God help your soul!
    Thank God he is in jail without bond, he doesn’t need to be out around where there are young kids.

  65. T T T on June 18th, 2009 10:25 pm

    well kevin u dont need 2 judge every body because a few bad apples want to be just da*n right nasty every one that gets caught doing something that aint right art to be punished to the fulliest

  66. Concerend Citizen on June 18th, 2009 10:23 pm

    He was also a Tee-Ball coach !!! Now that is SCARY !!!!!!!! I say lock him up and throw away the key !!!!

  67. woweee on June 18th, 2009 10:14 pm

    He is also a member of the Atmore National Guard. He has snowballed so many agencies.

  68. woweee on June 18th, 2009 10:12 pm

    Also this man is in the Atmore unit of the national guard.

  69. woweee on June 18th, 2009 10:11 pm

    Why was he not fired but the female officer that was involved with the drug raids a couple weeks ago was fired immediately? Double standards!!!!! Different strokes for different folks I guess.

  70. kevin on June 18th, 2009 9:34 pm

    yeah well iw as in cci and you wouldnt beleive the sexual conduct that goes on between inmates and officers. its disgusting. and this shows the kinda people our taxes pay to employ

  71. david leroy moorer on June 18th, 2009 9:14 pm

    Old Po!

  72. Concerend Citizen on June 18th, 2009 9:02 pm

    I hope that the Century Volunteer Fire Department, will take the same stance as the Department of Corrections, and start the termination process also. He should have been made to stop participation with any orginization that deals with the public. Especially where he would have contact with children. This is one sick individual and should be punished to the maximum and then some.

  73. Shocked on June 18th, 2009 8:30 pm

    This is so bad………