Benefit Held For Flomaton Baby That Needs Kidney Transplant

June 14, 2009

brake10.jpgA benefit was held Saturday for a 11-month old Flomaton girl with no kidneys that needs a kidney transplant.

Hadyn Allyssa Brake was born with congenital nephrotic syndrome, a chronic kidney disease. In February, doctors were forced to remove both of her kidneys, and now she needs a kidney transplant by her first birthday on July 28.

Her mom and dad, Amanda and Brandon Brake, need $20,000 for Hadyn’s kidney transplant. For now, she is on dialysis 12 hours a day every day.

On Saturday, Davita Dialysis in Atmore held “Hadyn Brake Day” to help the little girl and her family.

Donations can abe made to the “Hadyn Kidney Fund” at the Bank Trust in Brewton, Ala, or call Sonya Higdon at the Atmore Dialysis Center at (251) 368-5593 for information.

Pictured above: Hayden Allyssa Brake of Flomaton at a benefit Saturday in Atmore to help her family afford her kidney transplant. Pictured below: An auction was held with items donated by area businesses. photos, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “Benefit Held For Flomaton Baby That Needs Kidney Transplant”

  1. Julines on August 25th, 2009 6:06 pm

    Hi I hope that everything is going well. I just want to know if you already have a donor? God Bless her,and her family

  2. dell bass [Mimi] on June 16th, 2009 9:11 pm

    Thank you all I am Hadyns grandmother i just wanted to say THANK YOU ALL for caring and reaching out to help our sweet angle. she has had a very hard life so for .With Gods healing hands and your love and prayers she will have her transplant and live a healthy normal life .there is no words to say how much every one pulling together to help Hadyn means to our family.most of us don’t realize much and how hard it is to have a very sick child and have to travel hours away from home every week just for doctors appointments and stays in the hospital for months at a time, and so many doctors bills coming in. because of our community pulling together the stress has been lifted from my daughter she can give all her love and care to Hadny allyssa and 1 day Hadyn will thank you all herself.until than please take it from me God bless each and every 1 of you .thank you from the bottom of my heart. with love MIMI DELL

  3. Dawn on June 16th, 2009 10:13 am

    God’s blessing will come! you just have to be patient! Hadyn is a blessing all her own but God has many more to come….

  4. Felicia Amerson on June 15th, 2009 12:55 pm

    Just wanted to let everyone know that we raised over $3,000 for Hayden at Saturdays fundraiser. Thanks for everyone who was able to come out. If you’d still like to make a donation there is a trust fund set up or you can contact us here at Atmore Dialysis 251-368-5593. Thanks again from everyone here at the Dialysis Center.

  5. Glenna on June 15th, 2009 8:31 am

    I don’t know if anyone has checked into the Presbytrian Hospital in Pittsburgh PA. They are famous for all the transplants they do! They got a heart for my brother when he was 45. And they even have a house for the parents to live in with their baby. It is a wonderful place! Please check it out! It can’t hurt. When my brother was in the Presby Hospital, there were people from all over the United States there waiting for different transplants…hearts, lungs, and I don’t remember them all! This has been well over 10 years ago! Just look them up and give them a call! They can supply you with the information you need! They are wonderful there also! I wish you all the best!

  6. Kathy on June 14th, 2009 3:38 pm

    Amanda & Meme, It was a pleasure to meet with you guy’s yesterday at the Benefit in Atmore. Hadyn is such a Beautiful Little Angel. And i want to Thank You so much for letting me meet this Little Angel. I really enjoyed Talking & Playing with this Little Angel. I just want you to know She really Touched alot of Lives Yesterday. You Guy’s are so Wonderful to take on such task and The Lord Will See You Through It All. I want to Thank You also for meeting you Amanda & Meme. I enjoyed Talking with you two yesterday as well, you Guy’s sit right by us at the Fund Raiser & I got to play with Little Miss Haydn And Take Picture’s of her as well. Thank You So Much.. She is such a Blessing. God will seek and Guide you through all this. Just call upon him and you shall receive. All of you are in our PRAYERS and will continue to be till the end. God Bless each and every one of you. Please Keep In Touch.

  7. K L on June 14th, 2009 2:33 pm

    My heart goes out to this precious little girl, and her family. Please donate to help this famly, during this trying time in their life. I dont have much, but I will give to help this precious angel. I know that God is in control, and she will be blessed.

  8. Sherry on June 14th, 2009 10:40 am

    I got to meet this precious little girl yesterday. It broke my heart to know that she needs a kidney and that she has to have that kind of money, when so many others get FREE health care and don’t really need it.

  9. JD on June 14th, 2009 7:07 am

    No there isn’t a “law” in Florida making this free,in fact the state of Florida has NOTHING to help this couple. They are orginally from McDavid and moved to Flomaton because the State of Florida did not offer ANY medical assistance to them. The state of Alabama has programs to assist with medical care, but nothing that will cover the entire surgery expense.

  10. david leroy moorer on June 10th, 2009 8:14 pm

    Wasn’t there a law pass in Florida today making it free. I may be wrong, but
    you can check channel 3 web site.

  11. Concerned Mom on June 10th, 2009 6:19 pm

    This is so sad. May God be with this family. The article did not say, do they have a donor already?

  12. mommy2beautifulgirls on June 10th, 2009 12:13 pm

    this little girl needs community support so she can live,i don’t have finances to help raise the money,but i really hope god answers this families needs and everything goes well..

  13. Sherry Carway on June 10th, 2009 11:36 am

    God bless your little angel. I know she will recieve her surgery. God is the answer to all your questions.

  14. Lynn on June 10th, 2009 9:47 am

    This little girl needs everyone’s support and prayers. I don’t have much, and I can’t get to Atmore on Saturday, but I’m going to do my best to at least donate some money to the account at the bank.

    Let’s all pull together and see if we can’t make a difference in this little one’s future. . . .(which is something she won’t have if she doesn’t get this transplant.)