Atmore Businessman Helps Little Girl That Needs Kidney

June 20, 2009


An Atmore businessman is stepping forward to help 11-month Hadyn Allyssa Brake of Flomaton get the kidney she needs.

Harold Allen, owner an Atmore mobile home business, has written a $1,000 check to help with the $20,000 the family needs for Hadyn’s kidney transplant.

Hadyn was born with congenital nephrotic syndrome, a chronic kidney disease. In February, doctors were forced to remove both of her kidneys, and now she needs a kidney transplant by her first birthday on July 28.

Allen knows the pain of waiting for a kidney transplant; he underwent the procedure nine years ago, receiving a kidney from his son.

It’s estimated that the family needs $20,000 for Hadyn’s kidney transplant. For now, she is on dialysis 12 hours a day every day.

Last weekend, Atmore Dialysis Center held “Hadyn Brake Day” to help the little girl and her family.

Donations can be made to the “Hadyn Kidney Fund” at the Bank Trust in Brewton, Ala, or call Sonya Higdon at the Atmore Dialysis Center at (251) 368-5593 for information.

Pictured above: Hayden Allyssa Brake of Flomaton at a benefit last Saturday in Atmore to help her family afford her kidney transplant. file photos, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Atmore Businessman Helps Little Girl That Needs Kidney”

  1. AHHN on June 26th, 2009 5:56 pm

    God help this little girl.If i could do more for you i would

  2. Kz friend of the aunt on June 26th, 2009 2:02 pm

    I have known Bethany Giveans for the longest time, and ever since this beautiful child was born as her neice, she has never had such concern for anything before she was born…… I have met Hayden a couple of times and she is the cutest little girl i ever met, why cant some one help this family out a little bit more, this family has been trying so hard to get this baby the kidney transplants, and your telling me that someone cant help find some way to make it possible for the child to have the transplants, every time i see this child i see a great big ball of sunshine who loves living life, wouldnt it be a shame if this didnt turn out good….. Even if you cant donate alot donate what you can, even the littlest amount counts….. Lets give this child the most important gift, the gift of life….. Everyone who has met this beautiful little girl knows how much of a joy she is in this world, lets not cut that short. My prayers go out for her god bless her soul…….


  3. mrc on June 26th, 2009 7:58 am

    Thanks Harold Allen ,,,but you could donate more…But if all escambia county busness owners,,drs. lawyers, politians,,,and of course our indians with thier multi million dollar busness that our tax dollars paid for could help save this girl….So everone reading this challange all people and busness to make a large donation and top MR Allen,,,,its a good cause …

  4. ROLL TIDE on June 26th, 2009 7:33 am

    Hope everthing works out for the best. Prayers for this family

  5. BGA on June 24th, 2009 12:54 pm

    I meant to say i agree with bumpkin up at the top of this

  6. t on June 23rd, 2009 9:25 pm

    What is so ridiculous is taxpayers are paying for drug dealers, child abusers, killers and theives to be clothes, sheltered and fed for years on end…. So why can’t we quit doing all that and put the money towards children such as this? Prayers to baby and family.

  7. Terri Sanders on June 22nd, 2009 4:15 pm

    some of the expenses NOT covered by charities or agencies are out of pocket living expenses for the family.Ronald McDonald houses are sometimes full to capacity…the expense of just getting to the facility…the daily expenses that go on at home whether the parents can continure to work or not…possible child care costs for siblings,food for the family while the surgery and treatment goes on…a lot of expenses that medicare,insurance,and charities do not pay.

  8. mabey on June 22nd, 2009 12:40 pm

    I want to know WHY this child’s family has to come up with this amount when we have soooo many sources out here?? SH Hospital???

  9. N.A. Smith on June 22nd, 2009 11:18 am

    Since I deal with kidney disease in my profession I am asking the same question: Why aren’t doctors/hospitals donating their time and resources to help save this little baby? In my area, not in Florida or Alabama, a group of nephrologists (kidney doctors) started a volunteer organization called Project Access. They donate their time and the hospitals donate thier resources in order to give medical care to the NEEDY! UAB is huge and their human resource office should be in there kicking cans to help this baby!
    And I will search for the address of the bank in Brewton and make a donation. Others need to do so as well. Even a dollar or two adds up!

  10. BGA on June 22nd, 2009 9:11 am


  11. concerned on June 22nd, 2009 1:22 am

    hey bumpkin, there was another article on here about little Hadyn and there are lots and lots of comments about her and prayers going out to her and the family. people are still posting on the previous article. just wanted to let you know so you wouldnt think people are being heartless.

  12. a.nicole on June 21st, 2009 8:02 am

    I don’t understand why our local doctors and hospitals are not willing to donate their time to help this baby?? Why do they have to have the money up front? Why can’t the hospital bill them after they save this child? What about places like St. Jude’s?? I hope some miracle happens for this precious child!

  13. Century girl on June 21st, 2009 12:13 am

    Is Hayden eligible for Or does she have Ala. Medicaid or health insurance? Does anyone know if so, does it cover any of the expenses associated with the kidney transplants?

  14. BGA on June 20th, 2009 9:00 pm

    This is the first time i read this i wish the best for this baby very beautiful baby good luck

  15. bumpkin on June 20th, 2009 5:26 pm

    I find it VERY interesting that in this on line paper,we have a child battling for her life and needs 20,000 for a kidney transplant ..and has received not the first post of any type to encourage and promise to pray or donate money for the family ,while on another page we have a man arrested and charged with being in possesion of child pornagraphy and has post after post of defense,accusations, and/or promises of prayer.
    The big difference here?? Hayden did not,does not have a choice in the outcome of her life. She is dependent on the help and support of others just ti live.Yet no one is speaking up for her here. While Mr.Black does and did have choices in his life and everyone seems to be using a lot of energy either condeming or praising him.This just shows how perverted a society we have become.We hunger after the ugliness of someone else’s actions to make ourselves feel better about our own flaws while we idly sit by and watch a little girl die because we can’t reach into our pockets for money to help her. We PRAY for the big bad guy ,for mercy on his poor soul and want everyone to know it ,while we make no mention of even wanting to pray for a baby that is dying when we have within our grasp the ability to possibly save her life.Not to mention the difference we could make to this young family just by rallying around them. IF Mr.Black is indeed guilty then I hope that justice will be sure (not a guarantee in our system)and we will all rest easier.Hayden is NOT guilty of any crime,I think she deserves more of our time and effort than Mr.Black. He will have his day in court,meanwhile Hayden needs our prayers and donations just to stay alive. By pulling together,she may one day have her life back…