Watch Valentino’s Combined Economic Plan Presentation Video

May 18, 2009

This is  the video about an economic development plan  presented Tuesday by Escambia Commissioner Gene Valentino at a joint meeting of the commission and the Pensacola City Council. The plan would see Century, Escambia County and Pensacola working together on economic development.

Under the plan, an independent economic development authority — the Pensacola Escambia Development Authority (PEDA) — to be led by a 15 member board with a $300,000 to $600,000 budget.

The video appears below (if supported by your browser).

Click here to read more.


6 Responses to “Watch Valentino’s Combined Economic Plan Presentation Video”

  1. Michelle Cayson on May 19th, 2009 7:36 pm

    If Mr Valentino wants growth not from the old way, then why did they turn down contracts that went to Mobile? How many car plants and other big companies ended up over there. We have a great port that they are tring to shut down because that is not the image they want for Pensacola. Nor the Navy base which is a huge income earner. The county is making it difficult for companies to use the port by raising the price of rental spaces, taxes and the excuse of dangers to the enviroment forcing them out.

    They are betting on revenue through tourism, but Florida has some of the highest taxes in the country. Why come here when you can get the same in Alabama for less?

    This is not in our best interest, its just to turn it into a richmans playground. And there is just not enough money to support their ideas to keep this area going in the future. This is not a time to panic and jump into rush decisions.

  2. Prentis Parrish on May 19th, 2009 7:46 am

    Well the special interest from downtown are off and running with their propoganda machine. The question I have is, who paid for this video?? If they want to talk about PEDA operating in the sunshine then let’s publish this information. The first part of the video talks about transparency and then they talk about confidentiality. Sorry, but it can’t be both ways. I believe that Mr. Valentino was on the boondoggle trip to Tallahasse to get the ball rolling on the consolidation plan. VOTE NO!!!!

  3. bob hudson on May 19th, 2009 5:53 am

    And who said that pensacola has the right vision? The city needs to focus on it’s own problems, and since it can barely run it’s self, and is obessed with tourism I hardly think that it could run the county as they say. If the city wants to grow, learn to annex like Mobile, we In the north end do not wish to be faceless tax supporters of a city that has no respect for us or will not listen to us. Get someone else to support your life style. All you have to do is take a very hard look at pensacola and ask your self, am I impressed with the way penscola runs it’s government?Do we trust them enough to be govern by them? Do we in the county wish to inherit the city debt? Or their broken pension plan? Do we wish to rebuild the martitime park , every time a hurricane take’s it out or help pay for a 38million dollar loan that they can not afford? Our current county government may need some work , but it is much better than forking over our tax dollar’s to a spend happy city.Just remember it is the city that Always wants us to join them. Why? They need our money not our voice. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION

  4. Mr. Greatful on May 18th, 2009 4:09 pm

    The success of Pensacola proper benefits all of the county. The demise of the Century/Flomaton area during the past fifty years is not the fault of the southend of the county. Many people are trying to change the mindset of “they vs. us.” Positive thinking people will endure the flood of negativity and hopefully cause change within our sector. Too many projects in the northend are paid for by grants, etc. not by local city taxes. Too many young people are leaving the northend for jobs and better living. Blaming others for this will not change the situation. Change is inevitable and will require support, not destruction of plan after plan. Albert Einstein stated, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  5. Michelle Cayson on May 18th, 2009 3:38 pm

    He just wants us to pay for their projects, that we will not be entitled to use when completed.

    Don’t forget he wants to move their sewage treatment plant to Century because in their own words ” we don’t like the smell in downtown Pensacola”

    They are very protective of the City Limit line, so don’t be standing on our toes Mr. Valentino

  6. PSC on May 18th, 2009 10:02 am

    They have taken a school in Century and the Tax Office, but now they want to include us in a Project that is probably only going to benefit South of Nine Mile Road…
