Driver Charged In Three Vehicle Wreck At Northview

May 12, 2009


A teen driver is facing charges in connection with  a three vehicle accident that injured two people  in front of Northview High School about 7:40 Tuesday morning.

The Florida Highway Patrol says Jesse Grimes, 18, of Walnut Hill traveled off Highway 4 and onto the shoulder of the road in an attempt to pass an eastbound vehicle stopped and waiting to turn left into the driveway of the school. Grimes lost control of his 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee and spun back onto the roadway in front of  westbound 2006 Ford Explorer driven by Linda Baily, 48, of Century, according the FHP report.

The impact caused Baily’s Explorer to crash into a 2004 Ford Taurus occupied by Dennis Tangeman, 52, of Bratt. Tangeman was stopped in the driveway of the school waiting to exit onto Highway 4.

Tangeman was transported by ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola due to a medical problem that may have been aggravated by the accident. Bailey was transported by ambulance to Jay Hospital with minor injuries, and Grimes refused treatment.

Grimes was charged with careless driving by the FHP.

Click here for more photos from the scene.

The Walnut Hill and Century stations, and Engine 519 of Escambia Fire Rescue, Atmore Ambulance and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department also responded to the call.

Pictured above and below: A three vehicle accident in front of Northview High School Tuesday morning. The driver of the Jeep Cherokee pictured above, Jesse Grimes, was charged with careless driving in connection with the accident. photos, click to enlarge.



24 Responses to “Driver Charged In Three Vehicle Wreck At Northview”

  1. Pensacola Mom on May 18th, 2009 9:25 am

    I just recently moved from Molino to Pensacola, but I still attend NHS. I do not think that anyone should have the right to talk bad about someone’s mistake. What if it were you that got into a wreck? Would you like it if someone were to comment bad about you on a public website? No, I think not. Jessy has been through enough already, and I’m sure he has had enough lectures from his parents, and the police that showed up at the wreck, so he doesn’t need anyone else, (escpecially people he doesn’t even know) to open there mouth about him. Jessy is a great person and yes, he made a mistake but everyone makes mistakes but you cannot hold it againt him. Everyone was or will be okay in the end and before you know it, everything will be back to normal. So I believe it is safe to say that people need to back off and leave the lectures and bad mouthing to his parents not everyone in the community that thinks they will make a difference by speaking badly about someone else’s child. Have more respect than that. Would you want your child to have to read about other people bad mouthing them? Or would YOU like to see people you don’t know bad mouthing your child. No I didn’t think so. I say keep the comments to yourself.

    Jessy don’t let people that don’t even know you judge you because you made one mistake. You are a great person and just because you made a mistake doesn’t make you any less than what you are.
    Thank you.

  2. older mom on May 13th, 2009 7:45 pm

    It is my understanding that passing on the right hand side on the grass has been illegal since I was a student…many years ago…’tho some folks in the country continue to do so. It seems to me that everyone is just in too big of a hurry~don’t have time to live. No matter where a school is located, there will always be teenagers showing out or not paying attention. I couldn’t tell you how many ‘near wrecks’ have occured in that area from people of all ages not paying attention and you’d be surprised at the percentage of those leaving the school parking area who don’t observe the STOP signs there at the intersection of Hwy. 4 and Pine Barren Road. Until there is a deputy parked nearby, writing tickets, it will not change or worse yet, when someone is killed~ God forbid!
    I’m sure the kid didn’t mean to do all that he did, but the truth is, he did, and inocent lives were in danger. The man who WAS waiting patiently to pull onto highway 4 and was hit broadside, was on his way back home from taking his sons to school to then take his wife to surgery in Pensacola. Instead, his car was totalled, he was carried to P’cola in an ambulance because he was already a heart patient, and had had surgery recently, and her surgery had to be postponed.
    Now the one vehicle family’s car is destroyed and that was how they got to work and back. So, while the kid didn’t mean it, lives have been turned upside down…all because someone couldn’t wait just a minute or so to get to school. If he was running late, then he should have left earlier…we all make mistakes, I’ve made my share, but we have to accept responcibility for our actions and learn from our mistakes, or better still, learn from the mistakes of others! Thank God no one was killed!

  3. me on May 13th, 2009 2:26 pm

    WOW…Northescambia is getting really, really popular when Edward Cullen gets on here and leaves a comment. lol

    BTW..I seen a deputy this morning patrolling the traffic around the school, and I am sooo glad. I just wish it wouldn’t have taken an accident to see it, I also think they need to patrol the traffic coming from Century on Hwy 4 right before school starts. The traffic is real bad and alot of speeding cars, I guess trying to get to school on time. I hope someone from the Sherriff’s Office reads all of this, and does something. Thank You

  4. Susan Odom on May 13th, 2009 1:50 pm

    I was one of the medics that responded to and treated patients at the scene. And, I have six children, ages 13-24. (Ive just about seen it all on BOTH sides of the fence! )
    Yes, the teen made an illegal pass that resulted in an accident. And yes, it could have been much worse. I see it every day. But I also think that this young man has probably learned a valuable lesson and ,hopefully, will share this with his friends. The school isn’t located in a “bad” spot. If everyone would slow down, pay close attention and obey traffic laws, we wouldnt have nearly the accidents that we do. But even in the best of circumstances, we are all human and make errors. Thankfully no one was seriously injured and hopefully students learned a lesson that wasnt too painful to swallow…this time.

  5. uhh... on May 13th, 2009 11:42 am

    Only irresponsible parents would be jumping up to defend their child. He was wrong, if he wouldn’t have broken the law he wouldn’t be in this situation. Admitting is the first step, everyone. Stop saying “It wasn’t his fault!”.. – it WAS. Yes, thank God no one was hurt; that doesn’t excuse the behavior. That tardy policy isn’t so strict to the point that students should break the law to get to school. They get 3 tardies before anything happens. All of the reasons that have been given in these comments are ridiculous and a poor attempt to make someones bad decision seem okay.

  6. parentbernice on May 13th, 2009 9:42 am

    why don,t parents put them on school bus.hold the driveacconablity for geting to school an save gas at the same time

  7. barbra from mexico on May 13th, 2009 9:22 am

    well…. here is what i have to say…. that you parents are really stupid because if it were your kid you would be jumping to the defense of your kid ….and trying to say it wasnt wrong! so yall are blowing it out of the water ….KG…. it is done and over with he has the ticket he is paying for it so chill out

  8. edward cullen on May 13th, 2009 8:03 am

    yall all need to shut up, yea he made a mistake but he doesnt need people to get in his business… he knows it was illegal to pass on the shoulder of the road.. so everyone needs to get over it and be happy that nobody was seriously injured!!!

  9. Wake up on May 13th, 2009 7:35 am

    To Mom in Washington:
    It sounds as if you are defending his bad decision as a driver. The ONLY person at fault in this accident was young Mr. Grimes. He attempted to pass cars that were following correct driving procedures. And not pass correctly, but pass them on the RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE ROAD. He was also driving too fast for conditions, which caused him to spin out of control. This accident could have been avoided if he had just waited behind the cars, instead of trying to speed around them because he was late for school. There is no excuse for what he did. He made a very bad choice and now he has to take the consequences of his actions. He is very fortunate that the injuries were not worse. So please, do not say that people are blaming him because he is young. They are blaming him because he was at fault. The same blame would be placed on a 50 year old had they been the one to pass on the right side rather than waiting. Instead of excusing bad behavior, let’s be accountable. That advice is applicable for people of all ages; not just the young.

  10. Mom in Washington on May 13th, 2009 1:51 am

    When Jessie told me about the accident I didn’t want to look at the pictures. I have a teen of my own. I took a look and thanked God no one was killed. I told him that I was involved in three accidents soon after I learned to drive. At 47 I can tell you that I was in the wrong place, but they weren’t my fault. However, being young I got the blame for two. At seventeen, I was creeping home in a blizzard. When a van came over the hill I pulled into the ditch to avoid the accident. The driver lost control of the van and hit me. I had a whiplash and a permanant back injury, I drove away. The driver of the van was speeding on an icy hill. He was one of my former teachers.

    People like to hit my cars.
    Later in life I would have four adults hit my car while it was parked or stopped.
    I was hit twice while in parking spots by elderly women. Once at a red light with a train a women racing to make a light barreled into the car behind me, pushing him into me. She worked for an insurance company. The last time I was not in the car; a man backed his truck into mine at the gas pump.

    When I look at the comments I’m ashamed of our society and myself we all assume we know what happened. I’m sorry that this happened but, maybe a future death will be prevented.

    They call them Accidents not On purposes.

  11. Tara on May 12th, 2009 9:46 pm

    First of all, schools have rules for a reason. It is to try and prepare the youth for adulthood. I personally haven’t had a job that allowed me to be late and not have some sort of punishment for being late. The world is not getting easier. Teenagers are going to have to adapt. It may not be fair, but as my Dad always told me, “Life isn’t fair”. And on another note, I used to live on Hwy 4 and it was “normal” for vehicles to travel 60 to 90+ mph each way at any given time of day or night. And that was anything from a fourwheeler to a semi. And the school is built and it cannot be picked up and moved so again, adapt. Not everything is going to be perfect. But with effort, people can leave earlier and drive safer. And pointing fingers at everybody and anybody is not going to solve the issue. Simply…..DRIVE SAFER!!!!!……no matter where you are, where you are going or where the “building” you are going to is located.

  12. ewms student on May 12th, 2009 8:16 pm

    Just be glad no one was seriously injured…..some people could have died in that but they didnt im young and i know some people are in hurries but no one was hurt bad so just be happy that it was all minor injuries and nothing more…..young people are just as bad drivers as older people maybe even better….

  13. John Payne on May 12th, 2009 7:23 pm

    Lets see if i was late for school and was worried about punishment then i should do something stupid and pass on the shoulder, while i’m texting someone or on the cellphone or volume on the radio. I would get to bed earlier so i will not be late for school. Blame it on everyone or the system. If you want to see how not the drive and the rules of the road, park at cooper’s and watch parents and kids running stop signs, i reckon they where worried about punishment at school. Get a life and grow up. The school is to close to the highway, Jesus i have heard it all.

  14. Chris Maloney on May 12th, 2009 6:42 pm

    Who ever decided to build that school right on that stretch of highway was an idiot! Its been a bad spot ever since they built the school. Just like Molino Park Elem. Both schools should have been build completely off the highway as to not interupt the flow of the highway traffic. Or at least have stoplights in use during school hours.

  15. a.nicole on May 12th, 2009 6:25 pm

    The school should have a system where they take away parking privileges for a time period if they are caught or reported driving reckless. This would give the parents a chance to punish the child and it would not harm the child’s education. They are quick to let it be known that driving and parking is a privilege not a right, so use that as punishment instead of referrals. Have the kids put a decal in their window and let it be know to our community to report any reckless driving to the school admin. They can take away parking in steps … 1st offense 1 day, 2nd offense 1 week, etc. or whatever. Schools have got to start thinking outside of the box to help our children succeed!

  16. wylo on May 12th, 2009 5:13 pm

    Yeah, lets give dire consequences for these kids being late to school. They rush because for one reason they are scared of referrals and other punishments if they are just minutes late for school. This zero tolerance for anything that these KIDS may do is way too overboard, like being suspended for picking a flower on school grounds or swallowing a goldfish off of school grounds. The nazi’s need to back off and use some common sense. If a kid gets a referral this year it stops them from participating in certain school events next year. These are just KIDS but are expected to use the judgement that even some adults lack. Well just look at the pics on this page and tell me that it is for their own good. We need good American citizens and students not good little nazi’s.

  17. Molino Mom on May 12th, 2009 3:50 pm

    Bennie since when is it legal to pass a car by using the shoulder of the road?

  18. Beegee on May 12th, 2009 3:50 pm

    I just want to say that I drive that way everyday and everyday I witness near accidents!!!!! The folks that are always in a hurry,never slow down for the FLASHING school zone light!!!!! They act very irritated when I do slow……but that’s okay…… day they will slow down!!!!
    Just hope it’s not too late!!! Incidently,it isn’t only the teens….I have witnessed adults that just may be teachers,speed through their own school’s warning flasher!!!!
    I do believe Bratt School area has NV area beat on speeding through the flashing reduced speed zone area!!!! I know some of these are late teachers and parents dropping students off!!!!!
    Please make wise choices and decisions…..for everyone’s sake!!!!

  19. Bennie on May 12th, 2009 3:47 pm

    First- dont assume that the teenager is wrong, what he was attepting to do was LEGAL and that doesnt neccessarily mean he was in a hurry either. Maybe it is a bad area on that highway but weigh all avenues of the situation. The teen refused treatment anyone ever think that he may have been concerned for the well being of others than to worry about himself or his vehicle.. True a lot of teens drive reckless at times but that doesnt mean that we have to stereotype this teen into what most do.I am sure he did not set out on his way this morning saying to himself ,”Let’s see how many cars i can involve in an accident this morning!” Come on people know the whole story before you cast a stone. This very teenager may be the one you are depending on to pull you from a mangled mess of metal one day – you NEVER know!!

  20. yellow hammer on May 12th, 2009 12:06 pm

    If you drive Highway 4 or 97, you see wreckless driving everyday. The sad part is that teens aren’t the only ones doing the wreckless driving. Some of the adults are worse than the teens. Doen’t set a very good example.

  21. S.L.B on May 12th, 2009 11:29 am

    I have lived on Hwy 4 just 2 1/2 miles from Northview for about 12 years now.

    What I have observed year after year is that we have many teen drivers who don’t allow themselves enough time to get to school, therefore they drive very fast and sometimes wreckless. What they don’t seem to comprehend is that this type
    of driving can result in an accidents, which can still make you late and in some situations, where you won’t make it at all. EVER!

    PLEASE all drivers…be responsible and drive the speed limit, abide by the rules of the road and leave home early enough in order to get to school on time. This is what you will need to do for many, many years to come anyways, long after your out of high school, so why not start now? And also abide by the speed limit after school on your way home too…. Hwy 4 is not a drag strip!


  22. mommyof2beautifulgirls on May 12th, 2009 11:26 am

    these teenagers need to stop being in a hurry! i’ve seen many cases of teenagers driving recklessly and and just not having a care so in the world…i’ve seen these kids pull out of northview,tate and many other high school’s and like i said they have no attentive of slowing it down…pay attention and chill out you guys.i hope everyone is going to be ok from this major accident that could of been prevented!

  23. Janice on May 12th, 2009 11:04 am

    This is a plea on a parents behalf! PLEASE be cautious! A week ago, a teen lost control of his car while traveling infront of me. Luckily, he regained control. Gravel was thrown down the side of my car and into the windsheild. My Daughter will be getting her driving permit soon, and I am concerned for her to be driving in the Bratt area! I am asking teens to SLOW DOWN and take precautions! Your Lives are incredibly valuble to us…BE SAFE!

  24. Jay on May 12th, 2009 10:29 am

    This crash appears to have been avoidable. Folks are always in too big of a hurry and many attempt illegal maneuvers to avoid traffic situations. It is not a secret that there’s a school zone here and it’s the time of day when parents, students and buses are trying to make their ways into and out of the school.