Saturday Is Registration Deadline For Miss Blueberry Pageant

May 1, 2009

bbjam.gifApplications are being accepted until Saturday from girls that wish to complete in the first Miss Blueberry Pageant on June 12 at the county’s Blueberry Jamboree in Barrineau Park.

A Miss Blueberry Blossom will be named from girls in the sixth to eighth grade, and Miss Blueberry will be named from competitors in grades 9 to 12. Girls must be residents of Escambia County.

Applications and non-refundable $30 entry fees must be submitted in person on Saturday, May 2 between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. at the Barrineau Park Community Center at 6055 Barrineau Park School Road at which time applicants will receive information packages. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Escambia County Recreation. Event coordinators will explain judging procedures, rules and regulations, and answer questions at 9 a.m. Alternative arrangements are available for applicants who cannot attend registration by calling pageant coordinators prior to May 2.

Miss Blueberry is expected to participate in the Blueberry and Bluegrass Jamboree festivities on Saturday, June 13. She must also attend the 2010 Miss Blueberry crowning and will be asked to attend several other local community events. Miss Blueberry Blossom is exempt from mandatory attendance at community events.

The Blueberry and Bluegrass Jamboree is sponsored in part by Escambia County Neighborhoods and Community Services Bureau, University of Florida IFAS Extension Services,, EREC, Escambia County Farm Bureau Insurance and A&N Blueberries.

For more information and registration contact pageant coordinators, Stacey Ward at (850) 336-0223 and Sarah J. Miller at (850) 341-9767 or click here.


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