Avoid Outdoor Burning Tuesday

May 19, 2009

Officials with the Florida Division of Forestry’s Blackwater Forestry Center are advising the public that outdoor burning  should be avoided today.

According to Ben Wolcott, Operations Administrator for the Division of Forestry, “Conditions are conducive to wildfires due to forecasted wind gusts up to 30 mph, humidity below 30 percent, and highly unstable atmospheric conditions. We only had a nominal amount of rainfall on Sunday; also, we have sent numerous resources to assist with the disastrous wildfires in central and south Florida, so our ability to respond to a wildfire within the tri-county district is reduced.”

Wolcott adds, “It’s much better to wait a few days, than to find yourself responsible for the cost of putting out a wildfire and for damage to the property of other persons.”

There are currently 193 active wildfires burning over 17,000 acres under state jurisdiction.

For more information about outdoor burning rules, contact the Florida Division of Forestry at (850) 957-6145 or visit www.fl-dof.com.

Blog: Publisher’s Decision On Consolidation Committee Service

May 18, 2009

One of the 25 seats on the commission created by the Florida Legislature to study governmental consolidation was offered to the publisher of NorthEscambia.com by Escambia Commissioner Kevin White.

But after much thought and consideration, I will decline to accept the position. The simple answer? Florida’s “Sunshine Law”.  The longer answer? For that, let’s take a look at some background.


Each Escambia County Commissioner is allowed one appointee to the study commission that was created by the Legislature to draft a proposal  that would combine the governments of Century, Pensacola and Escambia County into one, if approved by voters.  Once a consolidation plan is created by the study commission, it is to be submitted to the Escambia County Commission, the City of Pensacola and the Town of Century for action before submission to the Escambia County legislative delegation by January 15, 2010. Once approved by the legislature, the plan would be presented to Escambia County voters.

A person that serves on the committee is not necessarily for or against consolidation. The commission will not study if there should be consolidation. It will create a plan for consolidation that goes into effect if approved by the voters according to a bill already signed by the governor. A special interest group “All For One” lobbied the Florida Legislature to mandate the creation of the commission, and a bill sponsored by Rep. Greg Evers passed this past session to create the study committee.

The question of whether or not there should be a consolidated government will be answered by the voters in 2010.

The Need

The idea of serving on the consolidation committee seemed like a very good thing in the beginning. The committee will be made up of  25 members, very few of which will have connection whatsoever directly to North Escambia, District 5 or anything north of 9 Mile Road.

As publisher of NorthEscambia.com, I have seen the interests and needs of North Escambia residents, and NorthEscambia.com has worked to give our communities a real voice in this county. Serving on the committee would have been a great opportunity for your voices to be heard directly in the creation of the consolidation document.

The Sunshine Law

But another serious question became more important. After consulting with a couple of attorneys and the Florida Attorney General’s Office, there would very likely be a problem with serving on the consolidation committee and publishing NorthEscambia.com.

In a simple nutshell, Florida’s Open Government and Public Records laws, commonly called the “Sunshine Laws”, prohibit the member of a committee from speaking to any other committee member about items that will be voted on, or recommended by that committee. It turns out the whole “freedom of the press” thing can actually be constricted by the state’s open government laws.

If Mr. John Q. Public where chairman of the consolidation study commission, I could not call Mr. Public and ask him questions about the consolidation for a story on NorthEscambia.com. It was also the consensus of the attorneys that I spoke with, both of which are very versed in the Sunshine Laws, that I could not easily have an employee call Mr.  Public and ask those questions.

I could serve on the committee and report on what happens in any meeting. That would not be a problem. But presenting an issue to a committee member and questioning their motives following a meeting could not be done. A violation, by the way, is a criminal offense that can land you in jail.

I feel that I can best work to ensure that the commission does not forget North Escambia as a journalist, not as a committee member. It’s no secret — I don’t believe this 25 member committee will have the best interests of North Escambia in mind. I really doubt that many of them will even understand much about North Escambia beyond what they have seen at 65 mph along Highway 29.

As a journalist, I can present the issues and questions directly to each and every committee member and the public as often and as strongly as I wish.  As a committee member, my input would be limited to only meetings.

As a journalist, I can call committee members and ask how they plan to vote on a particular issue and print those answers, thereby possibly influencing the total vote of the commission. As a committee member, I could not.

If I were a committee member, the only consolidation commission reports you would read on NorthEscambia.com would be from meetings themselves. Residents of North Escambia would have to rely on the Pensacola News Journal and Channel 3 to look out for our interests with the hard hitting, direct questions with North Escambia in mind. Yeah, right.

At this point, it is not a matter whether you are for or against consolidation. What matters at this point is the fact the legislature, because of Greg Evers’ bill, has mandated the creation of the consolidation commission and plan. We must as the communities of North Escambia fight to make sure we are not forgotten in the document headed to voters, just in case it should pass.

It’s much like hurricane season. You can very much not want a hurricane, but when the warnings are issued you better get prepared to defend your position.

As a journalist, I will continue to represent North Escambia stronger than would ever be possible as a consolidation committee member. Each of you have served to make NorthEscambia.com a powerful voice. As a committee member, I would have been once voice in the process. As NorthEscambia.com, we will be thousands and thousands of voices, and votes, looking out for our neighbors.

I invite your comments below.

Escambia Commission: Back Off From Gov’t Consolidation Committee

May 18, 2009

Escambia County is taking a hands off approach, backing away from assisting a governmental consolidation study commission order by the state legislature.

The Florida Legislature approved a Greg Evers sponsored bill to form the commission to create a plan for a 2010 public vote that, if approved, will consolidate the governments of Escambia County, Pensacola and Century.

consoldupdate.jpg“I don’t want to spend time; I don’t want to spend minutes, advertisements, and any of those things,” said Commissioner Wilson Robertson at a recent Escambia County Commission Committee of the Whole meeting. “I don’t want to have to provide the spaces for them. I just don’t want us by accident to evolve into the lead agency…I just don’t want us to take the lead.”

The group All For One was the group behind the consolidation bill, having approached Escambia County, Century and Pensacola for support.

“They were not asking us to spend on dime on this study,” Robertson said of All For One’s presentation to the commission. “Then we were cautioned by a legislator that the way the bill was going to be written, that they may come back and the county be liable…for all the time, the space, the advertising, the clerical work and all this. This could cost a ton of money.”

The Town of Century originally approved a resolution in support of the All For One plan, but later rescinded their vote for the plan after receiving the same caution from a member of the legislature that Mayor Freddie McCall identified as Greg Evers, the bill sponsor.

“I will not support us being the lead or spending the money,” Robertson, the District 1 commissioner, said.

The final version of the bill approved by the Legislature said that “The board or other governmental entities may furnish the commission with such services, office space, and supplies as may be requested by the commission and approved by the board of other governmental entities.” It continues, “The City of Pensacola, the Town of Century and Escambia County may provide reasonable technical, legal and clerical assistance to the commission.”

County Administrator Bob McLaughlin said the co-chairs of All for All approached Commission Chairperson Marie Young and asked for the county to initiate the process of scheduling the consolidation commission’s first meeting. He said that since an elected official could not take part in the consolidation commission, he made a decision to start the process.

“I stepped up and said that we would just go ahead and do the preparation or the initiation process, and that’s all we have committed to do,” the administrator said.”All we are doing is just taking them to that first organizational meeting.

“It was sent to me…we discussed that it was illegal for an elected official, and I carried it to Bob,” Young said of the All For One request. “We just decided that we would take care of their logistics in terms of calling the meetings, two meetings, and then we are finished.”

Commissioner Grover Robinson  said he had a problem with not allowing the consolidation commission to use county facilities for public meetings.

“It’s not our responsibility. They can use the facilities, but let them make the arrangements,” Robertson said.

“We made it very clear when they came that we were not going to give them a dime,” District 5 Commissioner Kevin White said.

Besides assistance with scheduling meetings, the group has also asked McLaughlin to have the county establish the fund raising account for the group. That mention resulted in a resounding “no” from Commissioner White.

“They know that the funding and the charitable giving right now, and the economy right now is so bad…they will have a lot of trouble raising the kinds of funds they will need to see this through,” Robertson said, adding that he expects the group will end up asking the city and county for a lot more money than was anticipated.”We made it clear from day one, we wouldn’t going to pay for any of it. I just don’t want to see us gradually sucked into this. I just know that’s how people operate.”

“If they use a community center,  they’ve got to do like anyone else,” White said, “pay to use it.”

bobmc.jpgMcLaughlin (pictured left) said he has already sent a letter on county letterhead to each organization making an appointment to the committee asking for their appointee’s name.

“Why don’t they have letterhead that says ‘All For One’?” Robertson asked. “Why aren’t they doing all of this? I’m missing something here.”

Robinson said All for One could not send out the letters because the are the political action committee supporting the consolidation.  He said he had no problem with what county staff has done to date.

“I’ve read the entire bill, and it says nothing about what governmental body takes the lead,” Robertson said.

White said the board should have provided direction to McLaughlin not to meet with All for One members, adding “That’s where we messed up.”

“I just think we need to back off as much as we can and let the city, and let the All for One, and let’s just don’t make this a county project.”

Commissioners instructed McLaughlin to continue to help organize the organization meeting of the consolidation commission and no more.

“It is not a county initiative. Never has been, never was intended to be,” Robertson added.  “The city is seemingly not involved whatsoever.”

Watch Valentino’s Combined Economic Plan Presentation Video

May 18, 2009

This is  the video about an economic development plan  presented Tuesday by Escambia Commissioner Gene Valentino at a joint meeting of the commission and the Pensacola City Council. The plan would see Century, Escambia County and Pensacola working together on economic development.

Under the plan, an independent economic development authority — the Pensacola Escambia Development Authority (PEDA) — to be led by a 15 member board with a $300,000 to $600,000 budget.

The video appears below (if supported by your browser).

Click here to read more.

Man Arrested For Failure To Appear For Bad Checks, Including Bad Check To Courts

May 18, 2009


A man living in Molino wanted for failure to appear on bad check charges — including a bad check  to the Escambia County Clerk of the Courts — has been arrested.

Henry Lloyd Thompson III,  39, was arrested Friday and was being held in the Escambia County Jail on $2,000 bond on a charge of failure of a defendant on bail to appear. He gave deputies an address of 4273 Suncrest Lane, Molino.

Thompson was originally arrested on May 19, 2008, on multiple worthless check charges. He was charged with writing seven bad checks to Trisha’s One Stop totaling $1,530 and one bad check for $103.81 to Tom Thumb.

Thompson was also charged with writing an $85 worthless check to Ernie Lee Magaha, Escambia County Clerk of the Courts.

He was referred to the worthless check diversion program to allow him to pay restitution on the checks; he only completed the program on the check to the court clerk’s office, according to court records.

A warrant for Thompson’s arrest was issued on September 22, 2008.

Busy Two Weeks For NHS Class Of 2009

May 18, 2009

The next two weeks will busy for seniors at Northview High School. Exams, awards and more will lead up to graduation on May 30.

Senior exams will be today through Thursday. Seniors will clean out their lockers on Thursday, and make-up exams will be on Friday.

Baccalaureate service for the Northview Class of 2009 will be held at 8 a.m. on Sunday, May 24 in the First Baptist Church of Bratt’s Family Life Center.

Seniors will receive their all-clear slips the morning of Tuesday, May 26, followed by Senior Fun Day in the afternoon. Graduation practice will be  Wednesday, May 27 from 11:00 to 12:00.

Senior Honors Night will be Thursday, May 28at 6:30, and another graduation practice will be held Friday, May 29 from 9:30 until 11:00.

Graduation services for the Northview High School Class of 2009 will be held at 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 30 in the school gymnasium.

Local Firefighters Among Course Graduates

May 18, 2009


Escambia County’s first Firefighter II graduates include several North Escambia area firefighters.

The 18 firefighters had been taking classes since January for their certification. It was the first Firefighter II class offered by Escambia County since volunteer departments were unified into one countywide department.

North Escambia area firefighters receiving their Firefighter II certification this weekend included:

  • McDavid, Station 9
    • Alec Estes
  • Walnut Hill, Station 15
    • Philip Eubanks
  • Cantonment, Station 4
    • Wesley Barrnett
    • Jeffery Bingel
    • Matt Craig
    • Kenny Fehl
    • Kyle Passione
  • Beulah, Station 2
    • Zack Polk

Pictured above: Phillip Eubanks (left) from the Walnut Hill Station of Escambia Fire Rescue and Alec Estes from the McDavid station were among the 18 firefighters receiving Firefighter II certification over the weekend. Submitted photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

Century Schedules Two Workshop Meetings

May 18, 2009

Two special meetings of the Century Town Council will take place this week.

The council will hold a workshop today at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers, prior to the regular council meeting. They will meet with Robert Hudson to discuss the financial statements for the Town of Century.

The Century Town Council will hold a workshop Tuesday from 4 to 7 p.m. in the council chambers. They will meet with David Goetsch from Okaloosa-Walton College to discuss policies and procedures for the Town.

Video: That Rare Cloud That Had Us All Talking

May 18, 2009


Back on April 29, a rare cloud formation moved across North Escambia and South Alabama capturing the attention of many North Escambia residents. And now a series of photos from an area resident is giving us the opportunity to see the cloud in motion.

Forecasters at the NWS did not know exactly what to call the cloud formation, settling on calling it just an “arc cloud”. They say the cloud would have been formed by a rapid surge of warm moist air.

Matt Brook took a series of photos on Nokomis Road just off Highway 97 and put them together into a video. Click the video below to watch.

Reviewing high resolution visable satellite data, the weather service tells us that the cloud actually stretched from near Gulf Shores to Butler County, Alabama, for a brief period.

Pictured above: Walt Butler took this photo on Greenland Road in Davisville. Submitted photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

Communities Come Together To Honor Veterans, Military

May 17, 2009


Area residents turned out in Atmore Saturday morning to honor those that have and are currently serving in the military during a combined Armed Forces Day/Memorial Day parade and ceremony in Atmore.

armed-forces-memorial-day71.jpgLed by the Northview High School NJROTC and the Northview Tribal Beat marching band, the parade began the day’s events that ended with a ceremony at the Atmore City Hall.

“We are gathered here today while our nation is at war,” Atmore VFW Commander Lavon Martin  said. “May God bless them for that service.”

Parade participants included the Northview band and NJROTC, the Escambia County High School NJROTC, the Pensacola High School Air Force JROTC, a unit from the Naval Aviation Technical Training Command, area fire departments, the VFW, and the American Legion.

Click here for a NorthEscambia.com photo gallery from the parade and ceremony.

Several NJROTC members from NHS and ECHS were honored after the parade. Click here for that story.

Pictured top: The Northview High School NJROTC leads the Atmore Armed Forces Day/Memorial Day parade Saturday morning. Pictured inset: Atmore Councilman John Garrard listens to a ceremony that followed the parade. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.

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