NWE Wraps Up Season; Awards Special Trophy To Drew Marlow

May 30, 2009


Trophies and awards were handed out during closing ceremonies for Northwest Escambia Little League Friday, including a trophy for a little boy that was never able to play ball on the field that bears his name.

nwe-closing-016.jpgTwo year old Drew Marlow and his dad Danny Marlow died in a January 2008 accident on Highway 97. Drew’s Field was named is his honor, bringing wee ball to the Northwest Escambia Little League for the first time ever.

The first trophy of the season was presented to Drew’s mom Cyndi Marlow Wendt. It was a tiny trophy depicting a wee ball player about to knock the ball off a tee was inscribed with “Drew Marlow #3″.

The first three attempt at in vitro conception were unsuccessful for Danny and his wife Cyndi. But on the third try, they were successful. The embryo was rated as on a “3″, when typically only those rated as a four or five survive. Drew beat the odds and was born a happy healthy child. For that reason, Danny wanted his little boy to wear jersey number “3″ during his first game.

All of the NWE wee ball players wore the number “3″ on their hats during the season as a constant reminder of Drew’s memory.

nwe-closing-042.jpgNWE also presented other trophies and awards Friday afternoon, including their coach and volunteer of the year awards.

Greg Green was named Volunteer of the Year, and Josh Long was name Coach of the Year. Steve Hanks was also recognized for 13 years of service to NWE.

Each player on every team was also individually recognized.

For a complete gallery with over 150 photos from the event, click here.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “NWE Wraps Up Season; Awards Special Trophy To Drew Marlow”

  1. grandparent on May 30th, 2009 8:47 am

    Thanks for always having great coverage for our local everts. Our grandchildren photos are always great. Wish you could have covered the teachers that had the program to honor Mrs. Killan and Ms. Barbara. I under stand they had 65 years of service in education. Our 5th grader will never forget the special day.

  2. Cyndi Marlow Wendt on May 30th, 2009 8:07 am

    I just wanted to say “thank you” to NWE Little League for the trophy presented to my sweet Drew. I will forever treasure it! I am so proud of what we accomplished with Drew’s Field. Thanks to everyone for making it happen…especially Jessica. It means so much to me! William Reynolds…you are always there! Thanks so much for all your coverage!!

  3. NWE on May 30th, 2009 7:53 am

    Actually, the entire league wore a #3 on their hats to honor Drew.
    AWESOME coverage!! Thanks William!!