NHS Baccalaureate Service Scheduled Despite ACLU, Court Order

May 12, 2009


The Class of 2009 at Northview High School is not going to let a federal judge and the ACLU put an end to the school’s history of holding a Baccalaureate service.

The Baccalaureate service for the Northview Class of 2009 will be held at 8 a.m. on Sunday, May 24 in the First Baptist Church of Bratt’s Family Life Center.

The school was unable to organize a Baccalaureate service due to a new Escambia School Board policy preventing the school from promoting any religious ceremony. That policy was implemented after a federal judge issued an order against any policy or practice where school district employees promote or take part prayer or religious services in the Santa Rosa County School District. Students are allowed to conduct their own religious events at school without school employee involvement or outside of school..

killam.jpg“We are making a statement,” said Luke Killam, president of the Northview senior class. “We are doing it so that God will be glorified, and we will give Him all of the glory.”

The senior class will hold a traditional  Baccalaureate service, Killam said, including a message from Jason Oxodine, youth minister at the First Assembly of God in Atmore.

“The administration, faculty, and staff of Northview High School have been proud to sponsor all of the Baccalaureate services since the school’s inaugural 1996 graduating class.  It is believed that the Senior Class of 2009 will rise to the challenge of having an off-campus Baccalaureate service and will not only have a wonderful service but also one which may serve as a model for future years,” NHS Principal Gayle Weaver said when it was announced that the school would be unable to sponsor the service.

Pictured above: The Class of 2008 Baccalaureate service at Northview High School. Pictured inset: Luke Killam, senior class president. Click to enlarge.


31 Responses to “NHS Baccalaureate Service Scheduled Despite ACLU, Court Order”

  1. Colton Kawamura on May 16th, 2009 11:18 am

    As the President of the class of 2008 in NHS, I had a little problem with this during our time up to bat. But it was solved by simply making the service voluntary. I’m not sure why they would make such a big deal of it just one year later, but I hope the class of 2009 will solve it.


  2. K on May 15th, 2009 6:30 pm

    What about people who believe in God, but are of a different religion? Is it fair to tell them to “stay at home”? I certainly do not think so. What scriptures will they be reading? Will they be out of the Bible? Which version? Not all people who believe in God read the Bible.

    A baccalaureate service is a celebration which honors a graduating senior class from a college or high school. The event is often, but not necessarily, of a religious nature, almost invariably Christian.

    A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, a monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and claimed by Christians to have been prophesied in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.

  3. sel on May 14th, 2009 9:00 pm

    The baccalaureate service at a church is a wonderful choice and yes seems like the perfect place. However, the tradition of the service is usually held at school. For the schools (students) that want it held at school they should be allowed to have it there. The students (parents) that do not believe in GOD should be allowed to stay at home. The Christian students should not be the ones to have to pay the price for someone elses misfortune. For the ones of us that do believe in GOD, he is our everything and we can’t live without him. He’s part of our family and therefore he should be included in whatever we wish for him to be.

  4. My 2 cents on May 13th, 2009 9:49 pm

    Why do people stick their heads in holes and refuse to see what is going on. The federal judge didn’t order God out of anyones lives.
    It is an order to put the beliefs of people into the churchs or whatever where they belong. NOT IN OUR SCHOOLS. There is much diversity in the students
    How fast would everyone run to the schools and courts if you had a teacher like CHARLES MANSON in the school teaching your children his beliefs
    Or someone like DAVID KORESH teaching his beliefs to your child.

    They don’t belong in the school. Where someone elses child of another religion might have to be pushed into listening to something they don’t believe.

  5. J. Powe on May 13th, 2009 3:32 pm

    I am proud to be the mother of a former Northview graduate (class of 2004). Kyle went to be with the Lord on Oct. 7, 2006, and because of his belief in the life after this one, we as his family and friends have some peace to see us through our sad times of missing him. One of our most precious memories of his time here with us was his Bacculaureate service. I as a christian mother, thank anyone who believes there is a better place than this world, and who encourages our youth to hope for a better place. I can only say, the more God has been taken out of our lives, no matter where that might be, the worse it seems to get. I can only state to our youth at Northview who choose to attend this special service, God bless you and he will do just that!

  6. J. Powe on May 13th, 2009 11:50 am

    The more the courts and the ACLU try to distroy Christianity the stronger the faith
    of the rightous will become. The war was won 2000 yrs. ago on a hill in Jerusalem and any “victory” the atheist get now is no more than a minor skirmish.

  7. Proud to be a Christian on May 13th, 2009 9:41 am

    I wish to encourage not just the students and their families, but ALL school employees and citizens of our area to attend this Baccalaureate. There is NO law that states a school employee cannot attend these services, so I feel that we should all participate. Christians should “make a stand” and pray about these issues and for the spiritually blinded ACLU. Have you noticed that in the aftermath of a tragedy at a public school (such as Columbine massacre, etc) that the students and school officials encourage and request Christians to come and pray and counsel the students? Sadly, many people do not realize how much they need Jesus until something terrible happens. I am so proud of the students at NHS and for everyone involved in organizing this service. Please, attend this service and PRAY!!!

  8. A Daddy on May 13th, 2009 8:15 am

    Praise God -for those who have faith and for standing strong for our Lord-who was sent by our heavenly Father to redeem us from the curse of sin and death!
    We are living in the the times just before the terrible time-lets do our best to proclaim the soon coming king of kings! We should not be surprised or upset by any of this-it must grow much darker before we see the Son! If people don’t like what we of faith write here-then don’t read it! I read every opinion and take the bad with the good! Stand strong soldiers of the Cross-there are many of us out there! A Daddy

  9. Angela Rowell on May 13th, 2009 7:29 am

    I am certainly proud of these students for going forward with their Baccalaureate services, however having these services at a local church is not a “new” thing. Due to similar circumstances my graduating class, EWHS Class of 1990 also held our Baccalaureate services at a local church, The Atmore Baptist Temple. My congratulations to all local graduates!

  10. J on May 12th, 2009 11:34 pm

    Give God The Glory!!!! Any day He is the reason we live in a Free Country!!! By the way God Bless Our Men And Women over Sea’s and May God bring them Home Safe!!!!

  11. curious on May 12th, 2009 7:54 pm

    My2cents, who said school officials wasn’t gonna be there at the church?

  12. BRENDA on May 12th, 2009 7:48 pm


  13. judy on May 12th, 2009 7:13 pm

    the way i see it, this is a learning lesson for these graduates……theyre learning , first hand, how the ACLU operates and what one of its main agenda is…to use our own legal system to minimalize, stamp out and water down any reference to God and the Christian church….i just hope that ALL of these young adults become registered voters and pay good attention to this current political situation that our country is now in under Democratic leadership…..we need more principled, outspoken young adults, like these kids, as our future leaders…..three cheers for the school, the students and the FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRATT’S FAMILY LIFE CENTER!

  14. My 2 cents on May 12th, 2009 5:55 pm

    I didn’t know that there were any “southern rights”. So I guess you can call me stupid on that one.
    I think this class did a good thing by having their service in a church. That is where the service should be.

  15. yellow hammer on May 12th, 2009 5:45 pm

    To My 2 cents, These students could have quit and let the court win along with the two students in Santa Rosa county that brought the suit. The stand was when they took charge of the service and did not surrender like so many have over our southern rights and christain rights. We hope more people will stand up for all our rights before they are gone and we only bow to Washington and the group of thugs and tax cheats trying to ruin our great country.

  16. My 2 cents on May 12th, 2009 5:34 pm

    First of all,” TAKING A STAND” is what people do when they defy the laws. Michelle Winkler “took a stand” when she did what she was told not to do, she did it because of her beliefs and she didn’t care what the consequences were. ROSA PARKS ” took a stand” and changed the laws and history.
    So I think that I do know what taking a stand is all about, but I won’t call you stupid for saying that I don’t know.

    Wasn’t this subject addressed months ago, and someone said “why dosen’t a church offer their church for the services so that there isn’t any violation of the laws.
    The kids are able to have their “Baccalaureate Service” like they do every year, but without school official involvement. It is their right to do this.

    They are doing just what the law says. They are having their service outside of school without school involvement.

  17. stuart on May 12th, 2009 4:26 pm

    Great job overcoming this obstacle. Keep perservering and it will be rewarded.

    Class of ‘96

  18. B. on May 12th, 2009 4:14 pm

    Main Entry: bac·ca·lau·re·ate
    Pronunciation: \ˌba-kə-ˈlȯr-ē-ət, -ˈlär-\
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Medieval Latin baccalaureatus, from baccalaureus bachelor, alteration of baccalarius
    Date: circa 1649
    1: the degree of bachelor conferred by universities and colleges
    2 a: a sermon to a graduating class b: the service at which this sermon is delivered.

    So if its being held at the First Baptist Church of Bratt’s Family Life Center, where it SHOULD be, I see no problem with that.

  19. S.L.B on May 12th, 2009 11:47 am

    I hope that Northview High School will serve as an example to other high schools and to their students, to not give up in the participation of the traditional Baccalaureate services.

    Students…stand tall and work around the roadblocks that have been place in front of you as I am sure their are many more to come! As christians, I’m sure we are prepared to fight for our Lord and our right to worship and praise him at whatever cost!

    I’m proud of our students and our community.

  20. E.M.D. on May 12th, 2009 11:39 am

    This is the way it needs to be anyway. You students have warmed my heart. I have made the acquaintance, lately, of more lovable kids than I knew existed, and they are all in North Escambia. Keep honoring God no matter what. If you fall, get back up, and keep going. When times come that you feel alienated from God, for any reason, including your own actions, or lack of them, do not give up on Him and try to hide (that is exactly what the enemy wants you to do). Defy the evil one and spread it all out before your Maker. Invite Him to see all. He does anyway. He loves you more than any other. I pray you all follow the instructions in Rom. 12:1 and Luke 11. May God bless all of you, while on this earth, more than you ever thought possible, even in heaven. I pray His best for you, and yours for Him, all the days of your lives.

  21. Janice on May 12th, 2009 10:55 am

    GLORY TO GOD!!! These students are just what we need to shape this community! Congratulations to each of you on both your Graduation and the position you have taken in this matter!

    To my2cents: REGARDLESS to wether or not a member of NHS faculty is involved in the ceremony, the STAND occured when these young people MADE a way to include their Lord and Savior in their Graduation. Commendable action, I’d say.

  22. Lisa McCann on May 12th, 2009 10:26 am

    Also, no one can not keep school officials from attending church services. I’M not trying to be rude, but My2cents, you can’t be as stupid as you sound.

  23. Lisa McCann on May 12th, 2009 10:19 am

    The stand is them not being discouraged by stupid people and I have to applaude the students for not giving in. I do know someone who is graduating, and I am proud of her.

  24. waterlady501 on May 12th, 2009 10:02 am

    To My 2 cents: You don’t seem to understand the term “taking a stand”. It doesn’t mean someone defied authority or broke rules. It simply means someone showed his commitment to a belief or principle. You are correct that the school board policy allows for religious-related services as long as they are’t sponsored by school personnel or held on school property. The school board certainly can’t dictate what students do on their own time, off campus, as long as those activities are legal. By choosing to organize the event off campus and through their own efforts, these students are showing the school district they are serious about the commitment to their faith and traditions. I’m certain many of the school board officials thought if they made it difficult for students and their families to hold such events by not allowing them on campus and not allowing school personnel to assist in any way, the students and families would have just given up because it was just too much work. Congratulations to these students and their families who are “taking a stand” and doing the work necessary to preserve what is important to them. Thank you, also, to First Baptist Church of Bratt for their willingness to host the event.

  25. Bishop on May 12th, 2009 10:00 am

    Awesome stand. Many students would have just said forget it, we are out of here. Remember you are the future leaders in that community. There are those that wish to take our religious freedoms and for a while may seem to have won but they have not ran into this group of young adults that will soon arrive into leaders. Your are the hope for this genreation. I celebrate with you and your accomplishments.

  26. Jerry F on May 12th, 2009 9:44 am

    This is GREAT! Students can follow their religious beliefs with their families and clergy, without the involvement of schools officials in their school roles! This is just what the U.S. Constitution requires. Congrats on your new understanding of that beloved document!

  27. Laura Taylor on May 12th, 2009 9:26 am

    I don’t know any of the students that are graduating from Northview this year but I wish I did. These students are doing what’s right, no matter what anyone says. If someone doesn’t want to believe in God, then don’t pray, don’t go to church, and don’t go to the baccalaureate services! Leave the rest of us alone. Good luck to this graduating class! May God Bless You!

  28. My 2 cents on May 12th, 2009 8:18 am

    Doesn’t it say that as long as none of the school admin, faculty, teacher, staff or officials take part, sponsor, or lead in this, that it is ok for the students.
    I don’t understand what the “stand” is all about.

  29. bmb on May 12th, 2009 7:44 am

    Maybe these brave new citizens embarking on this jouney called life will continue to be productive in society and use the freedoms we all cherish such as our right to vote. This will be the beginning of a new generation who have a voice in our communities. Each one will forever hold this memory of solidarity in their hearts and mind, perhaps starting a flame for justice that will burn through time.

  30. kathy on May 12th, 2009 6:56 am

    I am so very proud of the stand that you all are taking, and am praying that the graduates as well as their families will be immeasurably blessed for their decision to do what is right.

  31. THE DOER on May 12th, 2009 6:10 am

    I am so proud of our community, schools, students and teachers/staff. This is what it is going to take — rising to the challenge to make a peaceful statement. Good job!