More Info On Century Wireless Internet Proposal

May 21, 2009

After the Century Town Council heard a proposal from Rodney Thomas from the Virginia consulting firm Resources Building Tomorrow, LLC to build a community wireless access network in Century, asked for more information about the plan. Here is what we received:

Dear Sir (s),

This morning I am sending this message over one our Access Points on a Network in the East Side of Richmond, Virginia. Currently we have three (3) service areas locally, two (2) more under contract in Richmond, three (3) under contract in Memphis, Tennessee, one (1) in a rural area of Central Virginia and our efforts through Rodney Thomas and Resources Building Tomorrow, LLC for Century, Florida.

We have come to value the efforts, relationships, and ethic both he and his organization represent in their ongoing efforts to develop education and economic standards for underserved citizens in all communities.

Just a few answers for your bloggers;

1) Broadband speed is 768k-1meg; that’s pure throughput and allows a subscriber to do audio, email, video, voice-over-internet, distance learning; etc. Our Enhanced Community Access Networks (e-CAN) provide a dedicated broadband circuit to every subscriber.

2) The eCAN provides broadband on the 802.11bag set of protocols and utilizes spectrum with at 2.4GHz; with backhaul at 5.8GHz and some transfer at 900MHz. 802.11n can also be deployed on “custom” build request.

3) The Community owns the eCAN and can utilize the facilities as they see fit. That means broadband internet service becomes available; at below market pricing for broadband internet and voice services that generates cash flow or value for the Community. We simply provision and mange the broadband/network assets; that is a defining difference between our offering and anything else available. —-The Community owns the Network—-

4) We also provision and make available a Community Portal; but by no means do we ever force a subscriber to go anywhere on the internet.

4) Funding is provided privately through partnerships or through grants made available by the Agencies such as the United States Department of Agriculture. So; the build out does not represent a financial risk for the Community.

5 – Local Jobs and maintenance. We are simply managing assets and are committed to local labor, organizations, and/or training programs. Our efforts with Mr. Thomas should be viewed more as an integrated resource that is going to pursue all of the possible “fits” available for our Partner Communities; such as Century.

6 – Our e-CANs are for real users; the Virtual Computing Lab for k-12 that students simply can not currently use and the tele-medicine applications for the elderly and infirmed that are not currently accessible come to mind.

7 – Our programs include a total computing package; we also pass-though at cost off-lease low-cost laptops starting at $250.00 and low-cost desktops starting at $125.00. Existing landline telephones can be adapted for voice-over-internet starting at $45.00 and actual handheld WiFi telephones start at $75.00.

8 – The eCAN is secured for the Community and every subscriber at two levels: though log-in and password requirements; and from the media access contoller on each individual computer used on the network

We look forward to moving through this process. The eCAN model has immediate impact for residents of underserved communities and is a business model thay provides lasting value.

Thank your efforts, time, and consideration.

Very Best Regards,

Howard Bryan Bonham III

Laburnum Data Center
Internet Junction
Richmond, VA 23220


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