Molino Woman Honored On 98th Birthday

May 13, 2009


Mrs. Mary Lou Kinnard was recognized at a recent Barrineau Park Music Night in honor of her 98th birthday.

Kinnard turns 98 today. The faithful Music Night attendee was honored at the last event with the band on stage and the audience serenading her with the song Happy Birthday.

She seldom misses a monthly Barrineau Park Music Night, said organizer Lawson Berry.

“She is as a spry as a cricket, sharp as a tack and until recently, lived alone. She says she wants to live another two years to make it to 100. We all expect that she will be around a lot longer than that,” Berry said.

Pictured above: Mary Lou Kinnard was honored for her 98th birthday and faithfulness at a recent Barrineau Park Music Night. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


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