Molino Park Students Tops In County Sunshine Math Competition

May 10, 2009


Two fifth grade Molino Park Elementary School students took top honors in Escambia County in Sunshine Math.

Willis Fletcher took first place in the county, and Tristan Barrett won second place in Saturday’s competition.

Overall, Molino Park Elementary took six teams with 22 third to fifth grade  students to the tournament.

Other students in the competition from Molino Park included:

  • Third grade: Hunter Rogers, Devin Abrams, Sabra Stewart, Sarah Perritt, Trevor Singleton, Jacob White and Carsen Lowery.
  • Fourth Grade: Mitchell Singleton, Savanna Calhoun, Ashlyn Fowler, Ian Schneider, Caeley Barrett and Lauren Carnley.
  • Fifth Grade: Willis Fletcher, Harmoni Till, Moriah McGahan, Allison Woodfin, Tristan Barrett, Jason Ogle, Kendral Langford and Haley Brown.

Pictured above: Molino Park Elementary School fifth grade students took top honors in the district Sunshine Math tournament Saturday. Tristan Barrett (left) won second place and  Willis Fletcher (right) won first place. Pictured below: Another photo from Saturday’s competition. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.



16 Responses to “Molino Park Students Tops In County Sunshine Math Competition”

  1. a.nicole on May 13th, 2009 7:28 pm

    Mommy – Bratt is trying to pick it back up again, that is why I asked for any info on starting up. We would love any info or help, since we are new to this. From what I understand SSM is a huge undertaking so I hope that if we are able to get it started back up that you will be willing to help out. THANKS :-)

  2. Mommy on May 13th, 2009 7:03 pm

    Bratt had Sunshine Math a few years ago until they got rid of it. Too much trouble they said. Yet ANOTHER thing Bratt does not participate in.

  3. a.nicole on May 13th, 2009 6:47 pm

    Does anyone have any info on how a school could compete in Sunshine Math? Is there a website I am missing?

  4. O'Donnell Fletcher on May 13th, 2009 9:47 am

    I’m so very proud of you Willis, keep up the great work and tell your fellow Math Gorou’s I’m proud of them too.


  5. O'Donnell Fletcher on May 13th, 2009 9:43 am

    I’m so very proud of you Willis, keep up the good work and tell all of your fellow math Gorou’s I’m proud of them too.


  6. Rebecca Hatch on May 11th, 2009 8:59 pm

    Congratulations to all our Sunshine Math students. You are ALL winners and Molino Park is so very proud of you!

  7. Kim on May 11th, 2009 6:33 pm

    Great Job Tristan!!!!! That was awesome! I know your classmates and mom and dad are so proud as they should be. Keep up the great work.

    Miss Kim

  8. Don S. oglesby on May 11th, 2009 5:07 pm

    We are all proud of you. Great job Tristan! I know you made your school and your teachers very proud but not as proud as your Dad. Keep up the good work. We need leaders in this country.

  9. Allison's mom on May 11th, 2009 2:55 pm

    Congratulations Willis and Tristan!! You guys are an awesome duo!!!
    Willis, we are going to miss you next year.

  10. Gaynelle Fletcher on May 11th, 2009 8:19 am

    Congratulations Willis. I’m so very proud of you for winning first place for the 5th grade individual math competition. Look forward to next year.
    Grandma Fletcher

  11. Diane Duff on May 11th, 2009 7:44 am

    Great work Willis your grandma Duff and the rest of the family are very proud of you! Congrats to Tristian also, you guys make a great team – 1st place in team (along with Allison) in ‘08 and 1-2 in individual in ‘09. Keep up the good work in middle school.

  12. Lanatta on May 11th, 2009 7:14 am

    SUPER JOB, Tristan!!!!!! Your Dad & I are very proud of you!!!
    keep up the good work,

  13. tigtag24 on May 10th, 2009 5:13 pm

    Way to go Tristan! Uncle Greg, Alyssa and I are very proud of you!!! Keep up all the hard work. We can’t wait to see your trophy!! :)

  14. Proud Mom on May 10th, 2009 12:09 pm

    I am so proud of Tristan and Willis!! This is their third year invited to participate in this competition and have done well every year. What a way to go out winning top awards for the 5th grade individual competition! Congratulations again boys and to all the other participants this year!

  15. Tina Pendleton on May 10th, 2009 10:44 am

    Way to go!!! Best school ever!! I love being a Molino Park mom.

  16. allie_vidak on May 10th, 2009 9:33 am

    way to go molino park! =]