Man Shot By Atmore Police Dies

May 26, 2009


The man shot by Atmore Police early Sunday morning in Walnut Hill has died, according to friends and family members.

Danny Ray Williams, 33, passed away Monday evening at the USA Medical Center in Mobile.  Hospital officials confirm that Williams is no longer a patient at their facility, and Atmore Police have also confirmed the death.

Atmore Police say they chased Williams out of Atmore and into Florida about 1:30 Sunday morning after he was seen speeding away from an Atmore neighborhood where police had just received a call of shots fired.

Glenn Carlee, Atmore’s director of public safety, says Williams apparently tried to hit an Atmore Police Department cruiser head-on. Once he stopped and officers approached the car with weapons drawn, Carlee says Williams accelerated toward an officer in an attempt to hit him. That prompted at least two officers to fire at Williams.

Florida authories told Sunday morning at the scene that Williams had been shot at least once in the head.

For a statement released earlier Monday by the Atmore Police Department, click here.

For’s original story from early Sunday morning, click here.

For a complete gallery of exclusive photos from the scene that you will see only on, click here.

Pictured above: Investigators from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement process the car driven Sunday morning by Danny Ray Williams. exclusive photo, click to enlarge.


33 Responses to “Man Shot By Atmore Police Dies”

  1. Mike Greene on May 31st, 2009 10:35 pm

    police officers need more training, when the car crossed the state line florida should have took over, the shooting was unjustified.

  2. noh8rs on May 28th, 2009 10:21 am

    I kept having nightmares last night after reading “John’s” post on this story and his SHEEPDOG post on the funeral story.


    He has an image of himself that he is a “Saint”, out there protecting all of us citizens, and we don’t like him, and the criminals don’t like him, but he is such a “saint” that he takes all the abuse and keeps on doing his job protecting us.

    Then the real “WOLF” comes out in him and he makes a joke about the “dead guy”.

    This really chills me to the bone. It makes me even more afraid of the LEO’s that are supposedly protecting us.

    What makes you such a “Saintly” investigator, that would make a joke about a “dead guy” that one of your fellow officer’s shot. Did the officer’s that shot him laugh at your joke? Did the family of Williams laugh?

    I still feel sick to my stomach. And I feel such sympathy for the family of Williams who are trying so hard to not blame the police, and then read a comment from one of you who make a joke out of it, and then post on the other story how “saintly” you are.

  3. Law and Order on May 28th, 2009 9:31 am


    I’m glad you responded to my “allegations” as you fulfilled my purpose; to get someone to set the record straight, since neither the city of Atmore nor Atmore Police will provide relevant details.

    Your service to the community is appreciated.

  4. ems on May 28th, 2009 9:06 am

    Re: Law&Order May 27 8:28am

    You are obviously Monday morning quarterbacking without a CLUE regarding EMS so let me set a few things straight.

    First, lifeflight WAS called but was UNABLE to fly. Anytime we have what might be a call warranting lifeflight, they are called en route. This is easily verified.

    Second, since lifeflight was unable to fly and the patient was not stable, FLORIDA AND ALABAMA STATE PROTOCOLS dictate that the patient is taken to THE CLOSEST FACILITY FIRST, which was Atmore Community Hospital.
    (You cannot travel an hour down the road with an unstable patient from the scene bypassing a facility that has physician, many more hands&equipment and the ability to stabilize the patient FIRST.)

    Third, once the patient is stablized at the closest facility, they are then transferred to an appropriate facility that will accept the patient. Sometimes facilities are over run and on bypass,sometimes there isnt a specialty physician that is willing to accept the patient, whatever the case. Also, lifeflight status was AGAIN checked on and they were still unable to fly. So that is why he had to be transferred by ground ems once he was stabilized to the physican that accepted him.

    Fourth, and this point clearly shows Law&Order doesnt know what he’s talking about, Florida EMS was not called because the area that this occured is covered by Atmore Ambulance under contract with Escambia County Florida and has been for years!!!! This is thier area and they are the CLOSEST ALS service. Thier paramedics are Alabama AND Florida certified and have been providing the extreme north end of Florida ems service for many years. ( Would you have liked to have waited on a Florida Unit to come from a MUCH greater distance??)

    Oh and by the way, since this was a Florida call for Atmore Ambulance, all communication went through Florida so everything is recorded and verified. Florida run reports are generated and go directly to Escambia County FL EMS. So get OFF your ridiculous idea that Florida was “conveniently not summoned” in order to provide a cover up. Atmore Ambulance runs this area for Florida, are Florida certified units and personnel and communicate directly with Florida on these calls.

    And last, autopsy results and other information, including the EMS&hospital reports are all made readily available and turned over to the FDLE.

    Law&Order, you have the right to your opinions and freedom to speak. But you surely need to make sure you have your FACTS straight and know what you are talking about before making such ignorant and inflammatory comments.

  5. Law and Order on May 28th, 2009 6:06 am


    You missed the boat on my post. Williams was removed from the jurisdiction that would have ensured FDLE’s presence in the eventual autopsy. By the way, was an autopsy actually conducted?

  6. noh8rs on May 27th, 2009 10:13 pm

    Please tell me you are not the same person who posted the “Saintly” story on the other story “Funeral Services”.

    What a sick, disgusting, thing to say. “To the dead guy I say this, “You wont do that again, will you?”
    No wonder there are people who feel negative about cops.

    I hope you and your friends got a good laugh out of that one because you actually made me sick to my stomach.

  7. James on May 27th, 2009 8:30 pm

    Pensacola wouldn’t have the opportunity to do an autopsy on Williams’ in the event he died, which would then make all the evidence available to FDLE for its investigation.

    Since the shooting occurred in Florida, regardless of who does an autopsy, if one is done, the FDLE will still be able to obtain a copy of the report since they are the investigating agency. This would be called disclosure of evidence.

  8. Tax dollars wasted on May 27th, 2009 4:16 pm

    To the family,sorry for your loss. And please excuse all the yahoos that are quarterbacking his death. They are a little backwards up here. Hey…its the northend right?

  9. Danny's cousin on May 27th, 2009 3:51 pm

    I agree with my cousin please just let justice come to be and it will all work out

  10. Danny's Sister on May 27th, 2009 2:48 pm

    First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU to all who have shown love, support, and concern over this situation. Danny was my only sibling and I am going to miss him deeply. Words can not express how confused I am on all the details surrounding this whole event and I pray that in the end I can find closure. For all of you who have jumped to conclusion about my brother or the police officers involved, I have to ask all of you …How do you think it makes all of the people involved feel to read all of your negative and childish comment concerning these turn of events. Please get some self respect and keep all your negativity to yourselfs (and read the rules about posting through this site)! Furthermore, how about we all wait until ALL of the facts are in, because I promise all of you, that the story goes on. Rest in peace big brother….I Love you and I will miss you!
    You Are Forever In My Heart,
    Your Baby Sister

  11. John on May 27th, 2009 2:33 pm

    To the Police Officers involved, I would like to give them a tip of the cap and a salute. I hope they are okay and dealing with this shooting. Thanks for providing us essential services and response. We are your neighbors,friends and buddies. Thanks.

    To the dead guy I say this, “You wont do that again, will you?”

  12. noh8rs on May 27th, 2009 9:59 am

    Also Willard, when you are spouting off to Law and Order with the use of what if’s and would you’s and etc. READ YOUR OWN POST.

    I wonder where you were sitting when you posted to me “suppose YOU”, ” Would YOU”?


  13. Law and Order on May 27th, 2009 8:38 am

    Here are some more points to ponder on this fiasco, as I’ve been accused of Monday morning quarterbacking:
    Why wasn’t Williams sent via life flight to the trauma center at Sacred Heart or Baptist Hospital in Pensacola instead of being taken to Atmore, which doesn’t have the capability to handle such an emergency in the first case as proven by the later transfer Mobile? Oh yeah, that’s right, rescue from Florida was conveniently not summoned for assistance.
    Now this gave the Atmore Police a chance to cover itself with an end around run to get Williams out of the state of Florida. This way the medical examiner in Pensacola wouldn’t have the opportunity to do an autopsy on Williams’ in the event he died, which would then make all the evidence available to FDLE for its investigation.

  14. noh8rs on May 27th, 2009 7:28 am

    First of all, I would not go outside with a gun if I heard shots. I would call the police from inside my home. I don’t go looking for trouble.
    Second if someone broke into my home and I felt the lives of my family were in danger, you’re damn right I would shoot. But in the same instance, (and this is hoping that at the time I still have my wits about me) I would not shoot at them if they were running away.

    The question as I said is when is the shooting justified and when is it not?
    The Bratt shooting, to me, when the shooter went into the house to get the gun, should have called the police and stayed inside where he was safe, and wait for the police. The shooter chose to go back outside where the danger was, and use a gun. I am assuming that is why he was arrested.

    The police had jumped out of the way of danger, then chose to shoot into the back of a leaving vehicle.
    And I still wonder if the passenger, that had clearly tried to comply, was still in the car when the police fired on the car. That is putting an innocent person in danger, he could have been shot as well.

    Your LOGIC sounds a bit on the trigger happy side. Sounds like you Would go outside to take your own action. That does’t sound like a very law abiding citizen.
    Most of the time, if you go looking for trouble, you find it.

  15. willard purdue on May 27th, 2009 12:36 am

    First we have NOH8RS and now LAW AND ORDER…. OLD NOH8RS with all the RIGHT DECISIONS and THEN THERE’S LAW AND ORDER WITH HIS RIGHTS OF; SHOULD HAVES AND WOULD HAVES AND who KNOWS what’s going to happen next!!!! WOW!!

  16. Law and Order on May 26th, 2009 10:07 pm

    Sounds like a major officer safety violation to walk up in front a car that has two “possible” armed suspects in it. The Atmore officers put themselves in a no win situation from the start.
    But then again we’re back to the “alledged” shots fired call that wasn’t even mentioned or much less investigated because the chief didn’t tell the editor about it during the first interview. Hmmm, sounds like a cover only after the fact in an attempt to justify a pursuit that should have never crossed over into Florida to begin with, because It should have been terminated by a supervisor.
    At what time did the Florida Escambia Sheriff’s Office get called in on this chase, after the shooting? I’m sure recorded phone and radio transmission time lines will shed some light on that.
    You better hold on Atmore for the ride of your lives because I forsee a monster lawsuit heading your way that will potentially cost the police and the city millions of dollars.

  17. willard purdue on May 26th, 2009 8:38 pm

    noh8rs…….suppose YOU, are home, and in the middle of the night YOU hear shots, a neighbor calls, YOU go outside with your gun for protection and someone in their car tries to run over you. Would YOU fire your gun? Would YOU just say, Oh no he’s trying to hurt me. where’s me some rocks, stop, stop?
    Shots fired…Man in a place he has no business being,…Not obeying request to stop……Hummm…..Logic says you would fire. Now that’s logic.

    You of course more than likely don’t have a gun. And YOU of course don’t know the difference between a Cop and two angry men trying to hurt one another. Nither caring who gets hurt. Huh.
    I ‘m thankful it was not my family, neighbor, friend, even stranger that stood in front of the car or had to take the JOB of being an officer in the incident.

    We were not there to make the RIGHT decision.
    Thanks for your support my fellow citizen.
    It’s good to know someone can tell us the RIGHT DECISIONS from the couch.

  18. Lawful Guest on May 26th, 2009 8:22 pm

    This is simply a further evidence of the lack of respect for law enforcement and is not limited to the highway. It carries to the courtroom and schools as well. Disrespect for authority is not taught at home, but rather encouraged. Thank you Atmore Police Department for all you do and for putting your lives on the line every day!!!

  19. noh8rs on May 26th, 2009 8:09 pm

    When do you draw the line and say right or wrong.

    There was a story on this site.
    “Arrest Made After Bratt Shooting; Victim Found In Car In Century.”
    Then there is this story.

    After all is said and done, there was a vehicle supposedly being driven as a weapon. But in the Bratt shooting, the man who did the shooting got arrested and is still ongoing in court over that.

    Now you have police that supposedly did the same thing. Why haven’t they been arrested?
    They got out of the way of danger and then shot into the back of a leaving vehicle. So why is it different in these 2 cases? OTHER THAN BEING AN OFFICER.

  20. Jay on May 26th, 2009 5:12 pm

    Citizens of Atmore, you better get ready to dig into your pockets because your taxes are going up so that the bill can be paid for this wild west shoot out!

  21. William on May 26th, 2009 4:43 pm

    Police are confirming that he died. Channel 3’s story was old when it ran this morning.

  22. windy on May 26th, 2009 4:38 pm

    i heard the same thing on channel 3

  23. NDavis on May 26th, 2009 4:18 pm

    I am proud of all the men and women who serve in the Police Dept. The officers
    were doing their job. I appreciate them. I am glad to know that we are protected
    by a outstanding dept. Thank you ATMORE POLICE DEPARTMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Chris Maloney on May 26th, 2009 3:49 pm

    Why are the names of the officers & the passenger involved being kept quiet? I’ve never seen anything in my life that kept their names out of the public.

  25. mark on May 26th, 2009 3:44 pm
  26. jb on May 26th, 2009 11:00 am

    I heard on THE NEWS THIS MORNING THAT THE MAN IS STILL ALIVE AND IS IN THE CRITICAL CARE UNIT!!!!!!!!!!! His friends had said that he died !!!! I say he was running for a reason and could have hurt someone if the Police had not stopped him. I wonder why his friends would say that he was dead? Thank-you Atmore Police for putting your life in danger everyday for our safety!!!!!

  27. mark on May 26th, 2009 10:49 am

    Not Dead. He is at a Mobile Al hospital.

  28. Michael on May 26th, 2009 8:55 am

    AT this point in in time it doesn’t matter what happen it will all be investigated and the truth found. Right now what needs to be done is for the people that were not there to just stop blaming both sides and take out to realize that there is a mother, a grand mother, a fiance, and a family that is hurting. They are the ones that we all need to think about and pray for. Hope that they find closer no matter the outcome. There is also the officers involved and if they were in right then they are dealing with the grief of having to a life. That doesn’t only affect them but their families that are around them, because nothing can prepare you for that mental and emotionally. I guess what I’m trying to say is there is a bigger picture and we all need to take a step back to look at. So if are concerned about the young man in the car or your concerned about the officers involved don’t pass judgment on either let Florida do their investigation and you pray for the families you think you should pray for.

  29. Law and Order on May 26th, 2009 8:51 am

    Even if the scene actually plays out the way it has been suggested, the officer jumped out of the way and was not hit by the car; therefore, he or she is no longer in danger, then as the car attempts to leave the scene, officers shot at the rear-end and kill the dirver. This going to be a difficult pill to swallow, especially when there’re out of state and chasing a car for minor violations.

    Florida Jury Instructions:

    Necessity to avoid use of deadly force.

    The officer cannot justify the use of force likely to cause death or great bodily harm unless [he] [she] used every reasonable means within [his] [her] power and consistent with [his] [her] own safety to avoid the danger before resorting to that force.

  30. guest on May 26th, 2009 8:02 am

    Jay…………… comes back to why did this christian, good friend to all he meets, walked the little old lady across the street, Eagle scout by the time he was 12……….run from the police…………………everybody is putting this spin on this incident to make the police seem like the bad guys in this…………this criminal , and it is a shame he died, did not stop………..all the blame lies with him.

  31. Mike Hall on May 26th, 2009 7:55 am

    Before the wackos show up. If ANYBODY is trying to run over ANYBODY and I’m armed I would shoot them. Only a complete idiot tries to run over a Cop. But we know it happens. All he had to do was stop the first time he saw the lights and little if anything would have happened. But NO this guy wants to make the Cop chase him all over creation. Then to top that off to try to run over them. What did he think that would improve the situation?

    He was not running through town at high speed running all lights and stop signs and fleeing across state lines just because he did not want a ticket. I wonder if they tested their hands to see if they had just shot a gun. If they do test positive then there is a gun thrown out along the road somewhere.

  32. Jay on May 26th, 2009 7:48 am

    Has there been any “follow-up” on the shots fired call. Did an officer actually go and make contact with the caller?… Did an investigation of the call produce any direct evidence such as shell casings, witness statements, or bullet holes in buildings, cars, or people, or did the police just jump on this white car and chase it? Here’s some food for thought: Fireworks are sold in Atmore, could it have been?

  33. Janet on May 26th, 2009 6:51 am

    I’m glad to know the ‘rest of the story’. Thanks for keeping us posted on the facts as they emerge.