Lightning Strike Reported At Ernest Ward Middle School; No Injuries, No Fire

May 14, 2009


(Updated 3:15 p.m.) There was no damage and no injuries from a reported lightning strike at Ernest Ward Middle School in Walnut Hill this afternoon.

ewms-lightning20.jpgFire departments from across the area were dispatched to Ernest Ward Middle School at 2:15 this afternoon after several teachers and staff members reported seeing a flash and hearing the strike. The strike caused the school’s fire alarm system to activate.

There were no injuries and no fire reported. Firemen searched the entire main building, including the attic, and surrounding areas. They were unable to find any damage or the exact point of the lightning strike.

Several computers in the main building were reported to be damaged by the lightning strike.

The school was not evacuated due to heavy rain and more dangerous lightning still in the area at the time. School dismissed at the end of the school day as normal.

The Walnut Hill, McDavid, Molino and Century stations of Escambia Fire-Rescue responded to the call.

Pictured top: Heavy rain falls as the first fire truck arrives on scene in at a reported lightning strike at Ernest Ward Middle School this afternoon.  Pictured middle: Firemen enter the building. Picture below: Firemen make access to the school attic to search for any problems. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.



11 Responses to “Lightning Strike Reported At Ernest Ward Middle School; No Injuries, No Fire”

  1. windy on May 14th, 2009 8:01 pm

    I agree with John, and thank the lord everyone was safe. my child said “it was scary”

  2. shelby on May 14th, 2009 7:49 pm

    that strike made me jump i know that and had mrs perry’s drink flying

    thank god no 1 was hurt and fires thankyou firefighters hope u loved the play

  3. oliva on May 14th, 2009 6:32 pm

    Its a good thing there was no fire.

  4. William on May 14th, 2009 4:46 pm

    Mrs. Perry is invited all firefighters to attend a play at the school tonight for free as a thank you. Click for info:

    William, Admin

  5. Mae on May 14th, 2009 4:31 pm

    I do believe William has a teleporter. Otherwise how can he be so many places.

  6. Mrs. Perry on May 14th, 2009 4:29 pm

    Thank you to all the VFD guys and girls that responded to our crisis. You did an awsome job and I am ever so grateful for all of you taking such pride and care in your work. I feel very safe knowing you are there helping be lookout after my “babies.” Again from our family (EWMS) to yours THANK YOU!!!!!

  7. Barbara on May 14th, 2009 4:29 pm

    Glad no one was injured
    God Bless the Firefighters

  8. Barbara on May 14th, 2009 4:27 pm

    Firefighters are our brave heros. No matter what situation,,,, they put their lives on the line. And yes they do love that home made cooking when you can catch them at the station.
    God Blees the Firefighters

  9. John on May 14th, 2009 4:02 pm

    “Late Breaking News!” The Lightening quickly high tailed it away from Ernest Ward Middle School after finding out the school was filled with Miss Perry’s “babies” and feared for it’s very own safety and existence.

    But seriously, a big HUGE Tip of the Cap and salute to all the Excellent Firefighters who responded to insure our childrens safety. Alot of these great Firefighters are volunteer. They take time off of work,school, give up dates and family gatherings to provide the very best in fire protection. I simply cannot praised these men and women of our Fire District.
    When you see one of these guys or gals wearing those fire Tshirts, make sure you let them know how much you appreciate them.

    Doesnt hurt either to drop off a pizza to them during thier Monday Training nights.
    Having been a Vollie, it’s a nice touch to be remembered.

  10. Scared on May 14th, 2009 3:59 pm

    That is awsome that no one was hurt.

  11. My 2 cents on May 14th, 2009 2:46 pm

    Lightening is so very scarey and dangerous. I hope all are ok, and not too shook up.