JB The Donkey Mother’s Day Update

May 10, 2009

Here’s the latest update on J.B., the orphaned baby donkey, from his adoptive mother Lindley Barden (well, actually from J.B. himself, sort of):

Hello Friends:

JB here! Since it is Mother’s Day, I decided to do the news report myself . . . sorry it’s so late, but typing with one finger is mighty slow-going!

Last night marked my “first” birthday: I am officially one week old. And so far, it has been the roughest week of my life! I got off to a pretty bad start, as you all know . . . besides losing my Mom, I’ve had to ride in a trailer, get stuck with big needles, and drink from a bottle! But I did get a new Mom, and have been living in a nice quiet area with a really big bed. Many people have called and written to wish me well, and I’ve even been on TV and the Internet. Although things have really been changing fast for me, I am very happy and feel very loved.

And I’m changing every day, too! I’m up to 45 pounds now–that means I’ve gained a pound a day! (Mom doesn’t seem very happy when SHE does that, but she thinks it’s great for ME!) And my beautiful blue eyes have turned a beautiful brown. I’m incredibly nosy, and getting braver by the day . . . I can go up and down steps, drink from a bucket, play in the dirt, and do a perfect sliding stop. I love to jump up and down on my hospital mattress, and can snatch Mom’s blanket off of her as she’s trying to sleep . . . I guess my next trick will be learning to eat grass!

Well, Mom is calling me . . . she’s saying something about my first BATH . . .something about the fact that I’m supposed to be WHITE . . . (?)

Happy Mother’s Day,


6 Responses to “JB The Donkey Mother’s Day Update”

  1. Ken on May 13th, 2009 6:51 am

    When will JB be allowed to have visitors?,and can he have treats yet? or is he still to young?

  2. Lynn on May 11th, 2009 9:40 am

    Thanks for the update. It does the heart good to know that JB is doing so well and that there are loving souls like Lindley still on this earth. So, JB I hope for Mother’s Day you made sure to give your special mom a huge wet kiss to show your appreciation!!

  3. Michelle Cayson on May 11th, 2009 9:05 am

    I can’t believe someone out there is tring to defend his actions. That “he doesn’t deserve the charges against him”.

    Are you serious? Maybe he didn’t think a .22 would do any damage, what did he think it was going to do, blind it? bounce off? He is sick !!

    Someone else said “maybe he thought it was a deer” if that was the case:
    1) since it isn’t deer season he should be bought up on pouching charges.
    2) it is illigal for hunting large game with a rim fire.

    Give it up, there is no defending this thug!! He lives in the neighbourhood, he knows what is in that field. No mistake, premeditated. Throw the book at him!!

  4. Barbara on May 11th, 2009 6:20 am

    I love the follow up. We also have rescued many pets, but never a donkey, that has to be quite an experince. My heart goes out to you all and I know JB will make it,

  5. E.M.D. on May 10th, 2009 11:22 pm

    That is just too cute. I love it. I think JB’s new mom and I are kindred spirits.

  6. allie_vidak on May 10th, 2009 9:48 pm

    this was cute. nice to see he’s doing well!