Gulf Power Customers Will See Decrease In Bills

May 27, 2009

If you are a Gulf Power customer, look for a small decrease on your power bill. A surcharge used for hurricane repairs will be dropped from Gulf Power bills starting in July.

The electric utility will stop collecting the $2.57 per 1,000 kilowatt-hours fee that was approved by the Florida Public Service Commission after Hurricane Ivan in 2004, and extended after hurricanes Dennis and Katrina. Combined, those hurricanes did almost $200 million in damages to Northwest Florida’s electric system.

“These hurricanes did a tremendous amount of damage to our system and we worked with the state to soften the impact on customer bills by spreading the repair costs out over the last 5 years,” Sandy Sims, Gulf Power spokeswoman, said. “The surcharge also helped us to rebuild our storm reserve fund which is critical to keep future storms from causing large increases.”

Gulf Power’s charge for 1,000 kilowatt-hours will decrease to $121.53 — down from $124.10.

“We prepare for storm season every year, but when you have back to back hurricanes it carries a tremendous price tag,” Sims said. “We know our customers expect us to work as hard and as fast as possible after a hurricane and to bring in thousands of extra workers and materials. That costs money, but it’s a small price to pay to help get the power on much quicker.”

Sims said lowering the price of electricity is always positive and noted that Gulf Power offers energy and money saving tips on the company’s Web site at Storm preparation tips and safety information is also available on the web site.


5 Responses to “Gulf Power Customers Will See Decrease In Bills”

  1. EREC VICTIM on May 30th, 2009 7:35 pm

    Its about time we hear this! I am an EREC customer. My husband is losing his job in June, so we have been cutting back on power usage. Hanging laundry, Stopped using the dishwasher, and turned the A/C down a bit. We got our bill, and the base billing showed a significant difference…as you read further you see terms like “GROSS RECEIPTS TAX,” FRANCHISE TAX,” and whatever other fabrication they throw in! Our bill was actually HIGHER than before the cutbacks! Tell me there isn’t something wrong here,folks! I wonder how the good folks at EREC will stuff their pockets when we are all bathing in the creek and lighting candles because we cannot afford the “LUXURY” of Electricity~!

  2. a.nicole on May 28th, 2009 10:49 pm

    Does EREC plan to follow? The surcharge on my bill is over 1/3 of the total bill every month. It would be nice if someone realized that this is ridiculous.

  3. jackie alston on May 28th, 2009 2:56 pm

    I am glad they can pay out bonuses @ the expense of the elderly in our community. My mother who rarely cooks, retires early, and lives on a fixed income had an increase from $50.00 to $160.00 from Gulf Power. How can anyone justify this increase. Greed Is Good! So said Michael Douglas. Gulf Power can certainly relate to that statement. God Bless Our Elderly because Gulf Power certainly will not.

  4. guest on May 28th, 2009 7:19 am

    I am glad, my ex-wife used to work for them and they would pay out to each employee several thousand at the end of the year bonuses. especially the engineers.

  5. c/o 2009 on May 27th, 2009 10:25 am

    every dollar helps….
    i live on my own and pay all of my own bills
    i have a min. wage job and every dollar that can be saved helps