Gangs In Century? Sheriff’s Department Responds

May 22, 2009

Century does not have a gang problem like some Pensacola areas, but gang members sometimes hide out in the area — that was the word from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department at a Thursday night town hall meeting.

chavers.jpg“There has been a resurgence of gang like behavior, wanna-be little kids emulating older folks,” Paula Jernigan, curriculum coordinator at Carver/Century K-8 told Escambia Chief Deputy Bill Chavers.  “Do we have gang activity in Century? Or Not? It’s hard to tell if it’s just kids playing.”

“I do know there are active gangs in Escambia County as defined by state law,” Chavers said. “But I don’t think they are in Century.”

“No, they do not have a gang problem up here,” Lt. Pat Spears said, adding that she had just called a supervisor with the department’s gang unit. “Some from down there come up here to hang out and hide, but they are not active here.”

“Century is holding its own right now,” Chavers said, primarily because of the hard work of the deputies assigned to the area. “They are working their butts off up here,” he said of the Century precinct deputies. The Century precinct includes not only the town, but areas like Bratt, Walnut Hill and McDavid — almost everything north of the Highway 29 and Highway 97 intersection.

And more deputies are on the way to help, Chavers said. Five new deputies will soon be added to patrols in North Escambia; three in Century and two in Molino.

The chief deputy said that Sheriff David Morgan has taken a community approach to law enforcement, increasing community patrols and visibility. Morgan has walked the streets of Century, held lunches, spoke to the Tri-Cities Rotary Club as’s guest, and used the department’s bike patrol four times in Century.”

“We want to get the word out that we are not afraid to get out and be active in the community,” Chavers said. “We can’t be everywhere at all times, but we try go through the area as much as we can.”

The increased sheriff’s department presence in the Century area has not been without results. Increased narcotics division work in Century is making progress, Chavers said, adding “you will be surprised when we are done and release the numbers”.

Across the county, the chief deputy said about 80 percent of all crime can be traced back to narcotics.

“Economic times are part of our problem. Times are tough. Tempers are short; people are scared,” he said. “In 35 years of law enforcement, I’ve never seen so many people carrying guns.”

Sheriff Morgan was originally scheduled to be at a town hall meeting in Century on May 7, but he rescheduled that meeting due to an orientation scheduled for the same night at Ernest Ward Middle School. Due to an error with the sheriff’s calendar, the Century meeting was inadvertently rescheduled for May 21, the same night as a speech Morgan had scheduled to the  Pensacola Military Officers Association.  The Pensacola commitment was made prior to the Century eventdate being planned.


14 Responses to “Gangs In Century? Sheriff’s Department Responds”

  1. guest on May 26th, 2009 8:10 am

    Thank you Sheriff, we don’t believe all this other crap barricade is spewing.

  2. David Morgan on May 25th, 2009 1:41 pm

    Please understand that you are commenting on “dated information.” Capt Randy Pippin was assigned approximately 3 weeks ago to Homeland Security. He is a “one deep shop.” Occasionally other officers will augment him, but none other is permanently assigned.
    You are correct on personnel numbers and assignments not being clear. Until recently, the 30 (approximately) personnel assigned to Court Security were lumped into “patrol.” This is misleading, just as considering CID as “administration” is misleading. Investigators work all hours and are on call. We are correcting the organizational chart and structure to refllect (for the average citizen) accurate representations of personnel assignments.
    Yes, several reassignments occured from CID. After a lengthy meeting with Commander Bobby Jackson and Lt. Haines, it was determined that every new deputy would be assigned to patrol and only on an emergency basis would an officer be taken for other assignments. (Such as responding to what I consider an emegency, e.g., the growing gang problem in Escambia County.)
    As of today, Narcotics is down 2 personnel and Training is down one. There are no plans to backfill those positions.
    Management is not a exact science. As an example, from this last class of 6 officers, 2 were “dual certified” having come to us from Corrections. Assignments were made based upon their completion of ugrade training. After a few weeks on the road, one has requested to return to corrections, and as of Friday, the second is seriously considering it. “Patrol is not what I thought it would be.” So someone (precinct) is going to come up short, correct? I cannot provide what I do not have and we cannot continue to take personnel from investigations, narcotics, etc.. However, we note the shortage and make arrangements to backfill it with the next class.
    Now factor into this retirements and medical issues. So we may, in fact, get the Molino Substation up to 15 assigned officers, and in 60-90 days have a retirement, medical issue, etc., and lose an officer. At this point we use the flex shift, Reserves, etc., to keep the numbers balanced until we can permanently (once again) get the numbers stable.
    This described process is an almost daily occurence. Management of an organization of this size and complexity (1,057) requires constant monitoring. It is a little like vehicle maintenance, one does not “change the oil and tune up the car one time” and then never consider repeating it.
    I have walked the streets of Century 2 times (in a little over 4 months in office), I’ve had lunch at the Panhandle Restaurant twice, I’ve spoken at the Flomaton/Century Rotary, the ECSO Bike Patrol has been there 4 times, and I’ve held a Town Hall Meeting in Molino. I have not been informed of any sheriff in recent memory that has focused on the issues in the north end to this extent. I am fulfilling my promises to the citizens to not ignore them as it has been done in the past, based solely upon politics. (If I was that sort I would not be in Century, for I did not “win” there. But this is not about me personally, nor politics, its about public safety and keeping your word.)
    All of my mangement decisions will not be popular nor agreed upon by all. But I will assure you that they are based upon sound mangement principles, leadership, and not personality nor politically driven.
    Thank you for your oversight and concern for the citizens of North Escambia County.

    David Morgan, Sheriff
    Escambia County, FL

  3. Sylvia Godwin on May 24th, 2009 10:28 pm

    I am proud we have Mr. Morgan as our sherrif. He is trying hard to help make it safer for all of us. I feel he cares about us as much as he does the south end of the county.. Mr. Morgan if you read this I would just like for you to know, we had planned to come meet you when you were up here, but things happened that was out of our control and we didn’t get to come. I do want you to know we support you and all you do. I know my vote was not wasted. Thank you for all you and the deputies do for us.

  4. Barricade on May 24th, 2009 7:48 pm

    Sheriff, you are misleading the readers on this forum. You transfered 5 investigators from CID to patrol then transfered two on the patrol roster to other assignments, none of them went to investigations. One went to “Homeland security” and I’m not sure where the other went. You are shorting patrol. The numbers you purport to have are not the boots on the ground.

  5. EMD on May 24th, 2009 1:34 am

    I am amazed.

  6. Emily on May 23rd, 2009 10:52 pm

    It’s nice to know that our Sheriff is reading also. I think it’s great that Mr. Morgan will take the time to make comments in response to the concerns of the readers of this site.

    Way to go Sheriff Morgan!

  7. David Morgan on May 23rd, 2009 10:16 am

    “John,” would you be so kind as to provide me with the names of the officers reassigned after the Molino Town Hall meeting? I have checked with Commander Bobby Jackson, head of our Patrol Division and he informs me that the Molino Precinct is at their full required complement of personnel. The ECSO did in fact move one officer approximately 5 weeks ago, to augment investigations, but another officer was placed in that position.
    I encourage you or any other citizen to speak with Lt. Jordan (OIC) or Sgt Vickery (AOIC) of the Molino Precinct if they have any further questions.
    As for the new assignments, if you will provide me with your name and phone number I or a member of my staff will invite you to the Molino Precinct when these 2 new officers are assinged from the next graduating class, which will be no later than August of this year.
    Thank you for your concern as to the status of law enforcement in the Molino area.

    David Morgan, Sheriff
    Escambia County, FL

  8. listen on May 23rd, 2009 9:43 am

    In response to SNAKE74…….its clear that you know NOTHING about Gang information. As a person who has a daily contact with Gang Members in the Escambia County & Santa Rosa County area, you need to do your home work, it has NOTHING to do with being/feeling grown up or being Lazy!!! There is NOTHING small about gangs weather they are here or New York or California. A gang member no matter how small will carry out any duty/instruction given to them. There is NO SUCH THING AS ” WANNA BE” anymore!! Contact the gang task at the ECSD and ask for some info/education about the gangs in this area.

  9. David Craig on May 23rd, 2009 1:14 am

    Judy has the right idea. By reporting suspicious activity to the ECSO we can best focus our personnel to help keep gangs from gaining a foothold in Northern Escambia County. Report known drug houses and criminal activity. Call 911 in any emergency. For routine calls the dispatch number is 436-9620. ECSO Community Oriented Policing can be reached at 436-9281. CrimeStoppers number is 433-STOP. The all new ECSO website is There you will find helpful tips on fighting crime. Your proactive help will go a long way towards making our neighborhoods safer.

  10. Jay on May 22nd, 2009 9:26 pm

    The town of Century has to take an active roll and act quickly to cleaning up suspected gang “tagging” as soon as it is discovered. Go down Pond Street to the McMurry ball park bathroom facility and you’ll see what Century’s “want-to-be” kids are painting on the building. Is this kids playing or the start of something bigger?

  11. John on May 22nd, 2009 3:45 pm

    Don’t count on “3 more deputies”. The Sheriff said Molino would get more too, then after our town meeting, he started cutting personnel. Molino now has fewer deputies than before the Molino town meeting.
    I think he is playing “the shell game” with y’all too.

  12. judy on May 22nd, 2009 3:30 pm

    i live in the walnut hill area…thus far, i havent come across any drug chatter or gang activity…however, if i do i WILL report it!…i just wish that everyone in this north escambia area would commit to doing the same….i think (i KNOW) that most folks up here are decent and hard working Americans…sometimes youve got to step out of your comfortable surroundings and be proactive about speaking up and doing your part in keeping drugs and gangs out of our communities up here…im reminded of the timeless and true saying, “evil triumphs when GOOD men do nothing”….we must speak up and teach our children to speak up against it and report it…otherwise, gradually, in time that cancerous element (gangs/drugs) will take over the cherished resources that we have up here and well have the same level of crime and drug activity as pensacola..thank God for our dedicated sheriff deputies..i welcome their influence and presence…and, i certainly do appreciate all that they do…(even when i occasionally get a speeding ticket, they are always courteous to me)

  13. NHS Student on May 22nd, 2009 11:04 am

    This is a really good thing to be questioned about around Century. I am very proud of the Police that drive & come through Century to make sure things are going right, and we are very fortunate to have 3 more officers coming to Century. Like they said they can’t go through every part of town. It makes me feel alot safer to drive through Century or be at a gas station and see a police drive by.

  14. snake74 on May 22nd, 2009 9:05 am

    Gang’s are for kid’s who want to feel grown up but are to lazy to get a real job.If you want to be a man get a job or join the army.Otherwise you are just a small little nothing of a person who will be forgotten two years after he is dead.