Escambia School Board, Superintendent Salaries Cut

May 14, 2009


Escambia County School Board members are taking a pay cut after the Florida Legislature mandated that they can’t be paid more than a rookie teacher.

The Legislature approved a measure that requires school board members to be paid no more than the starting salary paid to a teacher in their school district.

Each school board member’s salary will be cut from $35,938  to about $32,000 — the teacher starting salary in Escambia County. The nearly $4,000 will be cut from the salaries of the five board members effective July 1.

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas won’t be immune from the salary cuts. His salary will be cut 5 percent — about $6,000 from its current $130,436 level. file photo.


4 Responses to “Escambia School Board, Superintendent Salaries Cut”

  1. Redhead on May 14th, 2009 10:27 pm

    Well thats a start but more needs to be cut downtown. Lets get rid of those d*mn area superintendents. All these principals that are at the Hall Center either need to retire or go back to classroom we have too many of them also doing nothing most of the time.

  2. Escambia County Citizen on May 14th, 2009 12:34 pm

    AMEN I agree with JAY

  3. Jay on May 14th, 2009 9:57 am

    Next should be our part time county commissioner’s salary. The legislature should tie the BOCC member’s pay to the lowest paid county employee. I’d bet Kevin White wouldn’t think that a pay raise would be “ludicrous” then.

  4. Marie on May 14th, 2009 8:24 am

    Well, it’s about time they start cutting from the downtown overhead! They should have never been paid more than teachers, when they sit behind a desk all day and the teacher are the shinning stars educating our children!