Commissioners Ask Court Clerk, Tax Collector To Stay In Century

May 23, 2009

The Escambia County Commission is asking the Escambia County Tax Collector and Escambia County Clerk of the Court to keep their offices open in Century.

Earlier this month, Tax Collector Janet Holley and Clerk of the Court Ernie Lee Magaha announced that they were closing their offices in Century’s Billy G. Ward Courthouse by the end of May.

District 5 Commissioner Kevin White introduced a last-minute resolution to the commission asking the county officers to reconsider.

“The county can’t make them keep their offices open,” White said, “because they are constitutional officers. They don’t have to listen to us, but we can ask.”

The resolution says the offices are a vital service for Century and surrounding parts of North Escambia.

“In addition to the convenience of having these offices located in the Century courthouse, these branch offices have provided a vital link to certain governmental services for those with transportation, mobility or other difficulties accessing government offices farther away from the residences of such people.”

“The Board of County Commissioners hereby requests that both Escambia County Clerk of Court and the Escambia County Tax Collector maintain branch offices at the Century courthouse,” the resolution continues.

At last report, both offices were still scheduled to close next week.


13 Responses to “Commissioners Ask Court Clerk, Tax Collector To Stay In Century”

  1. NF on May 25th, 2009 8:44 am

    I still have to go back to the comment that the tag office has so few people coming in. DUH!!!! No drivers licence and closed the 2 busiest days of the week. Also, how economical is it to LEASE a building in Cantonment (fees so high, Winn Dixie moved out) as compared to a PAID for building in Century. I agree overall both Magaha has done a fair job, but Holley on the other hand…. Honestly, how many offices are really needed in Pensacola. On average how many people go to the newest office on “W” Street? Why not let the tax payers decide where and how many offices since we are the ones that pay for them.

  2. RICKY on May 24th, 2009 10:04 pm


  3. Kim on May 24th, 2009 9:59 pm

    When there are cuts to be made Century is always at the top of the chopping block! We need that courthouse on this end of the county. Magaha and Holley could care less if it puts a hardship on the citizens of our community. Guess the only thing they might not take from us is the prison and that’s because they don’t want the prison in their part of the county!! What else can they take away from our town?

  4. Century girl on May 23rd, 2009 9:14 pm

    I appreciate Commissioner White for standing-up for the northend on this! Everyone needs to call our Clerk of Court and Tax Collector’s offices the coming week and urge them to “keep Century open”! We are being denied access to close those two services!
    Again, thanks for the support Comm White!

  5. PeaceGardenState on May 23rd, 2009 8:17 pm

    Bob sounds very smart!

  6. BRENDA on May 23rd, 2009 8:15 pm


  7. Bob on May 23rd, 2009 6:21 pm

    Magaha and Holley are simply doing what they have to do to live within their budget. We as taxpayers expect nothing less of them. Money is tight ,even on their level. It is a situation {use it or lose it] and the use simply wasn’t there. I personally think both do a wonderful job.

  8. Jay on May 23rd, 2009 3:27 pm

    The biggest loss here is the access to the county court. Prior to this closure of the clerk of the court’s office, a county judge would come twice a month to Century to hear cases like driving on a suspended license or other minor law and traffic offenses. Limiting access to the courts is a major blow to the citizens in North Escambia and will only compound the problems for those without the abiltiy to go all the way the clerk’s waterfront office in Pensacola. Where’s the ACLU when you really need them?

  9. guest on May 23rd, 2009 2:04 pm

    I think that the decisions were made way before the recession hit. The county owns the building and the fees should be split by the 3 agents using the building. It would make sense to keep the building open. How much can it cost to have each department open at least for a part of the week?? I think that some of the fees are already shared by the different departments. It just shows you that we still don’t matter to the people in Pensacola even though they need us to have the consolidated government implemented. I don’t think that we will do any better if that passes because all they care about is locating everything in downtown Pensacola which is not good for the county as a whole. They should have to move the agencies further north (around 9mile or even further) so that everyone has to travel to handle business.

  10. puzzled on May 23rd, 2009 1:12 pm

    Please explain, with facts,as to why you feel this way.

  11. guest on May 23rd, 2009 9:32 am

    Magaha has been a dictator ever since he ws elected. Can’t wait for him to get out of office.

  12. guest on May 23rd, 2009 9:30 am

    Both Magaha, and Holley are lame ducks, they do not care what the citizens think. They already have their fat retirement checks fixing to roll in.

  13. Jack Moran on May 23rd, 2009 7:01 am

    Mayor Freddie McCall at City Hall and Century Pharmacy both have flyers with telephone numbers of elected officials and petition signature forms available to help folks voice their desires about the North Escambia Courthouse. Century Pharmacy already has nearly 300 petition signatures that will be delivered on Tuesday.