Board Votes To Close Another Escambia School

May 12, 2009

The Escambia County School Board has voted to close another school at the end of this school year.

The board voted Monday to close Edgewater Elementary School, a move that will send the approximately 350 students to three other elementary schools — Navy Point, Warrington or West Pensacola –depending on their address.

The closure is expected to save the district about $400,000 per year. It is the same redistricting method the board followed to close Carver/Century K-8 School.

The school board voted March 17 to close Carver/Century at the end of this school year to save another $600,000 plus. The Carver/Century attendance zone was deleted, sending the students to Bratt Elementary and Ernest Ward Middle School next year.The total savings from the two school closures is expected to top $1 million per year.


5 Responses to “Board Votes To Close Another Escambia School”

  1. Rita Bolton on May 13th, 2009 11:03 am

    I do not have children in school in Escambia since they are grown, but do have land and still pay school tax on the land in Esc. Co. (even thought I don’t have kids in school, what’s up with that?). My thoughts are the same as they have been for many years now. People have been told that money from the lottery will go to roads and schools in FL. People are told the same thing in Texas, yet in both states there is always the complaint that there is not enough money for the schools. Between the school taxes we pay and money from the billion dollar industry of lottery, why is there still never enough? Not to mention the schools now nickel and dime parents to the death over extra-curricular activities, school supplies, etc.
    Just wondering…………….

  2. Ken on May 13th, 2009 1:02 am

    Apparently none of these board members have kids that go to these schools, I agree with Nicole THIS IS INSANE,instead of closing schools and sending 300 + students to other schools just relocate a couple of board members that would be easier, LOL!!!
    P.S. (yes i have kids) :)

  3. a.nicole on May 12th, 2009 6:30 pm

    …. but we have a pretty new website for the area…aarrrggg… this is insane!

  4. curious on May 12th, 2009 1:35 pm

    Don’t forget about the ones that transport the students to and from school.

  5. Janice on May 12th, 2009 11:13 am

    Lets hope some of this money that is saved goes to payroll for the teachers needed for the larger classrooms! Our teachers are overwhelmed as it is….adding more students to the lassroom without proper help adds to the stress! GOD BLESS OUR EDUCATORS!