Accused Donkey Killer Will Now Be Tried As An Adult

May 13, 2009

The Cantonment juvenile accused of shooting a donkey will now be tried as an adult.

kylemasondriver.jpgKyle Mason Driver, 17, was originally charged as a juvenile, but he now faces charges as an adult in Escambia County Circuit Court on three charges related to the May 2 shooting death of the donkey on River Annex Road near Jacks Branch Road. The shooting happened within minutes of the birth of J.B., a white donkey that became a local media celebrity of sorts.

Driver is now facing adult charges of felony animal cruelty, using a weapon during the commission of a felony and possession of a firearm by a person under 18.

Driver turned himself in to the Escambia County Jail May 6 about two hours after published his photo and a plea for the public’s help in locating him from the Sheriff’s Department.

He was released from jail on $6,000 bond and is scheduled for an arraignment hearing next week.

Deputies say Driver confessed to the crime, and a witness provided deputies with the .22 caliber weapon used in the shooting.

JB the donkey continues to do well in the care of a Panhandle Equine Rescue volunteer.


41 Responses to “Accused Donkey Killer Will Now Be Tried As An Adult”

  1. Elmo Blatch on May 16th, 2009 5:24 am

    To AC : If this miscreant “confessed” then why waste tax payer money with a trial?

  2. Carl Juedes on May 16th, 2009 5:19 am

    (6) Limit your comments to the subject in this story only.

    Yeah, right.

  3. Carl Juedes on May 15th, 2009 6:35 am

    What happened to the “sticking to the story” part?

  4. who knows? on May 15th, 2009 12:48 am

    can anyone answer the questin concerned posted, where did this 17 year old kid get the gun? and will that person or persons wh gave him the gun be charged? I understand the kid being charged as an adult but I don’t think the underage gun charge will be dropped as someone mentined. yu still have to be 18 to have a lng gun and 21 for a hand gun. if anyne knows where the gun came from and if charges are pending for the source of the gun, please post it. thanks a bunch

  5. William on May 14th, 2009 9:29 pm

    No further comments will be allowed on this story if they do not follow the rules, especially the “Limit your comments to the subject in this story only”. Any future comments in violation of the posted rules will not allowed on this story. — William

  6. My 2 cents on May 14th, 2009 9:26 pm

    Ok, EMD, no more will I address you personally. It is like shooting a dead dog. (That is an expression, meaning it is useless, before I get attacked again)

    I did not say that I have a “Voice in my heart” (I take it you meant the devil).
    I said “I know in my heart what you meant, and so do you”.
    The reason I believe that you said “dissenter”, is because of it’s true meaning. Because you preach and quote the bible, there is no way that I or anyone that can surf the internet would not know exactly what you meant.

    There are so many other’s on here that can speak well also, but I do not see any fakeness in them. They do not have to quote bible verses to say what they mean. They say it with all their heart and soul, with facts, with history.

    I am not a fake. I am wrong a lot of the time. And some of the time I am right. Sometimes I read more into something than is really there, but I do not think that is the case this time. THE END.

  7. E.M.D. on May 14th, 2009 8:01 pm

    My 2 Cents,

    I told you how I was using the word dissenter. I do not need to look back and see what I meant, for I make it a point not to lie, knowingly. I say, “knowingly” because it is written, “Let God be true, and every man a liar.” When one tells the truth, they do not have to remember what they say. And that is a good thing, especially when one ages and finds that their short – term memory is acting up.
    I do not know why you would have a problem with my quoting what I know by faith and experience to be true. That is The Word of God. He cannot lie for He IS The Truth, and He loves us all. I wish we could all love one another. And I mean that. The voice in your heart is one we all hear. It is always trying to deceive us and pit us against one another, but flesh and blood is not our enemy. When we really come to know that, our lives are changed in a good way. May God bless you with all knowledge of The Truth. I am sorry you thought I was attacking you. I have absolutely no right or reason to do that.

  8. concerned on May 14th, 2009 7:23 pm

    ok, I want to know, where did this minor kid get this gun? Does he have his own? Aren’t parents responsible for their minor Children? I know he commited the act, but should parents be punished to some extent? I would expect some kind of action taken onto my husband and myself if it were our child. All and all, This is a very sad situation.
    If anyone knows the answers to my questions, maybe I might of missed something along the way, please post for me.

  9. My 2 cents on May 14th, 2009 6:49 pm

    Not your understanding of the word?

    dis·sent·er (d-sntr)
    1. One who dissents: political dissenters.
    2. often Dissenter One who refuses to accept the doctrines or usages of an established or a national church, especially a Protestant who dissents from the Church of England.

    Christianity chiefly Brit a Protestant who refuses to conform to the established church

    The term dissenter (from the Latin dissentire, “to disagree”), labels one who disagrees in matters of opinion, belief, etc. in the social and religious history of England and Wales, however, it refers particularly to a member of a religious body in England or Wales who has, for one reason or another, separated from the Established Church.

    English Dissenters were English Christians who separated from the Church of England.

  10. E.M.D. on May 14th, 2009 2:45 pm

    Excuse me folks. My last post was in response to the things My 2 Cents asked.

  11. E.M.D. on May 14th, 2009 2:42 pm

    “Why?”…………………………..Jer. 20:9

    “check mate” ?………………I am not playing games.

    “seems”?……………………”seems” is an assumption.

    Better to speak a well verse, than be angry and terse.


    I have no idea. I do not answer to everybody. I answer to only One.

    I have answered. But, I do not remember addressing any of my comments to you. Did I overlook something here? Where and how have I personally offended you?

    I think I answered you in the other comments about the judicial thing as soon as I could. I went back and answered you over there again. I do not understand what it is I have done to upset you. I am real easy to get along with. The only time some get upset is when I speak what God puts in my heart. You will have to take that up with Him. I speak what He puts there to speak, because I love Him with all my heart, and I love those created in His Image. I hope that includes you.

  12. Jones on May 14th, 2009 2:10 pm

    Has this boy told anyone why he killed the mother donkey? Some have implied he was drunk, but what has he said about why he did it?

  13. William on May 14th, 2009 9:39 am

    This really has gone to far. Comments should be on the subject of the story and should follow the “be nice” rule. William, Admin

  14. Lynn on May 14th, 2009 9:38 am

    Ok, everyone slow down, take a deep breath and remember the rules of this forum. This is a touchy subject, I know, but some of the comments are beginning to border on personal attacks rather than just expressing your opinion on the subject at hand.

  15. My 2 cents on May 14th, 2009 9:00 am

    Then comment the same words to the one commenting on ABORTION. And stop “wasting your words on me”. Cause as you can already see, I don’t care. Freedom of speach, “when it is allowed” due to “moderation” and censorship.

  16. You have no cents on May 14th, 2009 8:53 am

    Stay on topic please. We’re talking about the donkey killer.

  17. My 2 cents on May 14th, 2009 8:47 am

    Why do you “preach” and quote scriptures? You haven’t given me an explanation on the comment I made to you on “Federal Judge orders prayer, religion out of schools.”
    Remember, your GOD became G-D when speaking to a person of Jewish Faith?
    Come on, since it took so long (3 days) for my comment to get out of “moderation” I am figuring that you gave your ok to post it, because you immediately posted your “lame excuse”.
    It looks like “John” also has done a “checkmate” on you.

    Seems like you enjoy using your “elegant” words to try to convince people that you are well versed?
    Is everyone, now that you have posted that “this boy might find GOD” going to follow you and say the same thing?

    And it isn’t suprising to me that when “yellar hammar” commented to me about his “christian rights” and “southern rights”, all of you didn’t comment on that.
    Could that be because you all believe in your Southern rights.

    The only “southern rights” that I am aware of that were taken away, were the “slavery” rights.
    Do correct me in you elegant words if I am wrong. But do go back to the “federal judge orders prayer, religion out of schools” and explain that to me……….,..

  18. If you don't like it close the page on May 14th, 2009 7:42 am

    To misstaaarightt, If you are so tired of the people commenting on these articles QUIT READING THEM!!!! Your friend and the others involved deserve this and anything else they get.

  19. E.M.D. on May 14th, 2009 1:37 am

    What if God touches Kyle’s heart, Kyle becomes a believer and a new creation in Christ. Can we quit hating him and wishing Him ill then? If not, what does that make us? I have been very upset over the beautiful little donkey and his poor momma. But, now I am a bit upset over this sad looking boy that Jesus died for. If He could forgive us while in unspeakable agony, can’t we forgive this boy? We were forgiven before we asked.

    Peter cut a soldier’s ear off. David commited adultry with a woman then had her husband killed. Today, we kill babies like they were roaches. Roaches are usually killed more humanely than babies. We set Roach motels out for them. Babies, we just rip apart or burn up with salt solution. If they are viable, we crush their skulls and suck their brains out. I wonder if that hurts? Fetuses are not just a mass of tissue. They are human beings. OB/Gyn was my specialty rotation. So I know what fetuses are. I repeat, “Fetuses are human beings!!! I do not want to, and it is not my purpose to start a dialog on abortion. That would be off topic. I just felt the desire to make a very viable point.

    We are being angry at the wrong source, for I just remembered something, and looked it up. It is still there. It is in Ephesians 6:12.

    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

    Satan is the enemy, not this immature boy.

  20. My 2 cents on May 13th, 2009 10:18 pm

    TO “you have no cents”
    which by the way, should have been sense! Why did you waste your words. Couldn’t stand it could you, you had to comment.

  21. You have no cents on May 13th, 2009 9:31 pm

    Any words would be wasted on you.

  22. My 2 cents on May 13th, 2009 9:18 pm

    I know it may be slow-going, but why hasn’t JB typed in his comment? Or, maybe he is saving that letter for the jury!

    OK people, go ahead, I’m ready to take it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. My 2 cents on May 13th, 2009 9:12 pm

    Since they are now charging him as an ADULT, shouldn’t the “possession of a firearm by a person under 18″ be dropped?

  24. Concerned on May 13th, 2009 8:40 pm

    To misstaaarightt:

    A deer is not kept in a fence and taught to rely on humans. Hunting deer out of season will get you put in jail, just go try it my dear. Kill a doe with a yearling will get the doors slammed, you just killed a MAMA!!!!!

    I am not a judge and will not judge your friend…a Judge, Jury, and GOD will do that my dear.

    If there are 3 other suspects, then I think people like you need to come forward.

  25. hang em high on May 13th, 2009 6:51 pm

    one more thing; I agree, that wishing for someone to go to jail or be haunted for the rest of their life is not a good wish. the name I used “hang em high” is not because i want this boy to go to jail or even worse die! It comes from the spagetti westerns of the 60’s where stealing and or killing horses was a common part of the plot. no harm directed at anyone.

  26. hang em high on May 13th, 2009 6:46 pm

    If this happened 100 years ago, the boy would have been hanged! Stealing horses would get you hung as well. a donkey is a domesticated animal used by humans to do work. This is no different than if the boy drove by and shot a worker in the field. That donkey was just another worker on a farm. I hope justice is served and based on the charges, if found guilty this boy will never (legally) own a gun and probably do some hard time as the felonies cary a minimum sentence.

  27. Chris Maloney on May 13th, 2009 6:44 pm

    Wishing someone to be a prison ‘beiotch’ & for them to be haunted for the rest of their life. Nice lame comments people!

  28. blueyeswise on May 13th, 2009 5:10 pm

    While working at a probation department it was statistically proven that anyone who is capable of killing a household pet, is as well very capable of killing a human being without remorse. That donkey can be termed a pet in a big sense since it’s not cattle or swine for food but rather an animal that has a duty in life.

    Judges are more than aware of such statistics and I’m sure if there is a jury that they’ll be made privy as well, especially in the sentencing arena.

  29. misstaaarightt on May 13th, 2009 4:37 pm



    iT WAS A FliPPiN DONKEY .. W O W!!!!


  30. Lawson on May 13th, 2009 2:27 pm

    Boy!! I’m certainly glad I never did anything stupid and had you folks on my case (tongue firmly in cheek).

  31. Sammie on May 13th, 2009 2:04 pm

    The majority of us has a family member who has done something a bit foolish. I wish you all would quite throwing stones at him. I have had a family member do something like this about 12 years ago. He knew better but he was very depressed and drunk and those two don’t mix very well===============

    A bit foolish? Killing something is “a bit foolish”?

    For someone who is drunk and depressed and decides to KILL SOMETHING to feel better? Alcohol and depression are the LEAST of their problems.

  32. Please explain on May 13th, 2009 1:55 pm

    are animals in florida considered property? if so the crime will be based on the value of the “property” If you remember a few months ago when there was a major nation wide recall on dog food many people all over the USA lost pets from the bad food. most states do not have laws to protect animals outside of property laws. most people who lost pets from the bad food could do nothing anything in the legal system about their loss. this entire situation is very Sad. I do not agree with anyone wishing a person to be haunted for the rest of their life about this.

  33. Al on May 13th, 2009 1:45 pm

    Oh Jamie… you have missed the last week of that tired argument. Nobody on here is dismissing the value of human life, or equating the value of this animal’s life with a human.
    Outcry over abortion goes unnoticed because our country has legalized that form of murder…. so people against it are the ones called “nuts”.
    Killing the donkey is illegal (write your congressman) and the dumb kid did it anyway. He wasn’t shooting for food or out of mercy (animal suffering)… he did it to be his own form of j8ck8ss. I can honestly say nobody in my family has ever done that.

  34. bc on May 13th, 2009 1:33 pm

    This person was a classmate and a teammate with my child in preschool and elementary school and he was such a nice and polite young boy it is so disheartening to see what has become of him. I feel he needs to pay the consequences for his actions and hopefully when it is all said and done he does learn his lesson and become a better person.

  35. jamie on May 13th, 2009 1:23 pm

    The majority of us has a family member who has done something a bit foolish. I wish you all would quite throwing stones at him. I have had a family member do something like this about 12 years ago. He knew better but he was very depressed and drunk and those two don’t mix very well. He paid restution and was very sorry for his crime. I thank God everyday that it did not get this much media. Because he served his time and is now living a very productive life. A lot of us has done things that we wouldn’t want people to judge us over. Yes, what he did was wrong, But come on why don’t you cast stones at the women who have had abortions, oh maybe that is one of you or you know someone. Human life is not even worried about as much as this poor little donkey. Don’t get me wrong, I believe what has happened is dreadfully cruel. But if you are going to put this much time and effort into fussing over life than why don’t you get on your soap box about human life and start getting something done about poor little innocent babies.

  36. Teri on May 13th, 2009 10:55 am

    I hope the person who did this unforgiving act of violence, is haunted by it every day for the rest of his life. Since he has no respect for animal life, he certainly wouldn’t have respect for human life either. He is a danger to everything in his surroundings and obviously needs mental help!!!

  37. AC on May 13th, 2009 10:39 am

    To Carl: The reason that he is listed as “accused’ is that he still has the right to a trial and is considered innocent until proven guilty in a trial. Even though he confessed, he still has a Constitutional right to due process. Surely he will be found guilty and made to pay for this horrible and cruel crime.

  38. DJ Sheffield on May 13th, 2009 9:47 am

    They should arrest his parents for not corporating with the LEO’s! His momma couldn’t hide his butt once they put that picture online. I hope that he gets some jail time out of this and becomes someones B*T*H!

  39. Lee M. on May 13th, 2009 8:22 am

    He should be sentenced to a year’s hard labor, working for Panhandle Equine Rescue, until he understands the cruelty of what he’s done.

  40. Ken on May 13th, 2009 6:42 am

    JB should find this kid and kick him in the knees

  41. Carl Juedes on May 13th, 2009 4:34 am

    “Accused”? I thought this dolt confessed.