$20 Million Approved To Repave Highway 97, Part Of Highway 29

May 26, 2009

9729repave.jpgThe recently approved Florida budget includes nearly $20 million to resurface Highway 97 and a stretch of Highway 29 north of Molino.

The Legislature  appropriated $4,609,499 to resurface a stretch of Highway 29 from Molino north to near Pine Barren Road.

Lawmakers also approved $1,513,090 for engineering and inspection on Highway 97 and another $13,690,094 to resurface  Highway 97.

The contract on the Highway 97 project is set for letting on August 26, and construction will begin as early as December 17 of this year. The complete Highway 97 repaving project is scheduled to be complete by early October 2010.’

The entire 22.5 mile length of Highway 97 will be repaved from County Road 95 in Molino across Highway 29 to the Alabama state line. No major drainage changes are expected to the route’s 55 cross drains under the highway, with the exception of some possible changes near the intersection of Highway 97 and Crabtree Church Road.

Existing 12 foot wide travel lanes and five foot paved shoulders will be milled and resurfaced. This project does not include the four-laning of Highway 97. A four lane highway is not in any of the state’s current plans for Highway 97.

The Highway 29 resurfacing project includes 4.55 miles of the four lane highway from near Highway 97 to just north of Pine Barren Road.  The contract on the project is expect to be awarded on August 26 of this year, with construction slated to begin as early as December 17. The repaving project is scheduled to be completed by early August, 2010.


2 Responses to “$20 Million Approved To Repave Highway 97, Part Of Highway 29”

  1. Sherry Bloodsworth on May 26th, 2009 2:08 pm

    This is a good thing, but their is much work yet to be done up on the northend.

    It would also be VERY benficial for the road dept. to repave Hwy 99, as this road saves the residents and visitors from Pensacola much time and miles visiting Bratt Elementary and Northview High School.
    If you take Hwy.97 to Hwy.4, you are technically going way out of the way to get to the same place that Hwy. 99 takes you in less time. PLEASE…widen and repave this road, it is desperately needed, especially for the school bus drivers.

    ALSO…I definately agree with bwayne above, about the railroad situation. It gets really frustrating and is just plain rediculous. If this were in Pensacola, it would have been corrected a long time ago. The northend residents pay the same taxes as those living within the city limits and deserve just as much consideration and respect to existing long term problems. Thank you

  2. bwayne on May 26th, 2009 5:38 am

    They will continue to sink money into that stretch of hwy, and tout their accomplishment of it being an evac route, but until they build an overpass over the csx switching tracks at the Cantonment papermill, it will never be a viable north/south corridor. They continue to ignore the problem of that train impeding traffic for hours during the most heavily trafficked times and successfully cutting the artery to progress into and out of Pensacola. They are placing a bandage on something that needs major surgery.