Sheriff Schedules North Escambia Town Hall Meeting

April 14, 2009

Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan will conduct a Town Hall Meeting for citizens of Northern Escambia County Thursday, April the 30th at 6 p.m. in Molino.

The purpose of the meeting is to meet with citizens, particularly from Northern Escambia County, and answer any questions that they may have, according to the sheriff’s department.

The meeting will take place at tFran’s Country Grill, 5539 Highway 29 in Molino. The public is encouraged to attend.


One Response to “Sheriff Schedules North Escambia Town Hall Meeting”

  1. David Craig on April 14th, 2009 11:41 pm

    The Sheriff‘s Cards are Showing
    The News Journal has asked that the Sheriff look for further budget cuts, in addition to the 4 million already chopped, in their “Poker with the Sheriff” editorial of April 11th. They point out that David Morgan pledged to cut out all that bloat in the McNesby budget with a “front end loader.” Let’s deal with that statement first. The former sheriff’s budget proposal was for 86 million and the 74 million currently proposed represents a cut of 12 million dollars. That is a huge budget cut and accurately represents the industrial sized reduction proposed by then candidate Morgan. That clarified, 4 million in current proposed cutbacks is no penny ante proposal.
    Every sheriff has a mandate to protect the people and always has to play the hand they are dealt. It’s an easy bet that the recent nationwide rise in violent crime is somewhat related to our tough economy and may very well continue throughout this calendar year. The PNJ editorial begs the question, “Where might the additional cuts be made?” Shall we cut back on our patrol deputies in the face of increasing street crime? Should our crime prevention people be eliminated? There simply are no appropriate cuts left to make. Personnel are paramount in police work. For our mission to be accomplished we must play with a full deck.
    Another of the Morgan campaign promises is transparency in government. The Sheriff isn’t bluffing when he says that 74 million is the minimum amount required for effective law enforcement services.
    Commissioner Marie Young has spoken directly on the Sheriff’s budget proposal saying, “If he feels that’s as far as he can go, I say, ‘Good job.’” Yet the editorial chided her for the lack of a “poker face,” referring to her hand as a “pair of twos.”
    Obviously the PNJ editorial board failed to note two often quoted facts. Two plus two makes four and ‘deuces never loses.’ Government conducted in the sunshine and poker are two mutually exclusive endeavors. Sheriff David Morgan will never gamble with the safety and security of those whom he has been entrusted to serve.