Rain Mostly Gone; Tornado Watch Canceled

April 2, 2009

(Updated 5:55 p.m.) The National Weather Service has canceled the Tornado Watch for North Escambia and the surrounding area. There is a slight chance of a shower for the remainder of your Thursday.

Tonight’s rain chance is at 30 percent, with a low of 54 and breezy conditions.

Friday and Saturday will be sunny and warm with highs in the 70’s.

RiversThe flood warning continues until further notice for the Escambia River near Century. Thursday afternoon, the river was at 18.48 feet Thursday afternoon. Flood stage is 17 feet. Minor flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue. The river will continue to rise to near 18.8 feet by early Saturday morning. At 19 feet, low lying pastures will flood and cattle should be moved to higher ground.

The flood warning continues for the Perdido River near Barrineau Park. Thursday afternoon  the river was at 13.6  feet; flood stage is 13 feet. The river is forecast to continue to fall to below flood stage by Thursday afternoon.

Pictured below: The boardwalk at Molino Fairgrounds Park was flooded by the Escambia River Wednesday afternoon.  Submitted photo by Deni Deron for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge. molinofairgrounds10.jpg


27 Responses to “Rain Mostly Gone; Tornado Watch Canceled”

  1. Jack Moran on April 2nd, 2009 8:38 pm

    A “Community Driven by Purpose” is a community wherein the people share a strong moral compass, a committed, common single-mindedness, and a driving desire to see the right thing done, without regard for race, religion, personal economic circumstance, or the political ambitions of others.

  2. vanessa on April 2nd, 2009 8:28 pm

    thanks its nice to see everyone,s getting along now

  3. Concerned on April 2nd, 2009 7:01 pm

    Yes there is a lot of good people in Century. Please do not think all of us from Century are like the some of the people from here that want to sit around and complain…those are the minority in our town. The majority of us a here for our kids and the what is best for our kids.

  4. Jack Moran on April 2nd, 2009 6:59 pm

    It is obvious that YOU are not from around here . . . either, in that you seem to be reasonable and responsible, and generally logical.

    You are correct, in that Century is a great little town, albeit a bit short on leadership and a bit long on discerning thought. I had a minister once who said that there were many people who were more given to quoting other peoples opinions and interpretations of the Bible than those who would read it for themselves. That seems to be true about many things; from Shakespeare to Disaster Plans.

    EDM, you asked; “Why isn’t your own disaster plan already written out and practiced? What is the problem?” – That my friend is a good question. It is a good question for Molino, Bratt, Byrneville, and Cantonment, as well as Century. But you should be careful, questioning the status-quo with sensible and responsible questions.

    Regarding Century’s Disaster Plan; I have read it, and it is less than comprehensive, and certainly not practiced – as there is nothing to practice. There is nothing to describe where the shelters are, or what they can be expected to be stocked with. There is no pre-deployment information regarding supplies, emergency services, or emergency personnel that can be communicated to the people. For example, if someone with you were to have a heart attack during a hurricane, who do you call for help or what do you do?

    For that matter, there is no disaster notification plan or system. Thus, if there were a severe tornado, hurricane, or terrorist attack, there is no plan for notifying the people or instructing them in what to do, or what not to do. Yes, Trish, there is a disaster plan . . . but what does it tell you? Not much, I am afraid.

    We have a good Mayor now; but he inherited this hollow shell of a disaster plan that desperately needs to be re-written.

  5. Trish on April 2nd, 2009 5:27 pm


    Way to go! There are a lot of good people in Century and all of the north end of the county.

  6. E.M.D. on April 2nd, 2009 3:25 pm

    My appologies Mr. Moran. I thought that you were a resident of Century, My comments were based on that assumption. I thought you were one of the ones at the meetings earlier about the school.

    When I worked in Century, I met many, many folks doing nothing constructive. I did see much indifference and many destructive things. I was wanting to speak to that element. The able ones that want handouts, but do not want to work. I was hoping someone in that category would get the motivation to help out.

    On the other hand, Century is not an all bad place. There are some wonderful people there, and some really interesting things to see. I would just really like to see the citizens there, that are able, take more pride in their town. It used to be the large cities that had the most drugs, booze and graffiti. At least that was my perception. It was disturbing to me to see such things and such poverty as that I saw that most do not see, while working there. I went into more than a few places that were hard to accept as existing in The USA.

    My appolgies to anyone wrongly offended. However, some folks do need motivation more than they do government intervention. There is waaaaaaay too much of that already) . The Deli and the Museum are two really good examples of local motivation.

  7. vanessa on April 2nd, 2009 2:47 pm

    I really wish you people would shut the heck up about century…….the story is about molino….yall are giving me a headache reading about all your nonsence bickering bullcrap….so shutup @ go somewhere else to do your bickering.

  8. Trish on April 2nd, 2009 1:51 pm

    I did not know about either the county or town of Century’s emergency/disaster plan. BUT GUESS WHAT. All it takes is a phone call! If you have the ability to use a computer then you have the ability to us a phone. Yes the town of Century does have a disaster plan that was implemented in 2006 by Dean Anderson, the same person who did the county’s plan. I am not Albert Einstein but most of the time I have the sense enough to check the facts before running my mouth. If you listen to the news then you should know that the state declared the county a disaster area. Why do people think that it is the governments place to take care of us. What happened to personal responsibility?

  9. Lynn on April 2nd, 2009 10:28 am

    For anyone who’s interested, the number for the Emergency Management Agency for Escambia County, FL is: 850-471-6400, and the number for the Santa Rosa EMA is: 850-983-5360.

    You can call them and get up to date information and ask about sand bags and shelters. Most agencies, such as Red Cross work with/through the EMA to get disaster plans and relief in place.

  10. Think on April 2nd, 2009 9:31 am

    A plan should be available in each town,city and state. No one knows the day nor the hour when such crisis would occur. However, a wise man plan for the future of his children. A unwise man sits and sits and sits for the day to come.

  11. joe on April 2nd, 2009 8:48 am

    are sand bags available for the public yet? if so where? I understand the Gov. declared a Disaster / Emergency in 19 counties. some folks are going to need sand bags to help keep the water at bay. I am one of them!

  12. ? on April 2nd, 2009 8:27 am

    I don’t live in Century. However, your governor HAS issued a state of emergency. As Jack demonstrated, I don’t think it’s too much for you to ask for your local government (which is funded by YOUR tax dollars) to have an emergency plan in place & shelters available JUST IN CASE. These are the primary reasons a state of emergency is issued—so the agencies can work as they need to for the citizens.

    If you recall, one of the main problems in LA after hurricane Katrina was the local government not being prepared to help its citizens in a time of crisis. Granted this is not a hurricane, it could easily become a natural disaster if the rain doesn’t stop as it is forcasted to.

    But that’s just an opinion from an outsider who reads just a little about how your government spends your money in the news. After all, it is YOUR government (for the people, by the people). If you’re satisfied with it, that’s fine with me! But I agree with Jack–emergency plans and shelters are not whining. They are necessary.

    I may be an outsider, but there are many people who live in Century who are dear to me.

  13. Century Girl on April 1st, 2009 11:54 pm

    I am amazed at how narrow minded so many can be, and how people would rather turn on those asking pertinent questions INSTEAD of really working on a solution. Century has NO Shelters currently and it needs them! I bet Molino would have never expected what happened last saturday-but it did.
    People wake up,the government-local,county,state,and national spend a lot of money..it needs to be spent on things our communities NEED!

  14. Jack Moran on April 1st, 2009 9:31 pm

    Having a disaster plan is not whining, and arkbuilders.com is not a valid webpage address. I hope the flooding does not come all the way up into Century the way it did in 1929. Although I live outside of Century, if anyone needs any help, I will do what I can. Just let me know how I can help you. Again, I ask; Is this a disaster yet? (It must have been the typo in “desaster” that got to “A harsh judge” causing him to mis-spell my last name . . .)

  15. Noah on April 1st, 2009 6:39 pm

    I still have not had any takers on helping me build the arc and rounding up the animals. If you can help ,e-mail me at arcbuilders.com

  16. D.R. on April 1st, 2009 6:39 pm

    There are to many floods. People are loosing there belongings. This rain needs to stop.

  17. A harsh judge on April 1st, 2009 5:02 pm

    Mr Moron,

    Seems to me that since you don’t live in Century, you’d be more interested in what Escambia County (Florida) is doing. I would like to know where the county’s disaster plan is – why not ask for it instead?
    I know your wife’s business is in old Century, but last time I drove through there, I saw no flooding on Mayo Street nor any indication that they are about to flood. Just old photos of the 1929 flood.
    Please stop being so critical of Century’s government. I personally think they are doing the best they can, and if it’s not good enough for your judgement, maybe you should move into Century (instead of hiding outside the town limits) and start being a positive influence instead of being a critical voice.

  18. always bizzie on April 1st, 2009 3:41 pm

    It is unbelievable how much rain we have had in a week. If it starts back raining again tonight the roads will without a doubt be flooded again by morning for work and school traffic. Everyone be careful out there and hopefully school will be cancelled for the day if that happens. We have wonderful bus drivers in the area but the roads are just to dangerous to put the drivers with a full load of children on the road. Driving a bus is hard enough on a day with good weather. I can’t imagine sitting with my back to that many children while driving in bad weather. Stay safe everyone.

  19. E.M.D. on April 1st, 2009 11:18 am


    Apologies accepted. I am relieved. I thought I was having a “senior moment.”

  20. Trish on April 1st, 2009 11:11 am

    Mr. E.M.D.
    My apologies.

    Mr. Moran,
    I would still appreciate it if you would provide street names to help me out.

  21. E.M.D. on April 1st, 2009 11:05 am


    My comments had to do with Mr. Moran’s comments. I also believe that my comments were a complement to your commments. I think one of us is confused.

  22. Trish on April 1st, 2009 10:55 am

    I have a couple of questions…..

    Mr. Moran,
    What streets in Century were flooded. Since I travel through the town on a daily basis I would like to know what streets to avoid when it is storming.

    Mr. E.M.D.
    What in this story has anything to do with the town of Century having a disaster plan?

    My suggestion is this….. keep your comments about the story you read. Anyone can rant and rave but no one wants to listen when your ranting has nothing to do with the conversation.

  23. E.M.D. on April 1st, 2009 10:48 am

    PS…………Century is a disaster that needs a plan, Mr. Moran.

    If you want to lead………draw one up. ………Why not? IF you want to lead. Don’t ask Big Brother to lead the parade. Lead it yourself. “Lead,” can mean being someone others will follow. “Lead,” can also be something one has in their pants, as in……….”Get the lead out.”

  24. E.M.D. on April 1st, 2009 10:40 am

    I second that, QC.

    Where is leadership in Century? If you want to be an independent town, BE independent. Is there not a government in place? Why isn’t your own disaster plan already written out and practiced? What is the problem? I think part of it is the entitiement mentality that says, “Whitey owes me.” No one owes anyone anything but to love them. That does not mean allowing anyone to live in a prison they build for their own selves. Love says, “Step out of the box and meet The Life.” He has the Way and The Truth, and He IS all that and more. He is the only One anyone in leadership should look to for guidance. Do that, and you will outshine, just about any town around. That is the truth. Dare to be different.

  25. Trish on April 1st, 2009 10:34 am

    Mr. Moran,
    Where in this story does it say anything about Century being flooded? Did I miss something? After checking with local authorities no one in “Century” complained about being flooded out. Mr. Quit Complaining is right. Why does everyone need government assistance? I had flooding problems in Molino but I didn’t cry for someone to come and help me.

  26. Quit Complaining on April 1st, 2009 8:51 am

    Hey Jack,
    Quit complaining! If more people took care of themselves and quit looking to the government for help, this country would be a better place. People who whine and cry everytime something bad happens and look to the government to bail thier sorry selves out are the reason we are becoming a socialist country. Pull yourself up by the boot straps and bail some water!!!

  27. Jack Moran on April 1st, 2009 7:23 am

    Where is Century’s Disaster Plan? Where are the shelters?

    We have evacuees who have had to leave their homes because of flooding.

    Is this a desaster yet?.