NHS Quarterback Club To Meet This Afternoon

April 19, 2009

nhsquarterbackclub.jpgThe annual meeting of the Northview High School Quarterback Club will be held Sunday afternoon.

The group will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday in the gymnasium’s weight room. Officers for the 2009-2010 year will be elected.

The following was submitted by NHS Quarterback Club member Joey McCall.

When I think about some of the great organizations, clubs, and teams that I have been privileged to be a part of I can’t help but think about the elements that made them successful: Leadership, Purpose, Direction, Participation, and Dependability. There may be more but without any one of these, the team will never reach its full potential.

For the past several years the quarterback club has struggled to attract and maintain membership. If I was to solicited feedback as to the reasoning for this lack of participation I suspect I would get a multitude of answers. However, one reason I doubt I would ever get is that parents do not want to do what they can to help provide the best experience possible for the athletes of Northview High School that participate in football and other sports that the quarterback club supports. I venture to say that most of my responses would be more of a personal nature in which feelings about faculty, coaching staff, play calling, player placement, or player playing time would be at the forefront of people’s thoughts. However, the quarterback club’s primary purpose is to support the needs and issues of the team.

We have good people in this community that have always worked hard to support athletic programs in our schools and in our community. Golden Eagle and Blackcat pride burn in our hearts and minds as memories of what true school spirit looks like and how it can unite a community. But now, Chief pride is what should stimulate us to get involved. We have an opportunity right now, to put together our own “Stimulus Package”. A package that will bring pride back to Northview football, a package that will provide needed equipment, training, and travel for our team, a package that could influence decisions and change, and most importantly a package that can ultimately etch into the minds of our kids memories that will last a lifetime much like the ones you and I enjoy and relive every opportunity we have.

Please join us in supporting our kids, our school and our community. Join the quarterback club on Sunday, April 19th, and become involved.

Joey McCall
NHS Quarterback Club Member


3 Responses to “NHS Quarterback Club To Meet This Afternoon”

  1. roy tolin on April 19th, 2009 9:46 pm

    why dont you play esambia coutry school no more

  2. how on April 17th, 2009 9:47 am

    Coach, did you coach in Alabama?

  3. The Coach on April 16th, 2009 8:36 am

    Mr. McMcall, your words are true, these clubs are a must if the programs are to have continued success. Without these programs the success of teams that I coached would not have been as consistant as they were. These Clubs provide a venue for the community to support their home town teams in any manner possible. I say this with all inclusive meaning, as not only financial and cheering support, but also mentoring, logistical, coaching, and planning support. Some of the best decisions I made for the teams I coached came from information or even guidance given freely from the clubs. All you have to do is be willing to accept input, and then actually believe it, then be willing to use it. What this becomes is just another tool for working towards success, that is exactly how it should be viewed. It should not be viewed as the club trying to coach the team, because there is only one person ultimatley responsible for that, and that is of course the Head Coach. That is why these clubs and players alike expect these Head Coaches to use whatever resource available to lead their teams to victory, and when they don’t, it is time to ask why, and to start doing what is needed to make those victories happen. That is why Mr. McCall’s request for all to pool their respective resources and make a combined community push to become membership active in the clubs, that if working as one unit they can ensure that all sports not just football can start having the success your players deserve, which in turn will build that pride that no one can take from you no matter how many schools they close.