Molino Home Destroyed By Fire

April 24, 2009


No one was injured when a Molino home was completely destroyed by fire Friday morning.

The small brick home was fully involved when firefighters arrived on scene in the 5800 block of Pilgrim Trail West. Smoke from the fire could be seen in the calm blue skies Friday morning from nearly 10 miles away.

Firefighters did report the sound of gunshots when they arrived at the fire from ammunition in the home that was exploding.

There were no injuries reported. Officials say the homeowner apparently left the stove unattended in the home when she left for an appointment. She returned home about two hours later to find the fire department fighting the fire.

The homeowner was concerned about her dogs and horses, but we were told that they were all uninjured.

The Molino, McDavid, Century, Walnut Hill, Cantonment and Beulah stations of Escambia Fire-Rescue responded to the call.

For a photo gallery from the scene, click here.

Pictured above: Firefighters enter a burning home on Pilgrim Trail West this morning in Molino.  Pictured below: Firefighters battle the blaze. photos, click to enlarge.



13 Responses to “Molino Home Destroyed By Fire”

  1. Bill Robertson aka Ghost on April 28th, 2009 11:07 am


    I am so sorry for your loss. I was quite shocked to hear about it when I got into work this a.m. If there is anything, and I mean anything that you need, please feel free to call me anytime you have the number. I have a fenced backyard if you need a place to keep your dogs.


  2. Leigh Ann Sewell Meeks on April 26th, 2009 8:43 pm

    This is your cousin in Ohio. I am so sorry to hear about your home. I wish I knew what to say. I will keep your family in my prayers. I can think of hundreds of better ways to start communicating than this.
    Leigh Ann Sewell Meeks

  3. joe on April 25th, 2009 5:49 pm

    Maybe we should not wait for them to ask for help. Maybe we should take things or money to them before they ask. Asking is a hard thing to do. They have lost everything so anything will help. God bless them.

  4. Sharon in Seattle on April 25th, 2009 3:34 pm

    OH MY GOSH DEE DEE!!!!!!! I can’t believe this has happened! I am so relieved to know you, Ray and Amanda are ok and it appears your horses and dogs are ok as well. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I love you girl. Stay strong.

  5. Cindy Leonard on April 25th, 2009 12:57 pm

    Ray and DeeDee Im sorry to hear about this . Let me know if there is anything we can do?
    Aunt Cindy

  6. Kristi Hughes on April 25th, 2009 8:10 am

    Hey Dee Dee and family, if you need anything let me know, the kids and I will be in Pensacola next week so let me know if I can bring anything from here. You guys are in our prayers.

  7. Deni Deron on April 24th, 2009 10:49 pm

    Our prayers are with you and your family DeeDee.

  8. George Batson on April 24th, 2009 6:49 pm

    Dee Dee if you need some place to keep your HORSES BRING them over i got alot of grass,And i will take care of them.IF there is anything i can do, You know how to get aholt of me.

  9. Katelyn kite on April 24th, 2009 5:36 pm

    Heyy amanda
    im so sorry about your house. i know what you are going through i have been through it. Just let me know what you need and i will help. Im gong to pray for you and your family. Stay strong girl

  10. Caitlin Roley on April 24th, 2009 5:30 pm

    Hey Amanda im really sorry bout this all happening to you and your family if you need anything at all plz dont hestitate to talk to me.

  11. Shelly R on April 24th, 2009 4:29 pm

    I felt so horriable after i found out that this had happened i hope that you and ur family will become more cautious and know that not only me but god and others is willing to help you in any way there is just say the word lots of love your friend Shelly.

  12. Diane Patterson on April 24th, 2009 4:08 pm

    My heart goes out to you and your family – I was so sorry to hear about the fire.
    Will help you in any way I can. Ya’ll will be in my prayers.

  13. Kiri Montgomery on April 24th, 2009 3:53 pm

    Amanda all hope and love goes to you and your family. I most certainly want to help in any way if i can. I AM SERIOUS! and I am sorry to hear about the loss.
    With all my heart
    Kiri Montgomery