Lady Chiefs Beat Catholic 2-0

April 9, 2009

The Northview Lady Chiefs picked up another win Wednesday, shutting out Catholic 2-0.

Sophomore Miranda Burkett pitched the shutout, never allowing Catholic on the board. She allowed seven hits and no runs.

The game against Catholic in Pensacola was a make up game for one recently rained out.


6 Responses to “Lady Chiefs Beat Catholic 2-0”

  1. The Coach on April 13th, 2009 12:38 pm

    Sound advice Chiefs Fan, these things area must if a team is be consistant winners. It is refreshing to see posts from fans that not only encourages the team but gives them some sound advice along with it. This is a mark of a true fan and a person who knows the game. Keep up the good work.

  2. Chief Fan on April 13th, 2009 10:22 am

    Keep it up girls. You seem to be pulling together better. We still need to get that killer instinct about us though. District Tournament is coming up and there needs to be more improvement before we can say we are 100% ready for it. 1) We need to have a clean ball game,,,,no errors. 2) We need more aggressive base running,,,make things happen (i.e. bunt people into scoring position, check the catcher’s arm early in the game, squeeze plays, hit and runs, etc). 3) We need the bats to come alive,,,especially in the top positions. Ya’ll can do it!! You have more raw talent out of any group I have seen in a long time. Use what you have been taught through your Little League coaches. Think before every pitch. Somebody from the bench should be telling where the batter hit the ball last at bat. We are making to many mental mistakes that I know you have been taught better. Just keep working hard and don’t be afraid to do something outside what you are comfortable at.

  3. #16 THE Pitcher on April 9th, 2009 6:25 pm

    Good game ladies!!! Great defense! (very few errors)!!!
    Amazing play Shortstop. Thought that was going through the hole:( I know you got my back though!!! :)
    Keep it up!!! Love Ya’ll!!!
    Go chiefs!!! let’s go ahead and win the rest :)
    Good job everybody!

  4. One Watching on April 9th, 2009 2:38 pm

    Who determined that there was 7 hits, and ignored the fact that she had 9 strikeouts. There was more like 4 hits not 7. This was an important win for the Chiefs, and there was several great throws during this game, they win as a team and lose as a team. Keep working hard Chiefs.

  5. A Player's Mom on April 9th, 2009 8:09 am

    The Last Inning had us on our seats, BUT you ladies came through! Great throw Candice!!!

  6. concerned on April 9th, 2009 7:46 am

    Go Chiefs!