Lady Chiefs Advance In District Tourney

April 22, 2009

softball.jpgNorthview beat Catholic 5-3 in the District 1-3A Softball Tournament Tuesday.

Miranda Burkett pitched five for the Chiefs, holding Catholic scoreless until the third.

Northview scored one in the first, two in the second and one each  in the third and fourth innings.

Sophomores Ashley Digmon and Sarah Killam, junior Aimee Clark and senior Briana Halteman were hitters for the Chiefs.

The Lady Chiefs improve to 11-10 for the year.


11 Responses to “Lady Chiefs Advance In District Tourney”

  1. RollNole on April 25th, 2009 1:21 pm

    This is a great community news outlet. I was just turned onto this site and love reading.

    I have no children enrolled at Northview. I am merely a fan of youth sports, high school sports, and college sports. So my opinions are unbiased.

    I have watched over ten different HS Softball teams play this season. I could easily pick the coaches/players apart. Each team/coaches has its strengths and weaknesses.

    I just want to say that Coach Elo and Coach Day do a good job. They have a young team that is getting bettere every game. Some folks don’t like their coaching style or maybe even don’t like them as people. I have been in their shoes, and all coaches get into the proffesion because they have a love for teaching kids the game. They handle themselves with class and character. And lets not forget Coach Day has been around a long time and has had much success in the past.

    Some don’t think they are vocal enough or not hard enough on the girls. Well sadly enough, that is the sign of the times. This day in age if you yell too much or too loudly, if you make them condition too much, or work to hard, kids and some parents dont like that. Therefore you lose players. In my opinion today parents try to fight their kids fights, for lack of a better word. When I was coming up and wasn’t starting my parents told me to work harder, they didn’t go to the coach for me. When I felt like I was having to run/condition to much my parents didn’t let me quit. They told me the price of success was high, but so were the rewards.

    So, let the coaches coach, and let the players play. If Northviews softball season ends next Tuesday, it will have been a successful season. This young team has come so far and learned so much. The future of Northview softball is so bright.

    As for the pitcher throwing every game and being over worked I say this. I don’t know the pitcher personally, but I love watching her compete. She goes ab out her business in a very workman like manner, but yet that kid always has a smile on her face. It looks to me like she loves the position and wants the ball. From what I understand the #2 pitcher broke her leg and the next pitcher in line is a freshman. So I dont thin the coaching staff had any choice but to use thier number 1 pitcher all year. Look at any box score around the area, Their are girls with 20 plus decisions all over the place.

    If you want to coach, PJC and UWF areseeking students all the time. They both have billboards and TV commercials. Go get your degree, get your teacher certification, and go get you a ball team. Until then let Elo and Day make the call. Right or wrong, none of us are perfect! Good Luck girls!

  2. NEIGHBOR on April 23rd, 2009 12:15 pm

    Ashley…Way to go!!! Keep getting those hits!!! Sorry i can’t make it to the games but i never miss a backyard Sunday practice. Looks like your hard work is paying off. Have fun and play great today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    love, aunt bev

  3. RDB on April 23rd, 2009 12:08 pm

    RDB posts are RDB posts, and those intials are mine Rodney D Burkett. Please don’t mix that up. Thanks.

  4. RDB on April 23rd, 2009 12:03 pm

    Great comments Joey, that is the kind of positive feedback and information these kids need, I feel good about tonight, I agree, eliminate those mental errors and the game is ours. Go Chiefs.

  5. Joey McCall on April 23rd, 2009 9:07 am

    Great job the other night girls. You continue to get better and better. I see more girls stepping up and making plays they haven’t been making; whether in the field or at the bat. Tonight won’t be a cakewalk by no means. You must have your best game on.
    Remember that softball is a game of thinking much more so than many other sports which are more physical. You have to think before every pitch, whether on offense or defense, as to what you are going to do regardless of where the ball is hit. Elimination of mental mistakes and routine errors will be what gets us to the state playoff level. Things like dropped fly balls, running home on a grounder to third, and not sliding at home on a close play have got to go away. You learned those things a long time ago and I am positive that your current coaches are not teaching you any different (not to mention it is probably driving them insane).
    One other thing, continue to build a killer instinct. I’m not convinced that we have reached that level of competitiveness in which we need in order to win the really close game, come from way behind, or if ahead, put the game away. And yes, you can have fun while at the same time “go for the kill !!!”.
    Good luck girls,,,,,we’ll be there for ya!!!!!

  6. Why Hide on April 22nd, 2009 8:32 pm


  7. Observer on April 22nd, 2009 8:03 pm

    Not sure what you are referring to. I was told about this site that done some articles on some of the softball games. So I checked it out and posted a open comment on what I observed and my opinion of it. If this opinion is flawed in your opinion, then simply disregard it. It is not rule of law, it is just an opinion. So if my comments remind you of someone else, then all I can say is someone may have the same opinion or similar opinion, it doesn’t make me be that person. Sorry for your confusion. It would seem though that you would be more concerned with the team, rather than trying to investigate people who post. Have a nice day.

  8. Why Hide on April 22nd, 2009 7:21 pm


  9. Observer on April 22nd, 2009 7:00 pm

    Seen the Chiefs play a few times, including Tuesday. No doubt one of the most consistant things they have going for them is pitching. That #16 is a work horse, and always pitches a game that puts the team in a position to win, its not perfect, but it gets the job done. Could it be better? Well that is up to the one doing the pitching. To take each game and look at what can be done to get better. From the games I have seen, improvements have been made, and if this pitcher keeps going and maintains that work ethic, then the strike outs will just keep getting higher each game. But of course strikeouts are not the only thing that is needed to win games, the way this pitcher moves the ball around the zone makes it very difficult for any team to be consistant hitting even if she never changes her speed. Now I have seen some different pitches, and that is going to make it even tougher for the opposing teams. This team is on the brink of breaking it big, and just at the right time. Just get those bats and base running going in the same direction the defense is going and you have a sure fire winner. Have a great game Thursday.

  10. ~random_ish~-->hate lames on April 22nd, 2009 2:08 pm

    =] miranda isz mii homie=]

  11. Cyndi Marlow Wendt on April 22nd, 2009 7:45 am

    Congrats Sarah!! I heard you hit a 2-run homer!! Good luck on Thursday, Chiefs!