In Depth: Transition Begins Between Carver/Century And Ernest Ward

April 16, 2009

The plan to move the middle school students from Carver/Century K-8 School to Ernest Ward Middle School has been put into motion. It’s a detailed 84 page document that details each aspect of the move, down to the last box.

But before the physical move starts, a plan to welcome the Carver/Century students into the Ernest Ward family will begin.

Four highly qualified Carver/Century personnel have been informed that they will be teaching at Ernest Ward next year.

A diverse group of Ernest Ward students were selected to make handmade invitations for incoming Ernest Ward students transferring from Carver/Century. The group includes students that reside in the current Carver/Century attendance zone but attend EWMS, along with students from each community from Barrineau Park Road to the Alabama state line.

becomeone.jpgCarver/Century students will accept those invitations next week. Incoming sixth grade students — this year’s current fifth graders — from Carver/Century will attend school at Ernest Ward on Tuesday. They will “shadow”a sixth grade student all day, attending their classes and activities such as lunch. It will be hands on personal orientation to middle school life at EWMS. The incoming seventh and eighth grade students will repeat the process on Wednesday and Thursday.

“It will help the transition be smoother, and will let the kids know that they are going to be my babies,” Ernest Ward Middle School Principal Nancy Gindl-Perry said Wednesday.”My babies”is the term that she always uses to refer to Ernest Ward students; she says she considers each student to be part of her family. “Everyone wanted to do the invitations; my babies were so excited that we are getting the new students.”

“This will be their special day,” Perry said of the “shadow” days next week.

The next part of the transition plan will take place on April 28 when the PTSA and School Advisory Council at Ernest Ward hosts a parents night for parents and guardians of incoming students from Carver/Century.

Then, on April 29, staff from Ernest Ward will travel to Carver/Century to personally hand-register each student one on one.

A full orientation night for the parents and guardians of all incoming Ernest Ward students will be held on May 7. Prior to that event, the teachers and staff at Ernest Ward will host a reception for the school’s new staff members that will be transferring from Carver/Century.

There is also an 84 page plan detailing the physical move of students records, furniture, computers and other property from Carver/Century to Ernest Ward.

A modular building with five classrooms, two closets, and one 24 by 36 foot restroom facility will be installed sometime in May at Ernest Ward for a total cost of $543,391.

Once school is out, the physical move of property and supplies between the two schools will begin.


5 Responses to “In Depth: Transition Begins Between Carver/Century And Ernest Ward”

  1. Wise Man on April 17th, 2009 11:28 am

    Very well put Sir William, and it applies if necessary, to all who wish to enrich their lives.

    The main topic here is the children getting a solid education in the best enviroment possible. Children will be children no matter what school they go to, it is the parents who have to require themselves to behave as adults and not sour their children against this situation before they even get to try it. Unfortunatly there will be no more public schools in Century, so it benefits all to encourage their children to make the most of the schools they will be attending. Staff at the schools where these children will be attending need to make sure they don’t treat these children as special or that you are saving them from something, just treat them as students, as you should or do now, and they will respond with positive actions.

  2. all 4 1 on April 16th, 2009 10:09 pm

    lets make this a positive event. we can make a difference in some students lives that could possibly change the outcome of their life. everyone deserves a good education free from ridicule and doubt. I know this will go well and the new students will come to love their new home at EWMS. the students and staff are top notch and I wish all the new students the best.

  3. EWMS Mom on April 16th, 2009 2:04 pm

    Both of my children are “Buddies” next week and are very excited about showing the students from Carver around. I think this was a great idea!

    Parents, please make this a very positive thing for your children…….Our family has had three wonderful years at Ernest Ward and have two more to go. It really is a great school!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. William on April 16th, 2009 1:51 pm

    I just want to clarify something. “Apply if Necessary” mentions a post below from “BLONDIE” that was deleted. The post did not directly violate any of our posted rules, but it was deleted because it was viewed as inflammatory and was posted from a school somewhere in the county by a student. It is against district policy for students to post comments on this or any other site, or to otherwise communicate with the outside world during school hours. We don’t normally delete posts, regardless of how ignorant they might be. We don’t police ignorance. :)


  5. Apply if Necessary on April 16th, 2009 1:47 pm

    Great use of the delete key! The post that temporarily made it thru from “BLONDIE” was ignorance in it’s purest form. This site often shows something that is rare these days. LEADERSHIP & GUTS. Hats off to the ones responsible for taking a leadership roll by providing the “OPPORTUNITY” for all students and parents to be a part of the solution rather than part of the problem. It is up to all involved now to make a choice as to whether they will succeed or fail on an individual basis. It is obvious that every effort is being made to roll out the red carpet. The person reflected in the mirror must take ownership and take advantage of the situation otherwise they will drown in the pitty pool!