Flomaton High School Students Make Prom Promise

April 4, 2009


Silence fell over the gym at Flomaton High School Friday morning as Alabama State Troopers passed around photos of vehicles involved in alcohol or drug related crashes. Some of the photos involved wrecks where many of the students knew those that were involved.

It was the simple message of the Prom Promise program presented at the school — don’t drink and drive, and don’t do drugs and drive. Flomaton High juniors and seniors signed the Prom Promise after the program.

Flomaton Police Officer Terri Tolbert has attended proms for the two years she has been the school’s resource officer. For those two years, every student she has seen at the prom has made it back to school the following Monday morning. She wants to keep it that way.

fhs_prom_promise12.jpgWEAR Channel 3 news anchor Bob Solarski told the Flomaton students about his struggles with alcoholism. Solarski was arrested for DUI in the parking lot of University Mall in Pensacola in early October after he rammed several vehicles. The newscaster said it is hard to report on young people losing their lives in DUI accidents.

Karen Brown Rhodes of Fort Walton Beach lost her son, Jonathan Kohlheim, on March 19, 2002. The 17 year old was involved in a drunk-driving accident in Crestview.

She told the emotional story Friday morning to the students at Flomaton High School.

Kohlheim’s brother survived the crash, but he is now an alcoholic, unable to deal with what happened to his little brother, Rhodes said.

Kohlheim’s friend is in prison for his death, and he plans to visit high schools to tell of his mistakes once he is released. Rhodes said she has forgiven him because it was an accident, but, it could have been prevented had he not been drinking and driving. Rhodes passed around pictures of her son and the the mangled car.

fhs_prom_promisefront.jpgRev. Doug Hogg, pastor of the Little Escambia Baptist Church, prayed for the safety of the Flomaton students as they attend their prom. The church’s youth director, Buddy Goodman, was also on hand in support of the students.

The Flomaton High School Prom was held Saturday night in the school’s gym.

Click here for more photos.

Joel Ellison of Ellison Construction Inc., Jason Hart of Med-South, Inc., Buddy Smith of Bud’s Refrigeration, Earnest Ray White, Attorney At Law and Larry White Insurance Agency contributed to Friday morning’s Prom Promise program at Flomaton High. Assistant Flomaton Police Chief Sean Golden and members of Flomaton Fire Rescue were also on hand for the program.

Pictured top: April Cayson and other seniors turn in their Prom Promise Friday morning at Flomaton High School. Pictured top inset: Channel 3 anchor Bob Solarski addresses the students about his alcohol problems. Pictured bottom inset: Seniors Kaitlyn Hambrick and Allison Gafford showing off their shirts that were handed out to each student who signed a Prom Promise. Submitted photos by Alisa Hart for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.
Alisa Hart contributed to this story.


3 Responses to “Flomaton High School Students Make Prom Promise”

  1. E.M.D. on April 4th, 2009 11:07 pm

    I would like to know if all the schools have such a program. I think that is really nice with input with so many folks. I am glad that Bob Solarski was there. He doesn’t know me at all, but I feel like I know him. When got into trouble, I cried. I cried some more when I saw the support he got from the community. Even in the News Journal Comments, I don’t remember seeing any nasty remarks (No small miracle, for sure). He seems like a very nice person to me. I wish him and all the people he touches freedom from any addictions. Blessings to you Bob.

    I hope all of you kids had a great time, and kept your promise and got home safely.

  2. dbg on April 4th, 2009 8:33 am

    I hope that all of the kids have a wonderful memorable night. And call anyone, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, etc. to come drive you home. Don’t let someone who has been drinking drive you.
    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if kids were able to call a law enforcement to drive them home, if they had no other alternative, without the threat of getting an “underage drinking” violation?
    Be safe kids. Come home to your families safe.

  3. tara on April 4th, 2009 6:22 am

    I’m praying that they all make it a safe night. Drinking and driving never goes well together.