Consolidation Commission Bill Passes Senate, Headed To Governor

April 28, 2009

The Florida legislature has given final approval to a bill to form a commission to study local government consolidation that would combine Century, Pensacola and Escambia County into one.

The Florida Senate passed the bill sponsored by Rep. Greg Evers 38-0 Monday afternoon, sending the bill to Gov. Charlie Crist for a signature to set into motion the creation of the consolidation study commission by July 1.

Once a consolidation plan is created by the study commission, it is to be submitted to the Escambia County Commission, the City of Pensacola and the Town of Century for action before submission to the Escambia County legislative delegation by January 15, 2010. Once approved by the legislature, the plan would presented to Escambia County voters.

Century, Pensacola and Escambia County will not be required to pay for the commission, under the house bill, but they will be required to provide clerical, technical and legal assistance to the commission.

The commission will include up to 25 members from various groups in the county.

The commission will include:

  • Five members appointed by the Escambia County Commission, with one member being appointed from each district
  • One member appointed by the Century Town Council, with that member being a resident of Century
  • Two members appointed by the Pensacola City Council, both of them being residents of Pensacola

One member will be appointed by each of the following groups:

  • Escambia County Taxpayer’s Association
  • League of Women Voters of Pensacola Bay Area
  • Pensacola Young Professionals
  • Pensacola Ministerial Alliance
  • Escambia County Farm Bureau
  • Home Builders Association of West Florida

The president of the University of  West Florida will appoint one member with expertise in local government matters. The sheriff, tax collector, property appraiser, clerk of court and supervisor of elections will each appoint one member.

The chief judge  of the First Judicial Circuit will appoint two Florida Bar members with legal expertise in local government matters.

One member will be appointed by the Escambia County School Board, and the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority will appoint a member.

A special advisory committee on public safety will be appointed under the house bill, consisting of the following or their designee:

  • Escambia County Sheriff
  • Pensacola Police chief
  • Escambia County Community Corrections Bureau
  • Escambia County Public Safety Bureau Chief
  • Pensacola fire chief
  • Escambia County Medical Director
  • chairperson of the Escambia County Fire Services Advisory Board
  • Police Benevolent Association of the City of Pensacola
  • Police Benevolent Association of Escambia County
  • Chapter of of the International Association of Firefighters of the City of Pensacola

A special advisory committee on economic development will be appointed, including members appointed by the following groups:

  • Pensacola Junior College
  • Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce
  • Pensacola Downtown Improvement Board
  • Gulf Coast African American Chamber of Commerce
  • local chapter of the Florida Black Chamber of Commerce
  • Florida’s Great Northwest
  • Town of Century Chamber of Commerce
  • Walnut Hill Ruritan Club
  • Pensacola Beach Chamber of Commerce

An advisory committee on health care will be appointed by:

  • Baptist Health Care
  • Sacred Heart Health System
  • West Florida Hospital
  • Escambia County Health Department
  • Escambia County Medical Society

Click here to read the entire bill (pdf format).


25 Responses to “Consolidation Commission Bill Passes Senate, Headed To Governor”

  1. ECAT? on May 18th, 2009 12:40 pm

    What will consolidation do to ECAT? Would it be combined with some school buses, as was discussed in another article several months ago? What would happen to all of the UNION drivers?

  2. Courtney on May 6th, 2009 12:52 pm

    Bob, didn’t Century just lose Carver/Century elementary school? That wasn’t a problem? The fact is every community in this county has problems. Unfortunately, I think your generalization that you can insulate yourself from any problems that a neighboring community is facing is oversimplified. There are just over 300,000 people in Escambia County and less than 20% of those people live in Pensacola. Using your philisophy, you believe that Pensacola would do just fine if it were to ignore the social and economic problems of the citizens not only in Northern Escambia, but also in and around it’s perimeter. Obviously, that’s not accurate. We’re only as strong as the community next door, just reference several of the other posts regarding economic development in Alabama. For individuals that want to live a modest life and not be bothered by more government, you won’t see a change one way or the other under a consolidated government. For those individuals that want to seek out opportunities (i.e., the recent graduates of UWF from North Escambia) to find a job, open a business, start a family, buy/rent a house, etc., the framework and guildeline within which our local government operates has to change. The reason referendums on consolidation have failed in the past is not because of actual flaws in what the consolidated government would have been, rather it failed on the perception of consolidation and improper communication by the proponents. I would encourage those of you that have already made up your mind on this issue to look at it again and consider the advantages instead of disregarding it because you don’t understand it just yet. Keep an open mind and be involved.

  3. bob hudson on April 30th, 2009 11:56 am

    FIrst John let me say that I have not intenionally insulted any one nor have I made any of your so called ” accusation” Every word I have written is based on fact or do you not read the PNJ, inweekly, or proggressive Pensacola, of North Escambia .com. . Now I have no reason to sit down and talk to you or any of your group because I do not believe in consolidation, and I do believe it is a scam. If you keep your eye on the ball, you will see that the city is ever thing that I have said. Understand this , we do not wish to join a city that is broke, and spent happy. We do not wish to inherit the cities debt. Now none Of your group want want address the real issuse’s of your city. So quit wasting every one’s time and learn how to ANNEX. I do not care how hard it is. This is the city’s problem, not mine or the county’s.

  4. John Peacock on April 29th, 2009 7:58 pm

    Mr. Stanton, I deeply apologize but I do not recall getting an email from you or anyone else on this topic. I have never passed up the opportunity to discuss this issue. If you would be so kind to send me another email, I would be more than happy to answer your question(s). My email is
    Thanks and again I apologize!

  5. Jim Stanton on April 29th, 2009 5:37 pm

    Mr. Peacock,
    You say you welcome the opportunity to discuss all issues, pro or con. If this is the case, when I emailed you several weeks ago with a question on one issue that is important to me, WHY DID YOU NEVER ANSWER ME???????????????

    Jim Stanton

  6. rc on April 29th, 2009 3:25 pm

    MR. Peacock there is nothing wrong with our community in the northend. We dont want the beaches or the city. You say that you have lived enough places to see the benifits. Do you live in the rural part of the county,or do you even live in the county at all. The rural part is the part North of Cantonment not nine mile road. My vote for this CONSOLIDATION is no as well as alot of people i know.

  7. John Peacock on April 29th, 2009 1:14 pm

    Mr. Hudson et al, I welcome the opportunity to discuss all issues, pros and cons of this effort. Some of the statements you make have significant merit and can be addressed in the plan, some of the statements you make are inaccurate. I do not live in the city but have lived in enough places to see the benefits of a unified government focus. Escambia county (including the city and the beaches) have an abundant amount of resources that are being significantly under utilized that would benefit ALL of us. If we do not unify our efforts in economic development and other areas under an accountable form of government then all of Escamia County will continue to lag the state. Who has the plan or the answer or is accountable if Solutia or IP closed, or the military pulled out? Who is accountable to ensure the schools in the north end of the county are viable? Those issues effect all of us in the wallet and our quality of life. I appreciate your scrutiny of this process and I welcome your comments however I do request that it be done in a constructive manner. Lobbing accusations and insults as some have done is not helpful. Again the offer is extended to meet to discuss this issues. As we have said before, please get involved and make our community better. The current system is ineffective

  8. E.M.D. on April 29th, 2009 9:05 am

    I concur. Vote NO!!! Please.

  9. bob hudson on April 29th, 2009 8:24 am

    I also forgot to mention that the city is losing it’s population Less people . less money. They have to look else where for it and they think that we are stupid enough to beleive what they have to say. LET ME REPEAT !!!!! MOST FOLKS I KNOW DO NOT WISH TO JOIN THE CITY!!!!!! As you will notice that Crawford and any of the other EAFO do not wish to talk about the real issues, THEY wish only to focus on the oh so rosie side of how much better we will be . IF it is that great ,why is there a book called 35 years of failed consolidation efforts. In this book it tell’s the social elites to focus on what the new government will be like and distract the average voter away from the real issuse’s.It is not what they are saying , it’s about what they are NOT saying. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION

  10. bob hudson on April 29th, 2009 5:04 am

    Let me repeat. pensacola has a broke pension system, building a maritime park in a fema declared flood zone on the water front of a hurricane prone city, which we also did not get say in 38 million dollar loan debt , if they can get the money. Can not fund their ecat system, or fill their potholes, and a non working port. And a city council that is a joke. Example. Santa rosa man has shooting range in back yard, subdivision wants range shut down, COUNTY can not really do anything about it because it is UNINCORPORATED( Not a city) But if it was consolidated in to a city , The CIty could go out and shut it down. Now none of us in this county ever want to be under the city’s thumb.What EAFO does not understand is that we do not wish to join the city, or inherit their debt

  11. E.M.D. on April 28th, 2009 7:15 pm

    I vote, “NO!!!” A thousand times, “NO!!!” I live here because it is not the city. I do not want to live in a city or a suburb. I like it like it is, dirt roads and all. Why do so many believe more is better? If we don’t stop, one day there will be no more green, just gray and black and noise and air pollution. :(

  12. rc on April 28th, 2009 5:03 pm

    We in the Northend do not need to let this pass. We live in this area for the peace and quiet that we have. If we wanted to live in the city we would. Mr Peacock why does it have to be the new Pensacola how about the new Molino or the new Century. Derek you are right they will be diappointed when we defeat this.

  13. Derek Cosson on April 28th, 2009 4:29 pm

    Messrs. Peacock, Crawford and the rest of the Escambia All for One crowd are sure going to be disappointed when we defeat this power grab. I can’t wait.

  14. Charlie Clark on April 28th, 2009 2:17 pm

    While it is interesting to see the commission appears to be well-represented, and the advisory boards insure sufficient resistence to change, how about more cogent information, such as overview, mission, objectives, potential economic and political impacts. Or is it too early to release current thinking? Yes, we have read about many of the activities and groups and players. But where is the meat? Where is the expressed vision and long-term outlook?Why? Who have most to gain?

  15. Malik Shabazz on April 28th, 2009 12:53 pm

    Good morning Jacksonvill Florida and welcome in Pensacola Florida
    This is Good in my opinion and I hope others who will be shouting taxes
    Will try and understand the need for one government instead of a mass of
    confusions: This country the United States should be a lesson on being divided.
    Different branches will never gain a solid foundation,
    (One love one God one faith one baptism one government)

    Thank you very much I rest my case

  16. bob hudson on April 28th, 2009 11:58 am

    And please do not forget, consolidate means to “make one” The county will inhert this debt, they know it and want us to pay for it.

  17. bob hudson on April 28th, 2009 11:55 am

    Pensacola has a broke pension, building a maritime park and borrowing 38 million dollars,In a FEMA declared flood zone Can not afford to fund it ecat system or fill it’s pot holes A non working port. And the city council is a joke. Now We in the county may not have the best, but it is a sight better than the city. The city is broke and needs a new tax base. Just remeber, It is the city that is always wanting us to join them, and they only want us for our money.The CIty needs to learn to ANNEX

  18. John Peacock on April 28th, 2009 11:41 am

    A well thought out consolidation plan has the potential to correct many of the injustices that are described on these posts. The district 5 commissioner whether it be Kevin White or someone else is just 1 of 5 votes. Individuals in our community cannot vote for a specific direction or use of assets when we are voting for just 1 of 5 and it takes 3 to change anything. Three commissioners can vote on significant issues and not be held accountable to 40% of the county. That seems wrong. A consolidated form of government with an elected executive (similar to governor and president) is accountable to ALL residents. Some county residents say don’t want to pay for the maritime park. County residents are essentially paying for it now by not recieving tax proceeds from the CRA, the difference is you never got to vote for that. In the new government, just like the federal model, we all get a say so in how the entire county uses it’s valuable resources. Under the new form of government, someone from the North end of the county, pensacola beach, or perdido key, could be the mayor or executive the New Pensacola! This executive will have to answer to all citizens at the voting booth every four years. This person could not ignore 20% of the vote (north end of county) and expect to get elected. Four of the 5 existing commissioners can ignore the north end without consequence. Escambia county is one of the poorest counties in the state. While the new form of government will not fix that immediately, it gives the opportunity for leaders to be elected and have the authority and associated accountability to lead!! Please get involved to make sure this process (the commission) is successful in creating a form of government that addresses all of your concerns. We all deserve better!

  19. Think on April 28th, 2009 10:51 am

    I think that we should connect with Alabama since the two city has always supported each other in time of crisis. I remember South Flomaton and Flomaton being supported of each other.

  20. Jason Crawford on April 28th, 2009 9:38 am

    This is the opportunity that you’ve wanted. You have the chance to have your voice heard and improve the local government that you complain about. This commission will operate in the sunshine and they will have opportunities for you to share your concerns. Nobody is trying to make a change without your input or your vote.

    You have the opportunity to improve your local government. It won’t be perfect for everyone. That’s impossible. But it will be better that want we have today. Less Government = Less Taxes & More Jobs. We can improve our system and attract more jobs to this county. The north Escambia resident has the most to gain from this change. The question is are you going to make the most out of it and improve this county to leave it better off then when you received it?

  21. Living better in Alabama!! on April 28th, 2009 8:51 am

    I agree with bmb. North Escambia should break free of Florida and join Alabama. I am a displaced native son of Bratt living in Flomaton. I made the decision to leave my beloved community and kin and move to Alabama years ago when I saw the writing on the wall that Pensacola would ruin this wonderful community. I watch as more and more people move north to escape the stupidity of Escambia County and Florida. I watched my parents go through one delay and fee after another while building their home several years ago. I watch now as the fleet of trash trucks waste fuel running up and down the road “not” picking up trash. (Four trucks drove past my parent’s home last week, one even backed a 1/2 mile down the road he just traveled, and yet the trash never did get picked up). Yes, we pay income tax; but our property taxes are much, much less. Sure we can improve in several areas, such as our schools, but overall LIFE IS BETTER IN ALABAMA!! I actually know all of my County commissioners and most of my elected officials and their families. Sometimes, smaller is better. If nothing else form your own county.

  22. Look At It on April 28th, 2009 7:15 am

    Who is on this commission that will represent someone in Molino or Walnut Hill? Kevin White gets to appoint on person, but i bet it will be someone from 9 mile road. He should appoint William the guy that writes northescambia.

  23. bmb on April 28th, 2009 7:12 am

    I still say if we are gonna merge with somebody let us break free of Florida and join Alabama, building codes are less strict and we already house most of their students in our schools. At least this way we could know where our money is being allocated, I agree with getting shafted, the voice of the people is NOT being heard we don’t won’t to pay for something we don’t have a need for and probably will never even see. Government for the people is one big fat joke.

  24. John on April 28th, 2009 7:04 am

    This was sponsored by Greg Evers. I thought he was the rural man’s friend. Guess not. Remember that when he is running for the senate seat next year. We will remember this Greg!

  25. Getting Shafted on April 28th, 2009 7:03 am

    Nortend folks get ready to pay for the maritime park!! Hope you’ve got your checkbooks ready, cause your taxes are gonna double.