Consolidation Bill Passes Florida House

April 16, 2009


The Florida House has approved a bill that would lead to a commission to study local government consolidation that would combine Century, Pensacola and Escambia County into one.

The Florida House approved the bill sponsored by Rep. Greg Evers with a 120-0 vote with no discussion. The bill now goes to the Florida Senate for approval.

Once approved, the bill sets into motion the creation of study commission to create a plan for the governmental consolidation. That 25 member committee would be appointed by July 1 and be tasked with returning a consolidation proposal by January 15, 2010. If approved by the legislature, final say on the plan would be in the hands of the county’s voters.


9 Responses to “Consolidation Bill Passes Florida House”

  1. Ole' Willie on April 20th, 2009 4:36 pm

    If you have any thoughts about supporting county/ city consolidation, please read this past sunday’s Pensacola News Journal. Not only will the retiring police chief be receiving more retirement benefits a year than 99% of Escambia residents, but he will also be getting a check for $ 675,000 for his drop retirement. as I said this is on top of his yearly $130,000 retirement pension. The city of Pensacola got it’s self into this fiscal fiasco let them get out of it. Most private sector jobs have long since dropped defined benefits retirement plans and the city will want county residents to pay for their mistakes. Making poor working residents pay for city fat cats is wrong. ——- Inequities like this is what caused the French revolution!

  2. bob hudson on April 17th, 2009 6:44 am

    A non working port, no ecat system , cannot fill their own pot holes, maritime park and base ball feild built in a fema declared flood zone ,in a hurricane prone city, that they currently have not decided on how to fund ,and a city council that is a joke. A undieing lust for nothing more than tourisum ,Dilution of one’s voice in government . Any one who would want to join this would be very fooish NO thank you penscaola, we are not that bad off.

  3. Don Stephens on April 16th, 2009 8:57 pm

    I think lots of workers will be let go. That’s what they do in the private sector. Merge and get rid of people.

  4. bob hudson on April 16th, 2009 11:07 am

    Think that if we put up a bill board at the pensacola city limits and it read( We do not wish to join you) that they might get the Idea?

  5. Nan Johnson on April 16th, 2009 10:03 am

    Why would the County want to consolidated with Century, and Pensacola? Come on folks we are always the last to have our needs taken care of. So why would we want to pay off the bills of the city only to leave us with even less maintenance and safety measures in our own chosen area…..Yes we live in the county by choice……we have no desire to be part of the City, if we did we would already live there.. Once more we are bound to be forced “by the “Vote” of the “people…. because everyone will have a vote and it wont be left entirely up to the “COUNTRY FOLKS” .. CENTURY, AND THE TOWNS AFFECTED SHOULD BE THE ONLY ONES THAT HAVE A VOTE…… NOT THE ENTIRE COUNTY AND THE CITY,,,,,,,, talk about being railroaded ….. it will happen.

  6. bmb on April 16th, 2009 9:03 am

    What is the use in the people having an opinion when their choices are not heard? When will the “big government” understand the meaning of NO WE DON’T WANT THAT??? Does anybody get how wars are started, people hear the voices they just don’t listen. Just remember a COUNTRY BOY/GIRL will survive, and we are use to working hard, so bring it on City Slickers, just remember you might not want what you wished for.

  7. YELLAR HAMMER on April 16th, 2009 8:41 am

    This is more taxes and less representation

  8. bob hudson on April 16th, 2009 7:28 am

    Next time someone ask you if you will vote for consolidation, Ask them if the county will inherit the city’s debt? Ask them if we will have to pay for the Maritime Park which we did not get a voice in. How is diluting my voice in government , giving me a stronger voice? We may not have the best system of government, but it is much better than being under the thumb of a city that only thinks the county goes to 9 mile road. One call and I reach my county comm. And If we the PEOPLE do not like what he or she does , we will vote them out . Now that is control and your voice in government.

  9. bob hudson on April 16th, 2009 5:14 am

    Well guess we will have to vote this down to. Who wants to pay for the cities debt?