Do Your Part To Help, Chip In $10

April 12, 2009

chipin10.jpgThe J.H. Baroco Foundation has awarded United Way of Escambia County a $150,000 grant to help families and nonprofit agencies cope with the current economic crisis.

United Way is challenging community members to Chip in $10 so that the impact of Baroco Foundation grant may be doubled, helping even more Escambia County residents who have experienced a dramatic, negative change in their financial condition as a result of the worsening economy. United Way’s Chip in $10 Challenge to Escambia County is a way for local residents to help their neighbors through tough times.

All about Chip in $10
Why? The Chip in $10 Challenge addresses the serious effect of the economic downturn by providing immediate assistance to local residents whose financial situation has significantly deteriorated as a result, and by helping nonprofit agencies provide financial literacy education and system change efforts to address the root causes of family financial problems.
Who will be helped? The Chip in $10 Challenge and Baroco Grant funds will help Escambia County residents who have lost or are at risk of losing their residence, health care coverage, transportation, utilities, or other basic needs as a result of the worsening economy since December 2007. Recipients of direct financial assistance will be required to attend six (6) hours of financial literacy workshops prior to receiving assistance. The majority of available funds will be expended by August 2009 through grants to local nonprofit agencies. Agencies chosen to receive a grant will select recipients, administer assistance according to eligibility requirements, follow up with recipients, and provide a post-report to United Way.
How can I help? Chip in $10! Or more if you have the means. Give online and learn more at or send your contribution to United Way, 1301 W. Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502. Because we want to thank everyone who chips in $10, all donors will be listed on the Web site unless you let us know you wish to remain anonymous.

How will we know it really helped people?
Nonprofit agencies receiving funds through the Baroco grant/Chip in $10 Challenge are required to use the United Way/First Call For Help secure community database to register and monitor each individual recipient. This ensures that assistance is not duplicated and allows follow-up with each recipient to learn how they are doing a few months after receiving help. I’m a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

How can I be part of Chip in $10? Details will be announced soon on how 501(c)3 organizations with case management capabilities can apply for funding from the J.H. Baroco Foundation grant and “Chip in $10” challenge.
What if I need help? If you are in need of help, contact First Call For Help at 595-5905 or


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