Birth: Jesse Mason Garrett

April 26, 2009


Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Edlen Posey Garrett are proud to announce the birth of their son Jesse Mason Garrett. Grandparents are Lynn Jesse and Joyce Garrett of Barrineau Park, and Diana and Jim Smith of Racine, Ohio. Great-grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Cleavy Edward Posey, Sr. of Crestview. Jesse Mason is named after his Granddaddy Lynn Jesse, Sr. and his Uncle Lynn Jesse Garrett, Jr. and also his Granddaddy Jim Mason and Uncle Josh Mason of Ohio.


2 Responses to “Birth: Jesse Mason Garrett”

  1. Marsha Johns on April 27th, 2009 9:39 am

    We are SO happy to have that little man joining us to make you two (now three) a family!!! The Lord is so good to send these little miracles along just when we need them!!!! Thank you for being obedient to Him and bringing Jesse up the right way! Stay close to Him and He will not depart from you! He will give you the desires of your heart! GrandMother was SO RIGHT!!!! Love to you! Aunt Marsh

  2. Lynda Barnes on April 26th, 2009 7:47 am

    Congratulations!!! We are wishing you every happiness a precious baby boy can bring… (Just have the phone ready to call your mom, Jeremy. She did raise three of you boys. Thank God for Lana coming along…)
    He is precious and if you can’t find a sitter give me a call.
    We love you. The Barnes’