71-Year Old Bratt Man Accused Of Sexually Abusing Two Young Girls Now Free On Bond

April 2, 2009

A Bratt man arrested for allegedly abusing two girls — one just five years old — is now free on bond after an Escambia County Circuit judge reduced his bond.

posey10.jpgJody Posey, 71, of 7100 North Pine Road, was arrested in early March by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department and charged with three felony child sexual abuse charges.

He was originally held without bond on one charge and $200,000 total on two other charges. Circuit Judge Michael Allen approved a bond reduction request in the case, setting bond at $150,000 instead of no bond on the first charge and another $150,000 on the two additional charges. Posey posted bond through a bonding company and was released from the Escambia County Jail. His bond stipulates that he have no contact with his victims or any other children.

A five-year old girl told investigators that Posey had been “massaging her privates”.  The molestation allegedly occurred on multiple occasions over some period of time, according to authorities. The most recent molestation reported by the five-year old was January 9. The girl told officials that Posey told her she would go to jail if she told anyone about the incidents.

Posey was also charged for inappropriately touching a now 16-year girl several times over the last few years.

Posey’s court appointed public defender, Andrew Marks, entered a plea of not guilty on all three charges in Escambia County Circuit Court.

Court records show that the ongoing abuse of the now 16-year old occurred from 2002 to 2006 — when the girl was as young as nine years old.

If convicted, Posey faces up to life in prison.

Posey’s residence at 7100 North Pine Barren road is located north of Highway 4,  less than one mile from Northview High School.


28 Responses to “71-Year Old Bratt Man Accused Of Sexually Abusing Two Young Girls Now Free On Bond”

  1. Lgs on April 6th, 2009 3:16 pm

    If you think our justice system is fair, and that you are innocent until proven guilty — THINK AGAIN. In our court systems you are guilty unless you can prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are innocent. District attorneys do not like to lose. Imagine that you have been accused of a crime that you did not commit. Do you keep a detailed journal of your daily activities? Go sit in a courtroom for a day. D.A.s do not lose, they bargain. This man has already been declared guilty, without a trial. His life has been ruined. Judgement has been passed, and he hasn’t been to trial yet. Be cautious, but don’t be so quick to judge. There are some very vindictive people out there and children can be coersed.

  2. melanie on April 4th, 2009 12:02 pm

    omg! this is so disgusting and i agree with “blinkie” though no one had stated that this man if off on bond??? i swear the judicial system is no at least fair on these child predators!!! everyone needs to keep an eye on their kids and this man and keep these kids in their prayers! children at this age are so extremely vulnerable to men like this cause they have a sense of trust and when its taken from them they don’t know how to handle it cause they are so fragile!

  3. Disgusted on April 4th, 2009 11:01 am

    And I’m sure the families of all the other child molesters out there are sure that their family members weren’t capable of doing such an act. As for calling a five year old a habitual liar, I didn’t realize that someone out there would actually stoop that low. You’re really grasping at straws!!!!!!!

  4. dbg on April 4th, 2009 10:04 am

    How can ANYONE call a 5yr old child a habitual liar?

  5. NANA on April 4th, 2009 12:29 am


  6. Elizabeth Posey on April 3rd, 2009 10:25 pm

    It is funny how we assume guilt before knowing all the facts. The media has not stated the child has changed her story several times. You should have all the facts before you pass judgement. It is also not stated the the girl is a habitual liar and keeps changing her story. Remember inocent until proven guilty and know all the facts before you pass judgement. This lie can happen to anyone and even if it is proven he did not do this he has already been judged and found guilty in to many eyes. His life will never be the same because the media has procecuted him and put his name and address out there for all to see. My prayers are with all and I stand behind my father. He is a good man who never would do such a thing.
    His Daughter

  7. Fred on April 3rd, 2009 6:35 pm

    I still believe in our justice system, but this man will probably have to prove his innocence to the court ! He is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty ! Can you that condemn him before his trial, tell anyone where you were and what you were doing 3 years ago on a certain date? If found quilty of these offessive crimes I would want him to be duely punished. If found innocent his reputation and life is ruined anyway. My prayers go out for him and his family.

  8. marty on April 3rd, 2009 3:19 pm

    ITS USELESS!!!!!!!! i am not trying to be an advocate i plainly stated that IF he is guilty he should be punished to the utmost i am not for light sentencing i am just not ready to condemn him until he is found to be guilty. if you are concerned for your children DO NOT LET THEM BE AROUND MEN ALONE!!!! after all nice people do bad things…..hhhhmmmmmm it also aint always MEN oh no women can be pervs too. teachers ans sex with students oh yeah i for got thats different. one last note and i am thru no more comments for me cuase all i get it flack …..if you dont FORGIVE others(no matter what bad things they do)dont expect forgiveness from the Father….just for you churchy people!

  9. Disgusted on April 3rd, 2009 2:33 pm

    I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t want to be on a jury. I believe that’s not something you get to choose. As I stated earlier, I do realize there has not been a trial yet, but a five year old does not know enough to lie about a situation such as this. And there again I have to mention that there had to be enough evidence to bring him in on these charges. As far as I’m concerned shoot first and ask questions later.

  10. jessica hedgepeth on April 3rd, 2009 2:15 pm

    your a sick man and you will rot down under. these kids are probably not they are scared for their life because of you. oh i hope you get the death penalty.

  11. Concerned mother on April 3rd, 2009 1:40 pm

    Marty – Since you want to put the shoe on everyone elses’ foot – how about if the child reporting abuse was your daughter or grandaughter? How would you feel about it then? Do you think your opinion of the situation would be innocent until proven guilty?

    Curious as to why you are such an advocate for an alleged pedophile. Maybe you know him personally and feel he is a nice person. Many “nice” people do terrible things…maybe it is something else…who knows?

  12. dbg on April 3rd, 2009 12:04 pm

    I do not know this man or his family, but when I “read between the lines” I wonder why he would have access to children of this age? I can only think of one reason. With that said, I bet there are bad skeleton’s in this man’s closet from way back, that just weren’t reported.

  13. marty on April 3rd, 2009 8:57 am

    your open mindness and compassion is UNDERWHELMING!!!!! yall have alredy CONVICTED the man without any chance to defend himself. i guess you have never been lied on. i am not saying HE IS innocent i dont know…. but what i do know is, people like you have NO business on jury panels. and if you take it upon yourself to dole out justice you are NO better than the one who broke the law in the first place as far as justice goes IF the man is guilty there can not be any sentence to great for this heniuos act in my opinion. but i think ALL the facts should be considered before we round up the good ole boy gang and form the posse…..anybody got eny snufffff yeeee hawwwww!!!!!!!!

  14. Justice on April 3rd, 2009 1:48 am

    Vigilantes are only good for the movies, in the real world we must trust our elected justice system to handle these things, oh but wait, Obama is our elected justice system, well it looks like these crimes will only get worse, hey don’t blame me you voted for him.

  15. Bob on April 2nd, 2009 6:49 pm

    Thanks for the comments folks. I had a similar opinion on this site earlier this week about another case. Got a dagger driven through my heart in a matter of minutes. GLAD THERE ARE OTHERS THAT SHARE MY OPINION.

  16. Parent on April 2nd, 2009 6:35 pm

    If he has Alzheimer then he shouldn’t have been in town today driving! There is no excuse for this; I don’t care how old he is! It doesn’t matter if it is your father or grandfather, he should be punished to the fullest! Why would someone want to do this to a child, when they could go get a person off the street corner that gets paid to do stuff like this! I just don’t see how someone could be so STUPID to hurt a child like this! I hope justice is done, but there is something the children will never get back and it will be hard for them to ever trust anyone again! My sympathy and prayers go out to these children!

  17. Al on April 2nd, 2009 4:22 pm

    “have you taken in account his age? he may be having effects of Alzheimrs or something similar. would you be so quick to judge if it was your Dad or granddad?”
    He may be 71 now, he was only 64 when he started on the other girl. Most molesters have dozens if not hundreds of victims before they are caught.
    If it was my dad? you wouldn’t be reading about him in jail, it would be me.

  18. Tanya on April 2nd, 2009 2:30 pm

    People with Alzheimer’s don’t generally go around molesting children. I can’t imagine how that “defense” was derived.

    If you look at the offender lists, you will see an awful lot of these offenders are elderly. I have my own theories of why that is, but certainly none of them make it ok.

  19. Disgusted on April 2nd, 2009 2:02 pm

    Well Marty let me just say if it were my dad, he would need to be punished just as this man does. I also would never forgive such an act no matter who did it. Let me also add that we wouldn’t have to worry about the person getting out on bond or going to court. This matter would be taken care of quick. I don’t know which one of us would kill him first, me or my husband. I know that’s not the right thing to do, but these kind of people(child molesters) get off too easy. There is no excuse and I mean not one, for taking away a child’s innocence. That’s exactly what this man did. In my opinion he doesn’t deserve to live and it is also my opinion that he will get off all too easy. That’s our wonderful justice system. Oh! And by the way just how many child molesters and sex offenders do you know or have heard of that are a victim of Alzheimer’s or something similar? Next thing you know someone will be at his defense claiming insanity.

  20. Caitlyn on April 2nd, 2009 12:27 pm

    This is HORRIBLE,
    i pray for all those involved and the family!

  21. marty on April 2nd, 2009 11:13 am

    first let me say this ACT disgust me as much as it does you.and if he is guilty he should be punished.
    have you taken in account his age? he may be having effects of Alzheimrs or something similar. would you be so quick to judge if it was your Dad or granddad?i AM NOT making excuses there are NONE. but GOD hates the sin not the SINNER

  22. tira on April 2nd, 2009 10:49 am

    my my. this is just going to show what the future has in store for us. things keep getting worse and worse with these happenings. that little girl is so sweet and yes i do know her she goes to my church and is the most sweetest little girl.
    i disgusts me to see what men do these days to young children!

  23. Tanya on April 2nd, 2009 9:47 am

    Blinkie – I totally agree. My first question was how could he be out on bond? There are children going missing every day because sex offenders are given a slap on the wrist. You get more time for drug posession than violent or sexual offenses. It really makes me sick. If they even suspect someone would hurt a child, they need to do something about it IMMEDIATELY!

    I pray for all those involved.

  24. Lynn on April 2nd, 2009 9:32 am

    I agree with all of you on this. I checked the PNJ (on-line) this a.m. and saw nothing on this story. Thanks, Bill for doing such a competent job of letting all of us know what’s happening in our area. I realize that he hasn’t been found guilty yet, but I know if I lived in this area I’d sure want to know that he’s out on bond and back in the area.
    Since what he did to these girls will haunt and shape their perspective of life, their self-esteem and future relationships, I’m not sure that there’s enough punishment that could make up for the damage done to these young victims.

  25. Disgusted on April 2nd, 2009 9:22 am

    This man’s picture should be plastered everywhere so that everyone will know what he has done. I think someone that could do such as this to a child should die of a slow and agonizing death. There is no excuse and there is no rehabilitation. This kind of person cannot change no matter what you do or how hard you try. I do realize that he has not had a trial and been found guilty.But a five year old does not make something like this up. There had to have been enough evidence to charge him.

  26. windy on April 2nd, 2009 6:49 am

    I agree with you blinkie

  27. tara on April 2nd, 2009 6:04 am

    I understand the process of innocent until proven guilty BUT if he is guilty I hope the worse for him. There is not enough justice in the world to undo all that a child molester or a child abuser does to a child. If you cannot treat a child with respect, you need to go somewhere so you don’t have to be around them. It is utterly STUPID to do this to a child. It shows you are a coward and ignorant. And I wish this carried a bigger punishment than just a few years in prison. My other opinions are too harsh for this site. I get livid over people taking advantage of children! And if you have to verbally and emotionally abuse children, you’re no better. And certainally if you hit children, you are worthless. Find help for problem, don’t take it out on a child!

  28. blinkie on April 2nd, 2009 4:30 am

    Funny how everyone jumped on the flood story,but no one sais anything about this person being out on bond.Am i the only one thinking this is crazy?
    When are we going to care more about the victims then the pervs?
    It makes me sick.