What’s Hot: Ernest Ward Middle School’s Newspaper

March 24, 2009


From what’s hot, to what’s not; to the latest news around campus, students at Ernest Ward Middle School turn to the school’s newspaper Through the Eagles Eye.

“It gives us a chance to express our opinions,” Co-editor Anna Donald said. She likes to write stories about FFA and the Ernest Ward Drama Club, because “they are totally me”.

ewmsnews10.jpgOver the years, the paper had evolved into a publication primarily by teachers with little input from students. Ernest Ward Middle School newspaper sponsor Sara McGinnis has worked to change that.

“We have returned over the past couple of years to student input. We have good group,” McGinnis said. “Every article is totally done by them, and they sell the paper during lunch.”

“It is more focused, not as random now,” staff member Dezarae Turner said.

Articles are, like at most schools, proofed by school staff to make sure they are appropriate. But McGinnis’ staff said that they work hard to play by the rules.

“We know that when she gives us ‘the look’, it is time to be good,” Donald said.

Turner said she enjoys writing articles about student life. “I like to hear what the student body has to say,” she said.

The students have also learned that in the newspaper business, the right story sells.

“We sell at least 20 extra copies with anything in it that is Twilight related,” Donald said.

(In case you don’t know: Twilight is the movie of 2008  that would be on the “hot” side of the what’s hot, and what’s not list at Ernest Ward or any middle school.)

Click here for a pdf of the January Ernest Ward Middle School newspaper. (This is 591Kb file that may be too large for readers on a dialup internet connection.)

Members of the newspaper staff at Ernest Ward Middle School are: Jazzlyn Franklin, Cheyenne Godwin, Dezarae Turner, Indigo Rodriguez, Jessica Warner, Isaac Dukes, Hannah Fiellin, Jeremy Stacey, Anna Donald and Angel Mitchell.

Pictured top: Ernest Ward Middle School students (L-R) Dezarae Turner, Jeremy Stacy and Anna Donald proofread the latest issue of the school’s newspaper. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “What’s Hot: Ernest Ward Middle School’s Newspaper”

  1. Lana Clayton on August 18th, 2009 11:05 am

    I think Mrs. McGinnis and the whole staff has done a great job! I love reading the newspaper and seeing what is in it!! Without Mrs. McGinnis who knows what the paper would be like!!! :)

  2. Mrs. Ellis on March 24th, 2009 7:50 pm

    Ms. McGinnis and the Eagle News Staff create a top quality paper!
    Way to go Eagles!

  3. AED on March 24th, 2009 4:05 pm

    William, you are da bomb!

    The newspaper would never be pulled off without the student body and all of Ms. McGinnis’ hard work. Without “the look” the newspaper would be a flop. You rock Ms. McGinnis! Keep doin’ what you doin’!

  4. boosi to on March 24th, 2009 12:21 pm

    hey peps