Want To Be A Northview Cheerleader?

March 14, 2009

If you want to be a Northview High School cheerleader for the 2009-2010 school year, there are some important dates you need to know.

An informational meeting will be held Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. It is important that all candidates and parents attend this meeting.

A clinic will be held March 21 from 8 a.m. to noon. A practice for all cheerleader candidates will be held March 23 until March 31 from 4:00 until 6:00 each weekday.

Tryouts for the 2009-2010 Northview cheerleading squads will be April 1 at 3:00 p.m.

This is the last year the Northview cheerleaders will be chosen by outside judges. Squads for the 2009-2010 school year will be entirely coach selected.


7 Responses to “Want To Be A Northview Cheerleader?”

  1. NHS parent on March 17th, 2009 4:52 pm

    If somethings not broke you don’t go and try to fix it. I think this decision is going to open up a lot of chaos. There must have been a reason that for all of these years judges were used. I say again if its not broke don’t fix it.

  2. NHS Fan on March 17th, 2009 8:28 am

    Why are cheerleaders always held to a different standard than other sports? Just because the coach picks the team doesn’t mean that there will be favoritism. When a student doesn’t make the football/baseball/basketball/softball teams, does the parent then blame the coach of favoritism? Usually not. What needs to be realized here is that this is not just a Northview policy suddenly appearing; it is a movement through many schools. Just be grateful that the coach was considerate enough to give an announcement a year in advance. And of course the squad for that year isn’t already picked out! The coach doesn’t even know who will try out; she’s not a mind reader!

  3. Religion(s) on March 16th, 2009 12:47 pm

    This is actually something that has been in the works for quite awhile in other schools in Escambia County. Cheerleading is now considered a sport…I don’t see judges coming in to tell the coaches who should be on their football/basketball/baseball/softball/track/volleyball/swim/soccer/tennis teams. The coaches see the potential, the hard work, dedication, and pure talent and they choose their teams accordingly. Why in the world would you want these girls to have ONE shot to make the team? What if they freeze in tryouts? I think that the coaches will be fair and will observe the girls for a tryout period and actually put together a really good team. Any coach that has the best interest of their team in mind will choose the BEST participants, not their favorites. Good luck, coaches!

  4. Information on March 16th, 2009 12:22 pm

    For the past three years, Cheerleading has been recognized by the FHSAA as a true athletic sport. Would it not make sense to have a coach selected team? ALL the other sports at ALL the others high schools have Coach selected teams. Would you then say that those coaches play favorites and only choose the individuals that they like for their teams? It is time for change. Can you imagine the uproar if an outside judge was sent in to tell a Head-Football Coach who was good enough to play on his team. No one in the community would stand for it. Cheerleading coaches deserve the same opportunity to decide who is going to work for their spot on the team. It is very easy for someone to impress an outside judge for a 5 minute tryout; it is much harder to stay dedicated to a sport over a prolonged period of time. In many cases, cheer applicants only want the title of being a cheerleader. They are not wanting the hard work that comes with it. It takes dedication and commitment to be a good team, no matter what sport you are playing. It also means having a good attitude. All over the U.S., cheer teams are moving away from outside judges. Keep in mind that the tryout scores also include a Teacher Evaluation Score worth 25 points, along with an Attendance and Discipline score that is worth 15 points.

  5. Not Surprised on March 16th, 2009 8:41 am

    I agree with the nurse comments. I would hope that the Northview coach would not play favorites when it came time to select members of the squad. Given the opportunity this might be too tempting. The selection of a cheerleader has always been done by a panel of outside judges. There is no need for change. Makes you wonder why all of the sudden it will be left up to the coach only. Are there already prospects for the 2009-2010 year?

  6. nurse on March 16th, 2009 1:23 am

    I urge any parents to petition the selection of future cheerleaders by the coach. In all fairness tryouts should always be judged by outside sources with no ties to the community. Just a thought! We have enough of a political bias in our schools!

  7. nhs on March 15th, 2009 10:35 pm

    I hope we can see our NHS varsity girls go to competition this year. Based on what I’ve seen, their the best around. They should do great.