Tonight In Century: School Board To Hold Public Meeting About School Closure

March 5, 2009

The Escambia County School Board plans to hold a meeting in Century tonight to discuss their redistricting plan that will close Carver/Century K-8 School.

The meeting will be held at 5:30 in the Carver/Century cafeteria. School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas plans to present data that he says supports closing the school, including the fact that it is losing about  $1 million year as teachers struggle to improve student test scores.

On January 20, the board approved advertising the redistricting of Carver/Century students to Bratt Elementary and Ernest Ward Middle School. State law says they must advertise the plan for 28 days prior to official approving it. They plan to vote on the redistricting plan that would close Carver/Century at their March 17 board meeting.

At the January meeting, the vote was 3-2 to move forward with advertising the redistricting plan. Board members Bill Slayton, who represents District 5 where Carver/Century is located, and Linda Moultrie voted against the proposal. Jeff Bergosh,  Gerald Boone and Patty Hightower voted for Superintendent Malcolm Thomas’ plan.

Pictured above: Century resident Leola Robinson speaks to the Escambia School Board  in support of keeping Carver/Century open on January 20 while Gerald Boone (left) and Malcolm Thomas (right) look on. photos, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Tonight In Century: School Board To Hold Public Meeting About School Closure”

  1. Thinking of the kids... on March 5th, 2009 6:40 pm

    Mr. Thomas NEVER said he was going to keep Carver/Century open. He clearly said he would look at data (including academic performance, the cost of operation, and the idea of the electric car company’s possible arrival) before he made a decision on possible closure. For those of you who say he made quick decisions, you must not know him. He is a data driven man. He didn’t start looking at things when he took office. He had already been looking before he was elected so he could be prepared to make a final decision if he were given the honor of being the Superintendent. He thinks things through, and does not make rushed decisions. If I remember correctly, that is why a lot of people in Century did not vote for him. They opted for his opponent who claimed she would keep Carver/Century open, no matter what. Mr. Thomas never lied. He didn’t promise things and then recant. For anyone to insinuate that Mr. Thomas is like Mr. Paul is ludicrous. The bottom line is the school is going to close. While I understand how that pulls on your heartstrings, the parents and community need to accept it. If they do, the children will accept it as well and transition smoothly. Children are so smart. If they see people fighting it, they will too. Think about the kids. Make this school closure a positive, not a negative.

  2. Big Daddy on March 5th, 2009 11:23 am

    More politics? I wonder if Mr. Thomas would have been elected had he told the good people of Century he was going to close their beloved school. He needs to look around and see how many high priced assistants he can get rid of. He has slung more BS in the short time he has been in office kind of reminds you of the previous sup.

  3. TaxPayer on March 5th, 2009 10:57 am

    “Losing about $1 million year as teachers struggle to improve student test scores.”

    What a statement, regardless of scores. This or any School District can keep operating Schools that continue to burden the tax payers, by paying out millions to fund site’s no matter where they are located. I hope that Mr. Thomas continues to look at the remaining school site’s that are costing just as much for only a handful of students. Do right by the students and place them in a great learning environment! and close the others down. Then sell the site’s to off-set the budget and stop giving the property away!