Students Rally At Board Meeting In Support Of Flomaton’s Tony Ellis

March 31, 2009

A large number Flomaton students supporting Tony Ellis filed into the most recent meeting of the Escambia County (Ala.) Board of Education.

Tony Ellis, 18, was indicted by an Escambia County (Ala.) grand jury for enticing a minor into a vehicle for immoral purposes, sodomy II, and sexual abuse. The alleged victim is 12-years old. His attorneys have sought youthful offender status in the case.

School officials say Ellis was suspended from his classes at Flomaton High School, including all extracurricular activities, and was moved to the county’s alternative school.

Supporters, many wearing Flomaton High School apparel, filled the library at Flomaton High in support of the Flomaton senior and start football player. They also presented a petition with about 500 signatures in support of returning Ellis to Flomaton High School.

The board took no action on returning Ellis to Flomaton High.


3 Responses to “Students Rally At Board Meeting In Support Of Flomaton’s Tony Ellis”

  1. E. Green Jr. on April 19th, 2009 3:21 pm

    First of all, thank goodness the the school board runs our school system instead of school kids. If I had a child at FHS I certainly would want the issue resolved before Mr. Ellis returned to school. Secondly, Its hard for me to imagine what relevance “star football player” has to do with the guilt or innocence of Ellis. Thirdly and most importantly, maybe in hindsight, some of these supporters might realize that some of the time spend on being a great football player should have been on making grades high enough to graduate and being excepted into college. After all, gaining 200 yards in a game at FHS doesn’t go very far in earning a living or supporting the babies he helps creates.

  2. a mom on March 31st, 2009 2:09 pm

    To Bob,
    U dont even know Tony and have no clue of what happened or what has not happened. So before the stupidity rolls from ur mouth i would get all my facts…..

  3. Bob on March 31st, 2009 1:06 pm

    It’s an age old problem but if you do the crime be prepared to do the time. If he is smart enough to be a senior he is smart enough to know what the law reads. A child of only 12 , forget it. Neuter all these people and do our society a service.