Santa Rosa Storm Update, Road Closures

March 28, 2009

This is the latest update from the Santa Rosa County EMA Saturday night:

Rainfall totals for the event to date:

* Center of county-13 inches
* South of Milton- 5-6 inches


* Based on a forecast model from the River Forecast Center, Blackwater River in Milton is expected to crest at 10.2 feet on Monday morning. At 5 p.m. today, the river was at approximately 4.5 feet.
* Flooding may impact an estimated 300 structures in low lying areas along Blackwater River in Santa Rosa County.
* Public safety officials are asking boaters to stay off the river until the water has receded to normal levels due to hazards caused by debris and possible additional damage to structures caused by wave action.
* Residents along Blackwater River should take any needed protective actions immediately. Even citizens living in elevated homes may need to evacuate as roads may be impassable due to flooding.
* Residents who plan to evacuate and need shelter are asked to call the Emergency Management Office at 983-5360.
* Blackwater at the Baker flood gauge expected to crest tomorrow morning near 20 feet, and expected to be back below flood stages by Tuesday. According to Mobile Weather Service Blackwater has not seen flooding of this magnitude since 1975 when it reached 19.45 feet.
* Coldwater is reported at 11.5 feet, flood stage is 11 feet.
* Staff will continue to monitor all local rivers.

Bridge Closures

The listed bridges and any other county maintained bridges that are flooded, should not be crossed until public works inspections have been completed, after the water recedes. Motorist should always avoid crossing flooded streets and should never attempt to cross flooded bridges.

Bridges are closed on:

* Springhill Road
* Deaton Bridge Road
* Red Rock Road
* Gordon Land Road
* Penton Road
* Walling Road
* Hamilton Bridge Road at the Pond Creek Bridge
* Amos Cabaniss Road

Road Closure/Impassable Roads

Many low lying areas of the county are flooded and are expected to remain flooded throughout the day today, and into the evening. Standing water creates a serious road hazard, even when only a portion of the roadway is flooded. Roads listed below are closed due to severe erosion.

* Smith Wixon Road- Road washed out but public works crews are repairing- should be open by 7 p.m.
* Sellersville Road- Culvert washed out

Emergency Crews had to assist the following due to flooding, no injuries reported

* One residence on Hwy. 197/Chumuckla
* One residence on Allentown Road
* A vehicle on Mittie Crain Road in Munson
* Vehicle on Wagner Bridge on Springhill Road
* 23 campers at Tomahawk Landing, first rescue by bus, now rescue boats are being used due to impassable roads
* 25 campers at Blackwater River State Park are unable to leave due to flooded roads and rescue crews are assisting as roads are impassible
* Campers on Big Cold Water Park on Horse Shoe Loop Road were evacuated.
* Sinking vehicle on Jimmy Lewis Road

No Emergency Assistance Needed

* Water has been reported in a home in the 9100 block of Byrom Campbell Road.
* One residence on Annie Penton Road left on their own due to rising water/water in their home.


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