One Of Two Saturday Games For The Chiefs Canceled

March 21, 2009

One of two Northview High baseball games scheduled for Saturday has been canceled.

Northview will travel to St. Paul’s in Mobile Saturday for a single game starting against St. Paul at 11 a.m.

The Chiefs  were originally scheduled to play Washington County, Ala., at 1:30, but that afternoon game has been canceled.



5 Responses to “One Of Two Saturday Games For The Chiefs Canceled”

  1. RDB on March 23rd, 2009 1:30 pm

    Well I am sure belittling of comments posted here is not positive. I can only hope that the person who has chose to be negative, is not someone we are relying on to move our Chiefs forward. If you and your accomplice are, then I plead with you to work together with us to do whatever it takes to fire up our team and our fans, not waste time with comments that will burn down only you, and does nothing to be the solution.

  2. Apply If Necessary on March 23rd, 2009 1:00 pm

    Positive is not providing an opponent with motivation BEFORE a game by posting bulletin board material, especially a team of Cathloic’s caliber. What is positive about an underhanded comment celebrating a High School Kid being injured summed up with petty comments? When you attempt to build a fire make sure it don’t become arson!

  3. RDB on March 23rd, 2009 11:22 am

    I apologize if being positive offends you, it was not intended to offend, it is intended to help keep positive thoughts for all involved with our program. Taking ownership is our responsibility to help make our team as successful as they can be, coaches are not the only ones responsible for keeping the team and the fans fired up.

  4. Apply If Necessary on March 21st, 2009 9:05 am

    A WISE MAN has something to say. A FOOL has to say something!

  5. RDB on March 20th, 2009 1:39 pm

    It will be good to carry that win over Catholic to St. Pauls with us. We are the Chiefs, the mighty mighty Chiefs. Everywhere we go everybody knows. You cannot stop TEAMWORK.