NHS Varsity Wins Seventh Straight; JV Wins Too

March 14, 2009


The varsity Chiefs picked up their seventh straight win Friday against Walton, and the junior varsity team added another to their win column.

The Northview High School varsity baseball team beat South Walton 7-3. The varsity team is now 7-2 on the year.

Austin Reid pitched six innings for the Chiefs, allowing just one run.

Scooter Hamilton had two hits, one run and one  RBIs. Brad Lowery had one hit and  two RBIs. Brad Lowery had three hits and two runs. Dakota Stuckey had one hit; Austin Lowery had one hit and two RBIs. Patrick McPherson had one hit for the Chiefs.

Northview scored one run in the first inning. The second inning saw the Chiefs adding four more to the board. NHS scored a couple more in the third, and the Chiefs added one more in the fourth. South Walton’s scores came in the third and seventh innings.

The junior varsity Chiefs shutout South Walton 10-0.

For a photo gallery from both the varsity and junior varsity game, click here.

Pictured above: Sophomore  Austin Arrington at bat for the Chiefs. Submitted photos by Heather Leonard for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “NHS Varsity Wins Seventh Straight; JV Wins Too”

  1. one watching!!!!!! on March 14th, 2009 7:57 pm

    Great job on this kid Reid pitching,only one run and not earned says good things to come for this guy.I look back and he’s 2-0 against this Walton team only to get better as a JR.I didn’t see but was told he closed the night before for the win.Great team work from every kid on the team, keep taking games one at a time and deal with the big dance at the proper time.Good hard hitting and base running will go a long way no matter who you face.Coachs stay aggressive from the first to the last ,use all your talent you have ,and everyone can dance at the end.Lots of talent on this club ,very impressed on their desire to win.Remeber it takes every player on the team to be successful, if you start ,sub,dh,pintch run,what ever it takes as a team ,when you’re called you have to give the best for the team.Whether the outcome is good or bad ,you gave it our best.This team will succeed, the only down fall is yourselfs.GoodLuck guys.LETS ALL DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. RDB on March 14th, 2009 1:33 pm

    Congratulations to the Coaches and Players for a great continued team effort to win 7 straight games. The question is though will this success be the key to our strategy to defeat Catholic? The answer, it could be, only if we keep our minds focused on what it takes to do this. Don’t become distracted by stats that may give some insight to a path, but does not reveal the entire road. Coaches and Players have to make sacrifices, both mentally and physically. A player has to stay focused on the big prize for the team, if a player ever puts their stats ahead of their team then the end result is not good. When the Coach calls for a sac bunt, then as a team player you have to put your best effort towards laying that bunt down for your team, not make a lame attempt because you disagree or think it will hurt your stats, there may not be as much glory or newspaper articles about a sac as it would be about the big hit in the gap or home run, but a player will earn something worth more than all of that, respect from his team and from his Coach. That my friends is what makes teamwork so valuable, it not only wins games consistently, it gains the team members respect for each other and brings them together in a way that enables them to compete and win against any team. Coaches hold the keys to unlock all the potential from players, and players rely on the Coaches to use those keys to help them realize their potential, some players have different types of locks, and require the the Coach to use the key of trust to allow a player to become unlocked to be able utilize that player or players for the betterment of the team for the long road that is still ahead. Coaches have already used some of their trust keys, but there are several more to use, and that will allow those players to become unlocked if given the same trust keys. Lets don’t be in the position at season end of looking back and saying maybe if I had turned the key in that lock to see if we could have been better and defeated our challengers.