Molino Ball Teams Formed, Still Need A Few Players

March 5, 2009

The Molino Recreation Association needs more players for several teams to complete their rosters.

“We have had a great response to the registration at the park,” Arty Kleinatland, Molino Recreation Association president, said. But a few teams are short of the needed number of players.

The need is as follows:

WeeBall (3-4 yrs)- 2 teams, need 2 players
T-Ball (5-7 yrs) – 5 teams, need 4 players
Coach Pitch (8-9 yrs) – 1 team, need 2 players
Minor (10 yrs)- 2 teams, need 2 players
Major – 1 team

8U – 1 team, need 2 players
10U – 2 teams, need 3 players
12U – 1 team
16U – 3 teams, need 3 players

The Molino Recreation Association is also forming a team for juniors (13-15 yrs), six players are needed to form team.

To register, visit the ballpark any weeknight except Wednesday and see any board member or ask for information at the concession stand. Slots are available on a first come, first serve basis.

For more information, call Arty at (850) 516-2674.


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