Suspect At Large After Manhunt; He Calls Cops To Say He Is Nearby

March 7, 2009


A manhunt Friday afternoon in Byrneville ended with one person in custody and another suspect on the run.

Deputies were searching for Jedd Jackson Grimes, 24, of Brewton. He is wanted on a robbery with a weapon charge in connection with a home invasion; he also has outstanding warrants out of Alabama, according to Lt. Carl Jones of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department.

The search for Grimes was called off at 4:50 Friday afternoon after tracking dogs were unable to locate him.

At one point shortly after the search began, Jones said Grimes actually called deputies to say that he was in a wooded area not far from where he had ditched his truck.

“But he was on the run and lying to us,”  Jones said.

Grimes was described as white male with light color hair that was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans.

tekasatterwhite.jpgTeka Michelle Campbell, 32, of Pensacola was taken into custody at the scene. Deputies say she was wanted on a probation violation warrant and for failure to appear. She remained in the Escambia County Jail Saturday morning without bond. Court records indicate that she violated probation on a petty theft charge from 2006.

Lt. Jones attempted to turn around and stop a small pickup truck occupied by a Grimes and Campbell near 960 Byrneville Road. That address is just south of McBride Road,  about 1.5 miles south of Byrneville Elementary School.

Before Jones could make the traffic stop, Grimes fled the scene on foot into some nearby woods behind a house.  He was described as wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

Tracking dogs from Century Correctional Institute assisted in the search. Additional tracking dogs from Santa Rosa County were called to the scene.The search was in the area bordered by Byrneville Road near McBride Road, and Crary Road.

manhunt112.jpgThe Escambia County (Fla.) Sherrif’s Department, the Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Department and the Flomaton Police Department were involved in the search for Grimes.

Byrneville Elementary School was placed in lock down, but Principal Dee Wolfe-Sullivan says that the school was been dismissed without incident.

The school dismissed at about the normal time Friday afternoon, but Sullivan said the dismissal was a well planned careful one. Students in the school’s portable building were walked by adults from the classrooms, one building at a time. Students were walked to their buses by teachers and staff.

Sullivan said a deputy was at the campus during the dismissal.

Students that remained after school for tutoring remained under lock down while on campus.

Pictured top and bottom: Suspect Teka Michelle Campbell is placed in a deputy’s cruiser Friday afternoon in Byrneville. Authorities searched for nearly four hours for a male suspect before ending the manhunt. The blue pickup the suspect fled from is in the background of the photo.  Pictured middle: An Escambia deputy pulls onto Byrneville Road. photos, click to enlarge.



20 Responses to “Suspect At Large After Manhunt; He Calls Cops To Say He Is Nearby”

  1. William on March 9th, 2009 2:52 pm

    She was originally booked under the first name, but it was later changed to the second name. She was not charged with giving false information.

  2. kelly on March 9th, 2009 2:42 pm


  3. Extra on March 8th, 2009 1:27 pm

    This is for Tammy, you are so right about them being back on the street. I was shock when I read those names on the I thought surely he was behind bars. But it really should not have shock me, they get out of jail so fast and you know the next time someone could really get hurt from people like these. I pray these people can turn there lives around.

  4. The Watcher on March 8th, 2009 1:22 pm


    That’s a good thought, but those helicopters are for military training and they are not equipped with the necessary equipment such as Flir, Radio, Light, GPS, ect to help the deputies on the ground.

    As far as the Grimes, the deputies will keep arresting them but unfortunately the judges will keep letting them out. It’s sad.

  5. Tammy Simmons on March 8th, 2009 2:16 am

    when we are in need in a hellicopter why don’t we call on the training piolits in the orange copters i see them all day and night. couldn’t we combind our sources for justice?
    Besides this is a once a week thing with the grimes we all know he’ll be found and he does too that’s why he’s toying with you’all. he’ll be arrested and then turned loose once again and we’ll read about another one next week.

    sorry, but it’s the truth

  6. Concerned Citizen 2 on March 7th, 2009 10:44 pm

    Too Concerned Citizen,

    As usually the citizens don’t have their facts again. First the helicopter was an invaluable tool for the agency. Your wrong, one pilot is a deputy for the agency and the others have already left for other jobs. The agencies is not cutting corners, the administrator are spending money on other toys instead of keeping the ones that are the most useful and make the most senses.

    There are less deputies on the street now, money is being spend on paddy wagons, a daughters of a administrator and her best friend were hired and paid more than what a deputy is paid, I could go on and on, but what good would it really do. So get the facts next time.

  7. Concerned Citizen on March 7th, 2009 7:45 am

    The helicopters might be grounded, however the pilots and operaters are still on payroll. Do you guys just really not understand how tight the county budget is? They are cutting so many corners that it isn’t even funny anymore, and more than that the state just said that there is no money! Budgets are going to be cut even more. So yes in a time when we are in economic crisis, the helicopters needed to be cut… Thank goodness Lifeflight isn’t owned by the government. I mean seriously would you rather have one helicopter for a manhunt in the woods, or would you rather have more deputies on the streets patrolling and whatnot to make sure that people are safe?

  8. david leroy moorer on March 6th, 2009 8:11 pm

    thanks williams, sorry about the name.

  9. Nikki on March 6th, 2009 7:59 pm

    NF asked What good is a helipcopter in the woods????

    The helicopter was really good at finding people in the woods with the heat seeking camera thing. It would have caught him in no time if he was in the woods.

  10. William on March 6th, 2009 7:45 pm

    david leroy moorer

    I just added the only description the deputies had to the story. I had that in there earlier this afternoon but accidentally deleted it from the last rewrite.

    “Grimes was described as white male with light color hair that was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans.”

    Thanks for pointing out that it was missing.


  11. david leroy moorer on March 6th, 2009 7:43 pm

    what about a description of jebb.

  12. NF on March 6th, 2009 7:37 pm

    What good is a helipcopter in the woods???? If the dogs couldn’t track him, do you really think the helipcopter could have found him???? Pls, get real.

  13. BGA on March 6th, 2009 4:52 pm

    From what i see the helicopter was not needed they got the female…….. they know where the other guy will end up they will get him ………… He will slipp up and they will get him

  14. Big Willie on March 6th, 2009 3:54 pm

    Students and parents who really care about a quality education should be jumping for joy at the prospect of being able to go to an A school instead of an F school.
    We all have to understand that we are in a time of severe budget tightening .This crisis is , in all probabllity, not going to be over with any time soon, and ,in all probability, could get much worse. I am glad that Mr. Thomas has the courage to do what is right and expedient, not what is popular.
    Hard times make us lean and innovative and many of our achievements as a state and nation have come about during lean times.Necessity is the mother of invention.

  15. Shaun on March 6th, 2009 3:30 pm

    Mw Wishes Yes I do.. Some things in life doesnt come with a price tag, but Dont want this topic to go off subject ..

  16. Mr. Wishes to be Anonymous on March 6th, 2009 3:20 pm

    Shaun -
    I have a question: Do you think that way in the matter of closing Carver-Century? That spending the money to keep it open is worth the cost?
    Just a question – not trying to stir anything up.

  17. byrneville resident on March 6th, 2009 3:05 pm

    good idea getting rid of the helicopters

  18. Kim on March 6th, 2009 2:59 pm

    This is definitely a time for the helicopter to aid the authorities in the search!! What a shame!!!

  19. Shaun on March 6th, 2009 2:34 pm

    Yeah for real.. Too bad the sheriff sees $ figures instead of needed protection.

  20. Homosapien on March 6th, 2009 1:44 pm

    Call the helicopter…..oh wait , nevermind.