Man Interrupts Daytime Burglary In Progress At His Home

March 12, 2009

A Molino resident interrupted a burglary in progress at his home during broad daylight, now Escambia deputies are asking for your help in locating the suspects.

burglaryfront.jpgAt about 11:00 Monday morning, a man returned to his home in the 4000 block of Chestnut Road  as two men were burglarizing his home, according to Sgt. Ted Roy, spokesman for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department.

He found an older mar car backed up in the driveway of his house; the car was occupied by a black male in his 20’s. The rear door of the home had been kicked in. The victim stated that he suspect outside the home began yelling at another suspect inside the home.

The victim entered the house to discover  another black male in this early 20’s near his grandchild’s bedroom. The sheriff’s report states that the black male ran past the victim in the hallway and exited the home.

Deputies attempted to locate the suspects or their vehicle in the area, but they were unable to do so, Roy said.

The vehicle was described as a late 70’s or early 80’s model Oldsmobile or Pontiac. It was golden or yellow in color and had a large of rust near the front edge of the hood. The car was described as not being “tricked out” — no fancy hubcaps or rims or other alterations.

Camera equipment was reported missing from the home. One digital camera was recovered from the front yard of the home.

Anyone with information about this crime is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department at 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers  at 433-STOP.


7 Responses to “Man Interrupts Daytime Burglary In Progress At His Home”

  1. Joe on March 13th, 2009 10:09 am

    This type of crime concerns me (not that other types of crime do not.) I agree with concerned homeowner, I too see the economy getting worse everyday and more people loosing jobs or getting laid off from work. I can only guess that this is just the beginning of a long economic crisis that means trouble for everyone. Trouble in the form of robberies, break-ins, and other crimes of that nature. I would have to agree with the other comments that a concealed carry permit and practice, is a good idea. For those of us who do not have a CCP we need other options. I would like to know more about Florida’s gun laws and the “castle law” is it legal to carry in Florida if the firearm is in plain sight? Like a waist holster? What does the “castle law” really mean? Perhaps as it was suggested, William can do a story on this and get some facts from the sheriffs office or other sources that would know the answers to these questions.

  2. NRA fan on March 12th, 2009 9:36 pm

    When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. CCP, reliable weapon and practice. No worries!

  3. missed your chance man on March 12th, 2009 8:59 pm

    Dude should have been packin heat in his car and we wouldnt be worrying bout where these two animals are now. Lesson to the rest of us.

  4. John on March 12th, 2009 2:13 pm

    Wow…to bad the new sheriff grounded their helicopters, could have been used to probably located the vehicle rather than deputies driving around roads looking of it. Also another reason for a concealed carry permit.

  5. ...................... on March 12th, 2009 1:16 pm

    That is scary to know because that is not far from my house.

  6. Concerned homeowner on March 12th, 2009 9:05 am

    Stories like this really show how important our second amendment rights are, and the importance of the Florida Castle law. If I understand the Florida Castle Law right, this man could have shot these individuals for their crime (if he had a gun with him.) Thank goodness the home owner or any of his family was not hurt or injured. I suspect as the economy gets worse and more people are “going with-out” more crimes like this and crimes of opportunity will increase. As a community we need to keep a watchful eye on our neighborhoods and look for things out of the ordinary. Cars parked with people in them that appear to just be watching a place or home. Strangers walking through the neighborhood that appear to be looking around a lot, at garages and homes (more so than a person that lives in the neighborhood would look). Folks really need to trust their instincts and remember to call the Sheriff’s office if you see something that is not right. I mean things that you know are wrong, like someone carrying items out of a neighbors home and you know the neighbor is at work or out of town. We can’t be too careful now, times are hard on everyone. I would like to see North do a story on the Florida castle law and help everyone (me) understand what we can do legally to protect ourselves and our homes. I hear a lot of different things and really don’t know just what I would, or under the law could do if this happened to me. It is a blessing no one was hurt this time, but what about the next time?

  7. Lawson on March 12th, 2009 6:13 am

    We’re probably going to see more and more of this. Neighbors, we need to watch out for each other.