Lawyer Hopes To Change Decision To Close Carver Century

March 18, 2009


The Town of Century and the activist group Movement for Change may seek an injunction against the Escambia County School Board to prevent the closure of  Carver/Century K-8 School.

Monday night, the Town of Century voted to spend thousands of dollars to hire Crestview attorney Jeffery Toney to potentially file the injunction after a presentation from Leroy Boyd of the activist group Movement for Change.

Toney told following the school board’s vote that he will immediately begin work to keep the doors of the school open, but he would not specify the exact legal grounds on which a possible injunction might be filed, if an injunction is filed at all.

He said the first job would be to contact the school board’s attorney and see if the matter could be resolved out of court. Then, he said he would meet with the town and discuss “the issues” with them, but he would still look for opportunities to resolve the issue with the school board.

“We could probably resolve this, if the school stays open,” Toney said. He said he was retained by the town because of “lack of what they have been due diligence in resolving this.”

“The fight has just begun,” Boyd said. “This is not about Carver. This is about getting a new school for Ernest Ward.” When Boyd spoke to the Century council Monday night, he was asked by what the basis for a possible injunction against the school board might be.  Boyd simply replied that, “It won’t be race.”

“It is our position that the trucks won’t even get close to Highway 29,” Toney said about the trucks that will be used to move the contents of Carver/Century to Bratt Elementary and Ernest Ward Middle schools.

“You have students who have an opportunity to go to school in their city, and that’s where they need to be,” Toney said. “The school has been pretty much down, but they did go from an F to a B. The school board’s knee-jerk reaction was to close the school?”

Toney said he did not know when, or if, he might file for an injunction against the school in federal court.

Pictured above: (L-R) Century Mayor Freddie McCall  meets with Leroy Boyd from Movement for Change and attorney Jeffery Toney Tuesday night while a meeting of the Escambia County School Board is conducted in the next room. photo, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “Lawyer Hopes To Change Decision To Close Carver Century”

  1. Think on March 19th, 2009 9:06 pm

    If we could all examine our heart who would God see?

  2. Do I have this right? on March 18th, 2009 8:35 pm

    I’d complain too if my kids were being forced to leave an F school and receive free public transportation to an A school. Also, no industry in it’s right mind would locate in an area where children of their employees are zoned to attend an A school.

  3. ? on March 18th, 2009 8:01 pm

    I just don’t understand why people are complaining about the distance. It’s not that much further down the road than Northview. No one complains that they don’t have transportation or gas money to get there. Some people are just looking for reasons to complain. If you want to participate in your child’s school activities most people will find a way. Whether it is 5 or 50 miles away.

  4. Jay on March 18th, 2009 5:36 pm

    For the $8,000, the town could’ve given the 10 that showed up at the school board meeting last night $800 each. Instead it was wasted.

  5. N.I.M.B.Y on March 18th, 2009 2:38 pm

    So only 10 people in Century and the surrounding area had gas money. My my, where is this economy going. And the race card statement doesnt play in my casino. Checkmate

  6. Century Lady on March 18th, 2009 1:39 pm

    NIMBY, yes Carver/Century is a D, I wonder what EWMS and Bratt will be next year when all the Atmore people leave looking for another all white school!!!!!! Hummmm!!!!!!!!!! Also its not that easy to get someone to carry you 10 to 20 miles when you can’t give them gas money!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. N.I.M.B.Y on March 18th, 2009 11:46 am

    Century lady… that the best excuse you can come up with for parents complacent attitude? We dont have a way to go……C,mon. The reason no-one showed up is the same reason Carver is an F . Think about it.

  8. Nikki on March 18th, 2009 11:30 am

    Century lady—so there are no poor people without cars in walnut hill or molino? we are not all rich people over here. when people need to get the piggly wiggly in century, do they walk from hudson hill? no, they find a ride. there are poor people in walnut hill and molino with no cars. they don’t whine about it because nobody is doing something for them. they find a way. century needs to quit the poor pity me thing and work to make better.

  9. Century Lady on March 18th, 2009 11:09 am

    To taxpayer and c most of the people up this way didn’t have a way to get there, so I guess poor people are put down again!!!! Just like they will have no way to go and get their child when they are sick or get hurt at EWMS and Bratt. I think it is just a little to far to walk and get them.

  10. taxpayer on March 18th, 2009 10:03 am

    Yes, the Parents, Faculty and Staff were real concerned about the closing…as the correct number was 10 total people were at the meeting. Now this let this Lawyer come in and tell them he can save the world? He can’t make Parents force their children to attend Century…I guess he will sue all of them next? Century Leaders spend the money on services for your tax paying citizens…they could use it more………………………….

  11. C on March 18th, 2009 8:18 am

    All of this money is going to be spent to try and “save” the school when less than a dozen people show up for the school board meeting last night from the Century area?

  12. N.I.M.B.Y on March 18th, 2009 7:22 am

    Typical attorney, he doesnt even realize the mechanics of the school going to a B. Note to attorney…..they are still an “F”. At this rate Century and Bowel movement for change are sure to win.

  13. Lawson on March 18th, 2009 6:18 am

    We all know why Jeffery Toney is interested in all this. He can probably drag this out and siphon off all Century’s funds.

  14. Granny on March 18th, 2009 6:14 am

    The money Century is wasting on this lawsuit could better be put to use by applying towards professional fees for a school charter. But this is America, and the motto is sue, sue, sue if you don’t get your way.

    The gloom and doom that the town’s people are putting on this issue is sitting a poor example for all students. How do you think the kids at the schools that are going to be receiving kids from Carver-Century feel by this “we must be separate” attitude? “If I get into trouble, my parents will sue the school,” is a statement overheard this week by my student. Kids learn by example and they are watching and listening. What are we teaching?