Three Suspects Are Named In Burglary Ring

March 18, 2009


The identities are now known of the three people arrested Monday in connection with a string of burglaries.

Jermaine Lamar Patterson, 17, of Cantonment was in the Escambia County Jail early Wednesday morning, being held on $70,000 bond. He faces multiple charges, including burglary, theft and criminal mischief.

Sara Louise Temoney, 22, of Pensacola was granted pre-trial release by the court Tuesday. She was charged with criminal mischief, burglary, grand theft and knowingly giving false information to law enforcement.

Patrick Hosea Bell, 20, of Cantonment was still in the Escambia County Jail early Wednesday morning, charged with multiple counts including theft, burglary, trespassing, criminal mischief and narcotics charges. His bond was at $104,000.

The three will be arraigned in Escambia County Circuit Court on April 8.

Bell, Patterson and Temoney were arrested Monday by deputies after an attempted burglary on Clymil Drive, just south of Williams Ditch Road in the Cottage Hill area. Deputies say at least two more people are expected to be arrested in connection with the burglaries. In all, the suspects are believed to be responsible for about 25 burglaries in the area.

“We recovered a lot of merchandise,” Lt. Tony Jordan of the Escambia Sheriff’s Department told Property recovered from an apartment complex on Olive Road in Pensacola included a long list of big screen TVs, jewelry, games systems, DVDs, computers and more.

The arrests came Monday after the Clymil Drive resident came home to find a vehicle backed to his home and called for help. Deputies located the vehicle and made their arrests, but not before the female suspect reported that she had been carjacked, Jordan said.

The persons arrested Monday are possibly linked to 25 similar burglaries across the area this year, according to the Sheriff’s Department. In the typical burglary, one suspect would knock on the front door of the home. If no one answered the door, the suspects would back their car up to the home and kick in the backdoor, Jordan said. Most of the burglaries took place in isolated areas, often at homes where trees or shrubbery block the view of the home from the road.

In an incident last week, a man returned to his home in the 4000 block of Chestnut Road in Molino to find one of the burglars inside his home.

Most of the burglaries took place in the Cantonment and Molino areas, Jordan said. Deputies have not been able to determine if an incident late last week on Morgan Road in Walnut Hill was related. In that incident, the resident told deputies that he arrived at his home to find two black males in a white work-type truck in his backyard. They told the resident that they were there to fix a refrigerator.

Pictured above: Burglary suspects (L-R) Jermaine Lamar Patterson,  Sara Louise Temoney and Patrick Hosea Bell. Submitted photos for


20 Responses to “Three Suspects Are Named In Burglary Ring”

  1. mrsz,random on April 22nd, 2009 2:15 pm

    nope!!!! they’ve got tha wrong girl!!

  2. dawn on March 30th, 2009 2:30 pm

    thats my auntie and yall need to quit talking because it aint her fault its they fault and she aint the ring leader they need to be looking for the one who started it!!!!!!!! she had absolutly nothing to do with this mess!

  3. me on March 19th, 2009 11:59 am

    My home is protected by Smith & Wesson! Bring it on boys!!!

  4. MiMi on March 19th, 2009 11:58 am


  5. Warning to Criminals on March 19th, 2009 1:33 am

    anyone makeing coments of support for this filth should be looked at as a possible co-criminal as well! to “big mike” what do your comments even mean? do you know what jermaine will get? with any luck a felony conviction with a minimum of 7 – 10 years. the community suffers when this type of crime takes place. those three crooks pictured are lucky to be alive, folks are getting tierd of following the rules and trying to get by when others just take what they want. Get an honest job! it is time we take back our streets and neighborhoods. we need to send a message loud and clear to the criminals that are reading this, NO MORE, WE ARE DONE BEING VICTIMS! COMIT FUTURE CRIMES AT YOUR OWN RISK, YOUR NEXT CRIME MIGHT BE YOUR LAST!

  6. century on March 18th, 2009 10:44 pm


  7. Molino Victim on March 18th, 2009 9:33 pm

    Wow. I was wondering what the people looked like to broke into my home and took things that worked my life to have. And, you know what? They look just like the punks they are!!!!!! Always wanting something for nothing! Real WINNERS IN MY BOOK.

    Thank goodness they were finally caught by a citizen who called 911!!! Too bad someone didn’t walk in on them with a gun in hand!!! Florida has the castle law you know. And just in case anyone doesn’t know, if someone invades your home you can shoot him. Luck them.

  8. E.M.D. on March 18th, 2009 12:44 pm

    N. I. M. B. Y., said, “I see three crooks that need to be in prison. Fl. Stat. 101.67″

    I see the same thing. Understanding the why of a thing does not cancel the reaping of what we sow.

    To the thieves who might be reading these comments, I really hope you “hear” this:

    If you want what hard working, honest people have, go do what they did to “earn” it. Even if you have to start at the bottom. Do your best, where ever you are. Make a real difference in your lives and ours. If you truly “need” something, like food, or clothes, ASK. There are those who would be glad to help you, How would YOU feel, if someone just took something from you? Especially if you had worked hard and honestly for it.. Do you ever even think like this? If you look for the good, in this world, you will find it, no matter how hard you have had it, and no matter what ugly things you have seen growing up. There is good. Get out of your box. The world owes no one a living.

  9. escambiamom on March 18th, 2009 12:42 pm

    Both guys seem to be out on bond for a previous burglary in Nov. (if I am reading the Clerk of Court web site correctly) and if that is true, they have not learned a thing. I hope that they are held until trial, if this is a second offense.

    Our neighborhood has also been victim of a similar type burglary. The neighbors are getting together and setting up watch. We will not sit by for future criminal activity unchallenged.

    Incidentally, though I saw this briefly on WEAR TV, I could not find it on their web site nor the PNJ’s site. Thank you NorthEscambia for keeping us informed!

  10. N.I.M.B.Y on March 18th, 2009 12:27 pm

    I see three crooks that need to be in prison. Fl. Stat. 101.67

  11. E.M.D. on March 18th, 2009 12:01 pm

    Things like this can be infuriating. It would not be less frustrating, but might be somewhat more understandable, if we could all see what kind of environment and conditions some of these folks grow up in. In these guys, I see anger on one side and great sadness on the other. With this woman, I don’t know what I see. She has a rather sweet look, which makes me think she may be intellectually challenged. Most folks are ultimately responsible for their own actions, even if they are environmentally challenged. One segment of our society, though, has fallen down on the job, as a whole. I believe we know who we are. I would say to these three; It might help you to meditate on something that helped steer my life in a different direction. It will still be a choice whether you change or not; Mark 8:36

  12. big mike on March 18th, 2009 11:57 am

    why way to go esco they catch but then they do the same thing

  13. N.I.M.B.Y on March 18th, 2009 11:56 am

    ?????? Thats sad.

  14. big mike on March 18th, 2009 11:54 am

    do not worry jermaine u will get cuz these cops just don`t no

  15. N.I.M.B.Y on March 18th, 2009 11:47 am

    Way to go ESCO…..good job as usual.

  16. Vicki on March 18th, 2009 11:22 am

    Hope they catch the others that are involved. My neighbor was almost a victim, until these idiots saw that she was home. They sped off. Its trash like this that needs to be put in the garbage for a long time. Just think of the man who walked in on them, and how scared he must of been. I also heard that they used a White pick up truck with an emblem on the doors that resembled a city truck or county truck, thats what makes me believe there are more involved. They should also pay restitution for the damage they did. This is what is left up to homeowners and taxpayers and why our insurance rates keep going up. Lets watch out for our neighbors and hope that they will catch others that may have been involved. Its a RING, so there must be more of these idiots out there!

  17. dbg on March 18th, 2009 9:26 am

    Why do people say “way to go ECSO”.
    About 2 weeks ago my family member in Cottage Hill was robbed in the same way. The Cop’s told him there was basicly nothing they could do to find the perps unless they got caught in another burglary!!!!!
    So my family member went all around to everyone he knew and put the word out to be on the lookout, then some of those people did the same thing. So it looks like the diligent work on the family member is what put people on the lookout for these perps.
    Then the big headlines “ecso big bust on buglary ring”, what a crock.
    they would’nt have caught them if the guy being robbed didnt call the cops when he spotted them.
    I wonder what the cops told the guy in molino when he walked up during the robbery and the man was still in his home? probably the same thing, “cant do much other than make a report and you can file it on your homeowners insurance”………
    And one last thing, all of you who are yelling “put the helicopters back in the air”, why dont you sit down with some of the guys who did time out at the county road prison in cantonment, and ask them how many times the copter went in the air on taxpayers dollars for nothing other that to fly “someone kin to someone” around the camp for a helicopter ride!!!!!! This was on our taxpaying dollar. It has even been told that on the day one of the prisoners was getting out, they gave him a ride circleing around the camp. I am glad they grounded it. It was mostly being used for a circus ride if you knew the right people.

  18. very upset on March 18th, 2009 8:36 am

    I have no use for people like this! Leaches on society! get an honest job like the rest of us and do your best to make ends meet during these tough times. Crimes against your neighbors is not an acceptable form of employment. I hope you all get a long sentance, long enough that it allows you to get some vocational rehab and learn some job skills so you can re-join society as a productive member. you are all lucky you did not break into a home where the occupant was home and armed, otherwise this might not be a police brief but an obituary notice!

  19. mike lee on March 18th, 2009 8:23 am

    dawg jermaine u need to chill out cuz

  20. bama54 on March 18th, 2009 8:00 am

    You know this makes me sick. My neighbors house was broken into causing damage to his house,and they stolen items in the house. On top of this, several of us spent over a thousand dollars (of money we could have used else where) for security systems for our home. These individuals should be made to show our law enforcement officals every home they invaded as part of their so-call sentence. Plus, give details on where they may have pawn or sold stolen items.